Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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600.00 any takers?

So your buddy got them .?
I worked on a plastic homelite for a guy
Complete New fuel system and modded the muffler
It's better..... Still a turd saw but runs better
Picked up a 72 Chevy 3/4 ton p/u
Got ALOT of odds and ends fixed on it
Needs to pack front bearings and some brake work
I got it cheap ...... someone had took it apart
For restore :/ good wiring, drives strait, runs, shifts,
Will eventually need tires. Got tailgate working, doors Windows
Locks, tonight. Adjusted carb and timing. Checked rear end added some Lucas.
It will work well for pulling the trailer...
Matt, AWOL how about a rundown on the show down South?

Is it worth attending again? Did any of the competitors have they hot saws like you see on the Stihl national circuit?

This was the first show in West Plains, so it had it's share of growing pains. It was a little unorganized, only 2 college teams were there, and attendance was a little low. The vendors were hoping for a bigger turnout. Some of the vendors were John Deere, Kubota, Cat, Stihl, Husqy. John Deere brought some giant logging equipment. They had a 600 series skidder/grapple pushing $300,000 and it was huge. Ironically, it was the smallest one in their line up!!!

The Stihl Timberworks show is entertaining for most people. They performed the show 3 different times on Saturday. I enjoyed it the first time but once is enough for me. There is more online if you are interested in seeing what they do.

With only 2 collegiate teams the collegiate competition was lacking. But, I enjoyed watching the events. I think more teams would make for a better competition.

The State Logging competition was interesting to me (what I saw of it anyway). However, to the casual fan, is probably like watching paint dry. I cannot tell you all of the events. I know of the falling competition and bore cutting competition.

The Loggers Relay was fun. We should try to enter 2 or 3 teams next time. A couple of things I hope the organizers learned is to provide better equipment for the contestants. We had to use the equipment provided, and it was lacking. The axe for the standing chop was a cheap Chinese model, and not very sharp. The pine logs for the chop were 10" instead of 5" (as was posted in the description). The crosscut saw was bad. So bad, in fact, they canceled the 2nd run because the saw would simply not cut the wood.

Probably what most of us would enjoy the most is the chainsaw racing,,,of course. All runs are timed; there is no head to head competition :( You race against the clock. All cuts are started hot over the cant, as opposed to hand on the cant with saw running on the ground. The timers start when the saw hits the wood. The competition was crazy. Yes, there were some hot saws like you see on the Stihl circuit. Like Matt said,,,"World Class". Most of the saws we raced against are dedicated race saws. You wouldn't go cut wood with the saws we raced against like you do with our ported work saws; despite that, we still did pretty darned good. There are several different classes to enter; there is no "ported work saw" class. I never understood what separated one class from the other.

IMO, the event is worth attending again. If for no other reason than to do the Loggers Relay, BS with you guys, watch the chainsaw racing, and snack on some of the vendor food. I hope the show comes back, it grows, and gets better.
Funny thing about the 46 cc homelite,
I made the saw overpower the clutch
If he gets too rough with it, the case/clutch cover will probably catch fire
A turd for the 200 my buddy paid for it ...
He bought it because he had an XL 12 last for 15 years
Sad what crap they put that name on now
Well the Lord is Good! We had nice weather, quality time with good friends, some excellent food, and the best turn out of any of our recent events! Despite the fact that there was a less than average flow of people, many vendors with nice furniture and unique hand made products of very good quality, the Lord continues to show us that when we listen and are faithful to act, he shows up in a big way! It was divinely orchestrated to say the very least.

We (7 of us) had all of our food provided on site by a local - RJ's BBQ - good stuff and he was a character! He fell in love with Malia. I mentioned I loved to trade, Malia said she loved food, RJ said "I love you guys". So we carved him a nice slab sign with the name of establishment and a little pig on it to present to him before we left Saturday night. Forgot to get many pics, sorry was so busy! He is also involved in the planning of the event and told us that we had first choice and were invited forever if we so choose for all future events.

We had a very exciting transaction take place with a local entrepreneur on Saturday afternoon. He has a very unique business in Mountain Grove , earthoutdoor they manufacture all types of stuff and had very cool steel firepit/grills on site that can be customized with your choice of plasma cut artwork. They are kinda welded up like the shape if half a golf ball. He approached us about carrying some inventory in his stores, after bout an hour went by, he came back with as much cash as they had on hand and we made a deal on our first load if inventory that is probably on the shelf as we speak! Turns out after mentioning the names Alan and Rebecca they are long time friends. The coolest part if this was the fact that as late as Wednesday night Darick was scheduled to take most of our inventory to the huge annual craft fair that takes place in War Eagle Ar. After finding out while reading their regulations/ guidelines for the event that they didn't allow any corporations or religious organizations, he was feeling a bit uneasy about going. Thursday morning his partner at the log yard in Seneca came out to announce that they weren't going to be attending the show in War Eagle for unexplained reasons! Coolest part is that the owner told us that on every piece of equipment the manufacture and send out they put a bible verse with it! God had other plans for that inventory!

A special thanks to the hardest working, warm hearted family that I have had the pleasure of knowing! Thank you Allan and Becca for opening up your home and taking me and my girls in like part of the family! We all had an absolute blast despite the long hours of working and traveling back and forth! Get some rest Allan, and take care if that cold! No more late night carving sessions in the rain for you young man!

Sorry for the novel but too much to divulge. One last thing about this divine weekend that we had.... On the way back about an hour and a half into the drive Darick calls from following behind me to say that I have something dangling under the trailer. So we pull over at the next station and I pull right up by the air pump to also check my tires. I notice about 5 bikers standing beside us start talking with Darick as I'm taking care of the wires in the trailer. They start fellowshipping as the conversation goes from directly into a worship and prayer service right there in the parking lot. These gentlemen had just left a retreat I. Springfield and were headed back to Jonesboro, Ar. They prayed for us and our ministry as onlookers gawked from the window of the store and their cars. We were giving thanks to the Lord for all the blessing of the weekend and having church right there in the parking lot along hwy 60 with a bunch of brothers that we had never met! God is good all the time!
Got a call for a rick of wood (1/3 cord) a couple days ago. He wanted oak. I told him $65 if he picked it up, $10 more for delivery, and I don't normally stack. He said he would pay to have it delivered and stacked. Yesterday, I took Sam, Isaac, and Luke (neighbor friend, age 9); we loaded the trailer (with wood and wheel barrows), delivered, and stacked. I told the man $85. He wrote me a check for $100!!! I took the boys for ice cream and paid Luke $10 for helping.

On the way home my boys (Sam and Isaac) said "we had fun today". I said "Doing what? Playing after school?". They told me, "No, delivering and stacking wood". I thought I was hearing things. I have seen them both cry before (literally) when I said we are going to the woodlot. What a difference a buddy, a nice tip, and ice cream make.