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Glad you like it Stan!!!!!!:cheers:

Ok Manual, heres the deal, it ran "OK" when I got it, tweaked and tweaked it, never was really happy. Tore it down twice to mod it, It ran a lot better. Had to cut the limiters off so I could lean it out even after the mods! I was happier.
Then I wnet on my bender and did the same mods to the 350. The 350 outcuts the 346. So now I am unhappy again. Long story short

Sounds like maybe you went a bit to high on the exhaust. you gain on rpms but lost on torque, Maybe not. how many pounds of compression do you have with that 346 ?
I respect your opinion... even used you as source opinion for homeowner saw; with spike as counter opinion. Why can't we all get along?

Awwwwwwwwwwww we get along good Lou. Manual and me spar all the time and its all in good humor. He surely doesn't take everything I say to heart and I don't him either. I kinda like how he and me duke it out. He can't win and he knows and I know it, why, cause Stihl is the King, aint that right Manual, ya dag on tootin it is,hehehe

Lou a few weeks back Manual and me were on the phone and we're buds beleive it or not Lou, I like that ole Manual!!

(he's cheaper than a punching bag,hahahaha)
(ok Manual your turn, hit me with ya best shot sucker)
Shucks Lou I got no problem with 346's, 372's or any other Huska-varny for that matter. I do like taunting Manual though, he and I have been at it for a long long time about who's the KING and since STIHL is the KING he has to lay in bed with HUSKA-VARNY and only dream of being the KING,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

OOOOOOOOK, some say the king is the 395xp
Sounds like maybe you went a bit to high on the exhaust. you gain on rpms but lost on torque, Maybe not. how many pounds of compression do you have with that 346 ?

UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.............Enough to make it run??????????

I really didn't raise or lower anything, just made it widder.
and smoth it out. I did take out the base gasket and seal it snug, so that got a few pounds out of it. And yes, I used the sealant I can't spell tonioght.
Sorry Mike, have four weeks oof work that needs done in two, spent the last weekend, Fri. night, putting breaks on the wifes car, worked Sat., water pump went out Sun ( mothers day) and Tues. a rod started knocking in my truck, I am NOT ALL HERE!!!!!
Sorry Mike, have four weeks oof work that needs done in two, spent the last weekend, Fri. night, putting breaks on the wifes car, worked Sat., water pump went out Sun ( mothers day) and Tues. a rod started knocking in my truck, I am NOT ALL HERE!!!!!

Hmmmmmmmmmm..........................sounds bad........

I understand, I work swing shift, have fri and sat off. (if you call it that) and back to work.
Now if you just widen the exhaust and intake ports.
Go ahead and put the gasket back in. see how the saws runs afterwords.
I think you will find your saw to run better.
you may have increased compression. but you lost in port openings.
mostly in exhaust.