next step up from a husky 55

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I did alittle research and seems the 372xp fits the bill. What is the G and W stand for? I'll look at Sthil but I have had the 55 since "02" and abused it pretty good (did nothing to it but add fuel and bar oil ). Had it serviced last week because I let someone use it and it can back running very bad. All is good and running much better. Somthing what a new air filter and plug can do. It was a cracked fuel line. I figure if the Husky I have lasted this long with bad maintainance. The next one should do good with better maintainance.
I have a rancher 55 and will be buying another saw soon. Would like to know what would be a good step up from the 55 w/18" bar. I was think about a 357xp w/24" bar (about $680.00). Would this be a good choice?

RAF stated that he was wanting to update from a husky 55, not a 455 . I'm thinking that a 455 outweights an old 55 therefore the weight difference would be a little more between a 55 and a 372xp. I had my "slightly" modifyed 262xp with a 20" bar and chizel chain into a 45" Hard maple today, couldn't stall it! IT just kept on spitting out wood chips! A 372xp would be a better choice however in big timber!
If you are not dead set on new, some larger cc used saws can be had for decent money. I picked up a 394xp for $300, put a 28" bar and full chisel on it. Talk about a saw that just flat out eats wood. Yea it is a tad bit heavy but that can be lived with.
I did alittle research and seems the 372xp fits the bill. What is the G and W stand for? I'll look at Sthil but I have had the 55 since "02" and abused it pretty good (did nothing to it but add fuel and bar oil ). Had it serviced last week because I let someone use it and it can back running very bad. All is good and running much better. Somthing what a new air filter and plug can do. It was a cracked fuel line. I figure if the Husky I have lasted this long with bad maintainance. The next one should do good with better maintainance.

The Husky dealership up the road from me has the 372xp for around $700. I believe.