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Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
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se usa
This article was in the October TCI magazine, free in the USA at www.tcia.org

I need arborists' views of it. Please be frank and blunt. Send opinions on- or off-list. Thank You.


(Apologies to Patrick Henry). Risk is the potential for injury. All trees and their parts carry risk; from the acorn on the sidewalk that can make us slip and fall, to that heavy branch that can break off and dent our car, to the old oak tree that can fall apart and crush us. Risk Management involves “mitigating”-- alleviating, moderating, reducing-- that risk. A “Hazard Tree” has a defect that creates an unreasonable level of risk to a target and requires action. Only after carefully evaluating the severity of the defect and measuring the size of the part and rating the value of the target can we identify a “hazard”. Then the question becomes, how to mitigate that risk?

Risk posed by the acorns is removed by sweeping them off the sidewalk. Risk posed by that heavy branch can be mitigated by light thinning and reduction cuts near the end, or that risk can be removed can be removed by removing the branch. But removing that branch increased the risk posed by the rest of the tree. That big wound on the trunk is open to decay. The bark on the inner tree is now vulnerable to sunscald. Nearby branches are newly exposed to strain from the wind, so they need to add tissue to reinforce themselves or they may break. The roots too are more stressed, because they have lost some shelter from sun and wind. The whole tree’s balance is changed. It makes less food for itself than it did before. So, did removing that branch mitigate risk, or increase it?

Arborists cannot remove all tree risk, unless we clear-cut the entire planet. Our job is to mitigate risk, by providing clearance for wires or roadways or cars, and maintaining health and stability. At times we must remove branches, or entire trees, but sometimes removing trees increases risk. When a client wants that big tree near the house cut down because they fear it, a few reminders are in order:

1. The worst-case scenario: Let’s assume that the tree uproots in a major storm, and falls toward the house. First of all, setting wind exposure and other factors aside, the tree is more likely to fail away from the house, because construction damage, restricted root area and soil compaction tend to limit anchorage toward the house. If we still assume that the tree may fail toward the house, the closer to the house it is, the less velocity it will have, and the less damage it will cause. That seventy-foot tall tree that’s fifty feet away will do more damage, so where does risk end? In the past, the Federal Emergency Management Agency recommended removing every tree that was tall enough to hit the house, but few homeowners—or arborists-- will go along with that program.
2. What about the “edge effect”? Just as removing a branch exposes other branches to increased stresses, the nearby trees will no longer have that big one near the house sharing the wind with them, and so they will be more vulnerable. They have developed enough girth to stand, but they are not used to standing on their own. It will take years for them to add enough trunk tissue to make them stable, and the perfect storm may arrive in the interim. So in some cases, mitigating the risk from that big tree by pruning and root invigoration may make the house safer than removing it entirely.

Bad Stubs Even in 2005, many trees are topped to reduce the perception of risk. Topping cuts are made at locations predetermined by humans. They often leave stubs between branch nodes, which decay rapidly and do not close. They force the tree to respond with weakly attached sprouts, so many topping jobs increase the risk that they were intended to reduce. On normal pruning for branch removal, leaving a stub outside the branch collar creates a barrier to wound closure and a food source for decay organisms. If a tree hangs over the road enough to concern motorists, first look for a lateral with a natural target such as a branch collar. Poor regrowth from decaying wood at topping cuts and large internodal stubs will create a greater risk.

Good Stubs When trees lose major portions of their canopies to storms, following the standard rule by cutting broken branches back to their origin or a major lateral can increase risk. Larger wounds are more likely to decay than smaller ones. Bark that is suddenly exposed to the sun can be “scalded”. By making the tree more lopsided, we make it less stable. Removing entire limbs because their ends are broken results in less photosynthetic area, thus less food for the tree. Leaving good stubs at nodes can lessen decay, sunscald, imbalance, food loss--and risk. Storm-damaged branches often can be cleaned back to stubs at the first good node, where there is a branch protection zone and dormant buds to carry on good growth.

Bad Rips When codominant stems and branches fail, the injury can extend far beyond the original defect, often catastrophically. This is why it’s so important to identify and mitigate these defects ahead of time, by cabling, bracing, subordinating or thinning. One codominant can be safely removed if it is small enough for the wound to close. If not, reducing it until it is no more than a side branch—“subordinating” it—can be a permanent mitigation of the risk of failure. Codominant tearouts in older trees are of course slower to seal over. When the wounds are exposed to the sun and rain, callus tissue is slower to form, since more of its waxy suberin can be dissolved. Straighter-grained species such as pine and ash are more likely have bigger wounds from codominant failure, and these wounds are more likely to crack and fail than cross-grained species such as maple and sweetgum.

