Ok...Outgrown the Dremel....Foredom on the horizon...But..need info.

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I guess Foredom has changed.
They used to sell Marathons with the Foredom name on them. For about a grand guess they don't sell them anymore.

Jewelry work is not the amount of metal removal that porting is. A man that I know loved Foredoms. Had 40 handpieces. Stopped using them when he brokedownmand got a Marathon.


Gesswein, Dotco for pneumatic.

We use Cleco pneumatics. Will pull 1" burr in steel. Too much

The Dotco will go 100,000. Nice for fine work.

We use the Cleco to underfile impellers. They grind a line within 1/64" 8" long. They are not your typical burrhand.

The OP wanted options.

Foredoms are nice, but hardly the end.

Folks here do fine grinding all day every day. From half pound impellers to some thet weigh several tons. Not huge, but big enough.

I'll leave now.

Great info guys Thanks!! Differing opinions...nothing wrong with that......general thought, so far, seem to be a power unit (expensive is better but cheap will still work ok), cable drive and invest in an expensive handpiece/s. Now a couple more questions...what's the thoughts on new VS used (but is good shape)....older or newer better in the power unit??? I know alot of other power tools that the older ones are smoother and quiter than new offerings...same with these or is newer simply better??? The other question I pose is....I have noticed that some models the power unit hangs from above and some have a base that sits on the bench and the power unit swivels left and right from there...is there any advantage to one or the other....I know you usually see the hanging type more often but just wondering....
On the new vs old;
Three things that add up.
Used cost vs new cost
Cost of repair parts
Can you get repair parts.
On some equipment, like a BurrKing belt sander, new parts can be in the mail the same day. Great folks to work with. Like Dillion reloaders.

Upgrade bearings in a handpiece and it goes from buzzing weak pain in the hand to a strong silky tool.

Loctit can tighten up a wallowed out bearing seat by up to .010".
If the shafts are good.

On where the motormis mounted;
All on how you work.
Four hanging motors wouldn't be too bad. Four motors on your bench gets crowded.
You want to keep the shaft as straight as possible. Bending costs power. Not a problem with pneumatics.
The hanging ones swivel and swing. Mounted motors are more stable and can be mounted on the wall.
If you don't need as much movement, bench mount.
If you are all over, hanging.

To the OP:
What say I drive up to Maine , where ever you are, and you can try a shaft grinder.
And so you can do a good test, I'll leave a cheap loaner shaft grinder till I rework a better one for you to use. A Foredom okay? Maybe a pneumatic? I'll have to look.

Late tomorrow afternoon good for you?
I'll bring along some wax for you to try.
Have your people call my people, we'll do lunch...... ;-))
On the new vs old;
Three things that add up.
Used cost vs new cost
Cost of repair parts
Can you get repair parts.
On some equipment, like a BurrKing belt sander, new parts can be in the mail the same day. Great folks to work with. Like Dillion reloaders.

Upgrade bearings in a handpiece and it goes from buzzing weak pain in the hand to a strong silky tool.

Loctit can tighten up a wallowed out bearing seat by up to .010".
If the shafts are good.

On where the motormis mounted;
All on how you work.
Four hanging motors wouldn't be too bad. Four motors on your bench gets crowded.
You want to keep the shaft as straight as possible. Bending costs power. Not a problem with pneumatics.
The hanging ones swivel and swing. Mounted motors are more stable and can be mounted on the wall.
If you don't need as much movement, bench mount.
If you are all over, hanging.

To the OP:
What say I drive up to Maine , where ever you are, and you can try a shaft grinder.
And so you can do a good test, I'll leave a cheap loaner shaft grinder till I rework a better one for you to use. A Foredom okay? Maybe a pneumatic? I'll have to look.

Late tomorrow afternoon good for you?
I'll bring along some wax for you to try.
Have your people call my people, we'll do lunch...... ;-))

LOL!!! Now there's a hard offer to pass up!!! Tomorrow afternoon sounds great...tell your people that I've told my people, that I'll buy lunch!!! Foredom is more like what I'll probably end up with though I'm open to any chance to try what ever comes along....the old addage "beggars can't be choosers" applies!! Thanks!!
LOL!!! Now there's a hard offer to pass up!!! Tomorrow afternoon sounds great...tell your people that I've told my people, that I'll buy lunch!!! Foredom is more like what I'll probably end up with though I'm open to any chance to try what ever comes along....the old addage "beggars can't be choosers" applies!! Thanks!!

