old job closed, new job open, new saw dead

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Smoke Dragon Herder
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Charlotte, Michigan
Well I finaly finished the tops job. Called landowner about the standing dead ash and he said no to me buying them or cutting/sharing.
I spent all day Friday hauling loads home in my truck and trailer. So that site is cosed. That one was tough. No easy firewood there. I bet I hauled close to 3 full cord yesterday. I was whipped.

So today I started my new tops job. Friend at work just had shoulder surgery and asked if i'd help him clean up the last of his tops. It will be about a 1 of 3 deal. His woods is very open and you can almost drive a pick up right to each top. I haven't counted them but there has to be close to 30-35 tops in there.
Mostly hard maple with a few cherry, black wanut and oak thrown in. He says first thing I am to do when I show up is to fill my truck first. Then I just cut the tops up where they lay and stack the rounds up against he closest trees. He will pick it up later. The ones that can't be reached by truck all I have to do is buck them into draggable lengths and he will get them with truck or quad. One for me two for him.

So I showed up today with my brand new MS391 that has about 3 tanks of gas on it. I start in on a 20" sugar maple top. 15 cuts in, the saw dies. I take it back to the truck and tinker for a few minutes and nothing. So to the dealer I go. Guy takes it in the back and it fires right up 4x in a row. Shrugs his shoulders. I go back to the site, start the saw and make one cut and it dies again. Back to the dealer. Leave without saw. Technician says it has intermintent spark. Got a phone call awhile ago says they have made 10 cuts and saw is running ok. Waned to know wha it was doing when it quit on me They are still trying to pinpoint the problem. It is 3:13 and they close at 4. Guess I won't be cutting tomorrow.
Sucks about your saw. I absolutely hate those "well, it runs fine" kind of problems. I hope they get it resolved soon.
Well good news...sort of.
I didn't hear back and time was running out so I drove into town to the dealer. The service guy actually invited me back to the service department (25 minutes bfore close) to discuss the saw.

They still couldn't find anything wrong with it. The tech said he took it out back and cut 22 cookies off of a 20" elm. He said excuse my french but I wasn't babying it, I was effin' puttin it to her and she just kept on ticking. Said that they thought spark was intermittent but turns out the spark is kind of hard to see and once they shut all the lights off it was visible and steady.
He said he just couldn't throw new parts on it because when he sends a coil back to Stihl under warranty, they test it. This one was working. They would eat the bill. Understandable.
We had a nice conversation and I decided to take the saw home and keep running it. I told him I would be very vigilant and try to hear any "symptoms" if the saw did it again.

When I took it in it had a full tank. When I picked it up it was almost empty so I know he ran it for awhile.
Brought it home, cleaned it, sharpened chain and went to the woodpile and noodled about ten 20" hard maple.
No problems. Don't know. :msp_confused: I'll head over to the chainsaw forum and post it and see what those boys have to say.

As for the new job and the 1 out of 3 deal. This is a very dear friend of mine who has helped me out in so many ways. He never asks for anything. Nada. He even volunteered to help me move when I bought the new house. He lets me use his splitter, his quad and trailer and so many other things.
It wasn't his idea on the 1/3 deal it was mine. He tried to cut with me today and his shoulder is still hurting. I would cut all his wood for free if he asked me too. That is how good of a friend he is.
People this good don't come around that often and there is always time for someone like this.
Anyone else it would be a diffrent story.
He also got me in on a deal in March/April where we are going to be cutting 2 fence rows that are about 200 yards long each. 75% is good firewood. Ash, hard maple, a few apple, even a few small oaks and plenty of cherry. Then there is some silver maple that I will be taking for summer campfires.
The good thing is it's all green so I just landed season 4 and 5 firewood. I might have to start selling some to buy myself a splitter.
I'll keep you posted on the saw.
Here is my friend coming over to help me split some big elm rounds that i couln't get done and the
quad that he lets me use.
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Sounds good to me, man! Proly a nice gesture to go ahead and bring some split rounds up to wherever he stacks his wood as well, no telling on injuries when they get better so you can go back to work. I know I have laid off splitting for a long time now letting my elbow heal. I am still cutting now and then but just either stacking big rounds for later splitting or throwing small ones in a mountain.
Yep, friends like that don't come around everyday. Can't buy em either. Great thing you're doing for him. I had my shoulder surgery Dec of 2010. Got behind on firewood and still haven't caught up yet. Even bought some end cuts from a lumber yard that first winter.
I like the dual dump trailer setup your buddy has for his quad! Might make things interesting when it's gotta be backed up though:laugh:

Piece of cake. Stop by FedEx Freight and watch those fellas couple up their dual pups. No, I can't do it, but I've watched those that can. :msp_smile:
I like the dual dump trailer setup your buddy has for his quad! Might make things interesting when it's gotta be backed up though:laugh:

The front cart had a steering axle so it is pretty much impossible to back up!
You have to plan your way through the woods. The steering axle makes it nice cutting corners around trees though!