Repaired Rips If a tree responds to a codominant tear-out with good woundwood formation, this must be factored into the strength-loss assessment. Woundwood has been measured to be 40% stronger than normal wood. Necessary mitigation steps are often limited to cleaning out debris that has been caught in the bottom of the wound, trimming the jagged wood and “tracing” the loose or jagged bark. The goal is to minimize the “pocket” that catches water and infectious material, and speeding closure. Depending on weight and wind exposure, light thinning or reduction cuts at the branch ends to lessen strain on the defect may be advisable, to further mitigate the risk.

The first thing property owners are concerned about is safety, and understandably so. Each person has their own definitions of how much tree risk is acceptable, depending on how much they value the tree, what condition the tree is in, and how much they value the nearby target. Risk management is a straightforward way to advertise, prioritize, and sell tree care services. It all starts with regular inspection and assessment of trees, best done on a regular basis. Basic references such as the book Evaluation of Hazard Trees in Urban Areas and TCIA’s DVD on Hazard Tree—Risk Assessment & Mitigation for Tree Workers outline ways to systematically inspect trees. The US Forest Service also has a manual on Urban Tree Risk Management, free for the downloading at http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/uf/utrmm/

Armed with basic knowledge and their own experience and common sense, inspectors can adopt the owner’s mindset on acceptable levels of risk and deliver a tree care program that mitigates risk while increasing the tree resource. In essence, Tree Risk Management and Plant Health Care are really the same thing. Inspection and monitoring take vigilance. Responding to tree health and safety issues requires action. For the arborist and the owner to both accept that risk is a fact of life, that you cannot mitigate that risk by tree removal alone, requires bravery. The words of Patrick Henry again apply to tree care: “We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Nature has placed in our power... the battle, sir, is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”

Guy Meilleur, Board-Certified Master Arborist
[email protected]
need arborists' views of it. Please be frank and blunt. Send opinions on- or off-list.

Its an interesting article Seer, I have some thoughts on it. Mostly centered around the presented theory that "our job is to mitigate risk", I don't entirely agree with that statement, there are some other perspectives that i would explore. Also the article seems to talk alot about "fear of trees falling on things", this is commonly one vector in the reasoning of homeowners who seek to remove a tree or tree's, but in my experience it is not the only one, or the most weighty. At any rate i would enjoy looking more thoroughly into the article, but why do you "need arborists opinions" on the matter?

Oh, and my arborist certification expired, will that effect the results of your study?

Re "Worst case senario" I would like to see some stats to back that up. As a fabricated example "in the storm of 98 in gainsville florida, 423 trees were blown over, only 12 houses were struck, and in only 2 cases did damages excede $4,000."

Re Bad stubs / Good stubs; this seems like it might be an area of contention, Mr. Meilleur seems to make claims which to this point have not been proven or even popularly theorised (although my knowledge is limited in this area). OK i've just read "storm-damaged branches often can be cleaned back to stubs at the first good node, where there is a BPZ and dormant buds to carry on good growth." 5 times, it still is unlear, i should go to sleep now.
You must be a wicked typist.
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I think that an arborists job is to do thier job. For example, some arborists don't prune trees of a size that would involve much risk at all if any. Some don't climb at all. Some don't prune at all.

Mitigating risk is a service that many arborist do or can do.

I think an arborist would have more responsibility for mitigating risk if they could have built the tree from scratch themselves. Like a builder of a house or a high-rise - now that's mitigation. Those builders, engineers and architects are expected to remove 100% of the dangers and hazards is possible - within thier human ability.

But they started from scratch, placing all the loads, weight, bracing, fasteners, footings, pilings, etc..

The closest an arborist would come to that is preparing the soil and surface drainage to a depth of 5 feet or more, them planting the seeds and nuturing and pruning a field of trees for 50 or 80 years. Then they would have some control.

But most arborists are called in to work on trees that may have concealed defects, embedded metal, compact soil layers 12" under the surface, residue of herbicides, etc.. And I think that all arborists can do is "give it their best shot". Basically do the best they can do for someone with the funds available.

The more money that customers can spend, and the more frequent they can hire arborists, then the closer they get to mitigation. The optimum would be achieved by hiring the arborist from the sapling stage of the tree and then yearly or bi-yearly to nurture it like a child.

So the mitigation is reasonable to a degree. Just not to the degree of architecture and building. An engineer can have mixed and tested any concrete for any part of a building. Any bolt and any cable can be tested. Any segment of a building's wieght can be known. But an arborist can't weigh a branch that's attached. They can bore core samples from every part of the tree to test the wood strength in every region.

I'd say that engineers deal with specifics - specifications and documented facts without estimating whether a building is structurally safe and sound.

The arborist on the other hand, needs experience; then ends up making an educated estimation about a tree. The arborist estimates, evaluates and forms a professional opinion.

