OWB.. Seasoned green or mixed?

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My "Smoke Dragon", Wood Master 4400, will burn anything. Well seasoned, green, big, small, long, short,,hell, it's even incinerated the hapless neighborhood vermin on occasion.
The big hungry monster prefers decently seasoned firewood and performs better with the aforementioned.
I've been splitting my wood smaller this year and think it might burn better,,the verdict is still out. I keep some big rounds for loading at nite, mixed with smaller splits.
I very rarely burn it all the way down and do a full "re-load",,WAY TOO MUCH SMOKE on a full re-load, even with seasoned wood.
I do my reloading incrementally, an armload at a time and think this greatly reduces the smoke., along with using decently SEASONED firewood.
I've been caught short and burned unseasoned wood and got the resultant additional smoke, it sucks, it heated my home, but it sucks,,fan runs longer, stove doesn't recover as fast, it sucks. It sucks for me and it sucks for my neighbors down wind.
Be a good steward of wood burning and burn decently seasoned wood.
The first year with my OWB I wasn't ready. I was cutting deadfall and it went from the woods directly to the stove, maybe a couple weeks after being split. Seemed to work ok, definitely lots of smoke. I am now about a year ahead and cutting Sandy damage so its been down for a couple years but still fairly green. A year seems to be ok for the seasoning process. Long burn times and minimal smoke. Maybe someday I will be able to get further ahead but with my schedule and 4 kids it just ain't happening.
I'd rather not burn green wood but you do what you gotta do to survive.