Change of plans!!!!
Couldn't sleep.
Lots of coffee.
No traffic.
Be there today.
Commence chicken counting.
a guy from Pa

What ever works for you.
Change of plans!!!!
Couldn't sleep.
Lots of coffee.
No traffic.
Be there today.
Commence chicken counting.
a guy from Pa

What ever works for you.

LOLLOL!!!! 1001...1002...1003....I'll be around all day...the only thing I have to do is a farrier appointment at 4:30PM...be about 45 mins other than that I'll be at the shop all day...give me a ring when you get closer or earlier or whenever for directions...probably won't be around the 'puter much so a call is better...

What ever works for you.[/QUOTE]
I erased a post blasting stihl 041S for his attitude with Murph and others yesterday. I am glad I did. Sometimes you read something and it eats at you but the internet is a great place for misinterpretation and I counted to ten and deleted it.
What a great move to help cantdog out!! He is an awesome guy and helped me before... Have a safe ride to maine, you will love the area where he lives. Russ
I erased a post blasting stihl 041S for his attitude with Murph and others yesterday. I am glad I did. Sometimes you read something and it eats at you but the internet is a great place for misinterpretation and I counted to ten and deleted it.
What a great move to help cantdog out!! He is an awesome guy and helped me before... Have a safe ride to maine, you will love the area where he lives. Russ

Good on you Russ.........I've always found that there are many more truths, on any given subject, than one and it generally has more to do with perspective than anything else............not that I haven't entered arguments before but I try not to.........as it is generally not helpful. What works great for one guy may not work at all for the next guy when it comes to hands-on work. I always try to learn from everyone and then weed out what doesn't work for me and find my own way.
I erased a post blasting stihl 041S for his attitude with Murph and others yesterday. I am glad I did. Sometimes you read something and it eats at you but the internet is a great place for misinterpretation and I counted to ten and deleted it.
What a great move to help cantdog out!! He is an awesome guy and helped me before... Have a safe ride to maine, you will love the area where he lives. Russ

Darn!!!! I missed that!!!! ;-))

I do come off as a jerk at times. I REALLY don't mean to.

I have little time so I post known info.

Someone gets testy with me and I bark. Old pharts are like that. No excuse mind you. Just the reason.

There is an old saying in the machine world:
You know you are REALLY a machinist when you know 10% of what you THOUGHT you knew ten years ago.....

It's a big world out there with lots of options.

Thanks for cutting me some slack old man.

Like when you use a .001" indicator, move on to a .0005" one, then lust after the .0001 one and then FINALLY get the ultimate .00005" indicator.

FINALLY I have the best!!!!

Then you notice a guy has a .00002 indicator.....

You talk to him and he is FINALLY getting his dream indicator.....a .00001

As soon as THAT GUY finds a .000005!!!!!!

What I'm trying to say is....
It's a big world. Lots of options. Old pharts taught me a lot in the trade. I'm trying to be a good ol
I deleted it before it was ever posted. Have fun with Cantdog he is a hot ####. Russ
I erased a post blasting stihl 041S for his attitude with Murph and others yesterday. I am glad I did. Sometimes you read something and it eats at you but the internet is a great place for misinterpretation and I counted to ten and deleted it.
What a great move to help cantdog out!! He is an awesome guy and helped me before... Have a safe ride to maine, you will love the area where he lives. Russ

You did good. You won't find a more giving and genuine guy than Rob, aka Stihl 041S. We've been friends for several years now, and he would honestly give you the shirt off his back. Add to that, he's probably got more experience than all of us put together. That doesn't mean you have to agree with him, but he certainly deserves listening to. Enjoy your lunch:clap:
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Like when you use a .001" indicator, move on to a .0005" one, then lust after the .0001 one and then FINALLY get the ultimate .00005" indicator.

FINALLY I have the best!!!!

Then you notice a guy has a .00002 indicator.....