An engineer bases a plan on science, whereas an arborist plans to base their opinion on science.
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Its funny how the universe works. On first reading of your post and the attached article I figured that arboristsite’s favorite tree seer had taken umbrage with this Guy Meilleur fellow, and his strange ideas about tree care. Lol :] I further surmised that treeseer was looking for ammunition with which to go forth and make argument with Guy. Roflol.

OK, I think I figured out this whole “duality of man” issue, you didn’t re-type that whole piece; you had it on disk didn’t you? On that note, I can make some (hopefully) constructive comments on the article:

I liked it.

The title is cheesy, but it captured my attention, especially the (w/ apologies to Patrick Henry). I wouldn’t have remembered that it was Patrick Henry who originally said “Give me liberty or give me death” so I learned something right off, and I like learning things.

I had to read through most of the article before I knew it was comparing the risk posed by hazard trees with the risk created by removing or over pruning them. I would have been more at ease with the article if the first paragraph more specifically stated what the document body was about.
I.e. “Some trees are removed because of percieved risk. There are cases where removal or over pruning does not lessen the risk, and may actually increase it. If a client has legitimate concerns about the safety of their trees how can we identify real hazards and in fact mitigate the risks these hazard trees represent? To begin lets define “risk”.
This kind of opening would give me the framework on which the remainder of the article could be hung. As presented, the information was “floating” around in my head. Instead of assimilating the facts presented, making them a part of my understanding, I had to come to grips with them and find the context into which they fit. If the context had been given in the first paragraph I would have retained more of the information presented.

“Bad stubs vs. Good stubs” This was a little unclear at first. The picture of the Yoshino cherry and the picture of the storm damaged oak both appear to be “topping cuts”. It appears that the article is saying, “this oak needed to be topped, but the tree knew where, and that is where the limbs broke.” From that statement it is a short jump to saying “well, why don’t we top the trees before the big limbs come crashing down through the house.”
4rth sentence “bad stubs” “they force the tree to respond with weakly attached sprouts,” Last sentence “good stubs” “, where there is a BPZ and dormant buds to carry on good growth.” I didn’t read the caption under the oak tree picture right off, and so I thought it was an example of “bad stubs”.
For me it would have been much more clear if “good stubs vs. bad stubs” was treated as one section. If the section had opened with the definition of each.
I.e. Bad stubs are those cuts made between internodes where there is no BPZ and few if any dormant buds. The result is a barrier to wound closure and a food source for decay organisms. This situation will lead to deep interior rot below the cut, which will weaken the attachment points of the new growth. A better stub would be a cut made just above an internode. Here there is a BPZ, and the many dormant buds will emerge into leaf-covered branches. With a more limited food source and a BPZ to contend with decay will be slowed, affording the tree a better chance to develop new branches, which will in turn speed up the wound closure process.
Forearmed with this knowledge my brain would have better absorbed the facts presented.

The section on rips and how these wounds affect different tree species was clear and well written, as was the closing. Although ending with the PH quote means I will remember the article as the one that quoted Patrick Henry. If the quote was at the beginning of the last paragraph and followed by the message that “sometimes the truth of risk mitigation and trees isn’t what people want to hear or purchase. We as arborists, need to be vigilant and courageous, as it is only if we base our business on truth and honesty that we will be successful.” I like to close with something that people can relate to, money and success is good. It is also good if the closing is positive and up beat, otherwise the post may sound preachy and rantish (lol, I rant a lot :) ).

The best advice on writing I ever got was from my old scoutmaster, Dave. He said “Tell them what your going to say, say it, then tell them what you said.” Three times you have to say a thing before most people will pick it up.

The information presented was useful and interesting. My suggestions, though wordy, are really just aesthetics. In all it was a good article, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience.

PS how did you prune the oak? It looks to be like 70 feet to those cuts, and a difficult traverse from one leader to the other. And the two headed branches on the far right look like they were a real treat to get.
I thought the article was good also, the only comment I would make is when making risk assessment more focus be made on the species of tree. Certain species will handle cutting back and wound closing better than others and the assessor needs to know this info and pass it along to the potential customer.
Nice title, Dan, but I was in a patiotic mood that day.

Great comments MD and Corey; organization and style are key and I wish i'd have heard your advice earlier. And yes, it was a fun climb to those tips, just using tlh and polesaw to get there; I had a more 'progressive" climber Mike Oxman in the other half of the tree. not that I'm necessarily better at tipwork, but as insurance policyholder I always get the part toward the house. ;)

Look again at the cherry (poor picture) and the oak; big difference between topping and reducing imo. Anyway, tune in to TCI mag next month for hopefully a better telling of the risk management tale...