Oak tree damaged by poision ivy herbicide, any hope for this tree?

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New Member
May 10, 2013
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East Texas
This large oak tree straddling my property line has had a horrible couple of years. Two years ago the electric company trimmed one side of the tree. Then last summer, my neighbor was clearing underbrush on his side of the tree, encountered a bunch of poison ivy, so he sprayed a bunch of poison ivy killer around the base of the tree on the one side. He said he thinks he accidentally got some on the tree.

This year it's struggled to leaf out on maybe 1/3 of the tree.

Will the tree live? Is there anything I should do to help its chances?

My neighbor wants to continue to clear the underbrush on his side, will this help or hurt the tree? It disturbs the soil, but then there's less root competition.

I'm not sure of the type of oak, it's a white oak of some kind. I live about an hour southeast of Dallas.

Can you find out what kind of herbicide your neighbor used & how it was mixed/applied? A simple & proper Round-up application under the tree should not have killed the upper canopy of your large Oak. I think something else is going on with your tree.
He said it was a mix of roundup and 'some old bottle of herbicide marketed specifically for poison ivy', but he didn't know the name and he had thrown out the bottle. He said it was there was a little wind and he only sprayed around the perimeter of the underbrush to kill the poison ivy and some of the underbrush. He said it was maybe 20% of the perimeter of the tree.

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