You talk to him and he is FINALLY getting his dream indicator.....a .00001

As soon as THAT GUY finds a .000005!!!!!!

What I'm trying to say is....
It's a big world. Lots of options. Old pharts taught me a lot in the trade. I'm trying to be a good ol

And all of it is pointless if the print calls for a goal post wide tolerance and you're worried about tenths. Time is money - once it's in spec, it doesn't matter...

Well, unless you're good, and then you care that it's at nominal or not. :D

I got my AAS a few years ago, but had been manual machining for several years prior - part of the program was a year of manual before learning programming and the CNC controls, and I had no problem breezing through it.

One of my instructors caught on that I wasn't the typical noob because I was turning in everything within .001 of nominal until one day I just wanted to be done with the part and it was about .004 larger than nominal, but still in spec (+/-.005). So Kurt (my instructor) checks the part, then gives me this whacked out look and asks "what the hell is this crap?" lol I smiled and asked "is it to print or not?" He makes another frumpy face and says "Yeah, but you never turn in stuff this far out. You've got a reputation to uphold!" I chuckled and admitted I just wanted it over with and didn't take the finishing pass since my surface was acceptable and it wouldn't change my grade either way. He smiled back and says "yeah, I've had those days too."

It took me a long time to represent myself as a machinist, instead of just a fabricator. It had to do with knowing if I was capable of doing exactly what I intended without mistake, or if I got lucky more often than not.

Rob's good **** in my book. Shop rats bicker and jab - it's the nature of the beast. ;)
Well Rob and his daughter showed up at my shop this evening/late afternoon.......an extreamely nice man to talk with and his daughter was great to talk to as well (but prettier) He brought me a shaft machine to try and some accs. too........now this man doesn't know me from zip...... I call that a very trusting and generous man...just left them and said send them back when your ready!! A very interesting chap indeed!!!! Knows a lot and done a lot.......99.9% of the time I can tell a BSer from the real deal....Rob is the real deal....but not self absorbed.... very refreshing to meet such a man these days!!!!

That said I am still looking for any more info or experiences with these grinders and hand pieces.......knowledge is power!!!

Well Rob and his daughter showed up at my shop this evening/late afternoon.......an extreamely nice man to talk with and his daughter was great to talk to as well (but prettier) He brought me a shaft machine to try and some accs. too........now this man doesn't know me from zip...... I call that a very trusting and generous man...just left them and said send them back when your ready!! A very interesting chap indeed!!!! Knows a lot and done a lot.......99.9% of the time I can tell a BSer from the real deal....Rob is the real deal....but not self absorbed.... very refreshing to meet such a man these days!!!!

That said I am still looking for any more info or experiences with these grinders and hand pieces.......knowledge is power!!!


They must have drove past my house to get there !!
and i got a 041 super that needs putting back together,he could have had fun :)
Humbling words Robin.

It was really a pleasure meeting a craftsman such as yourself. A rare thing as the world changes.

There was about 2 solid hours of talking from both sides. The great fun of exchanging ideas on a one to one basis is really enjoyable.

One learns nothing when talking.......but there was the rush of wanting to interrupt to say something the other could use. You can tell that the man does a job right.

Check your ego at the door, it has no worth inside. It felt like being at Bonneville during Speed Week.

I admit I cheated. I went and read his posts.......

I get a kick out of someone always wanting to learn. You could see the little gears going inside Robins head as I rambled on about something or the other. 'Course he could have been planning his getaway.

The die grinder is a holdover till I can get a proper one. But as a craftsman never blames his tools, he will make good use of it. I'm thinking he needs a rt angle handpiece.

Nope! The handpiece of the one I left him is toast.

Just chatted with him. The one I left him arrived in the mail the morning we left.

Go to plan B.


He was a gentleman and my daughter has the patience of Job.

And all the charges were dropped. And Mom says that is better than acquittal.
And Mom knows about those things......
The right angle MC 182AMC from CC Speciality is the tool for porting 2 stroke cylinders, it can reach up into the upper transfers with ease even on 40 cc cylinders. It uses 1/8" dia shaft bits which are plentiful from many sources, CC also sells an array of porting bits, a bit spendy but you get what you pay for. They have two videos showing a 182 in use on Youutube.
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