Pics of A Little Loggin'

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Jan 14, 2007
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southern illinois
running the 460 that i got a while back...haven't got to run it much since most places are under water around here. so i've been in the process of getting it the way i want it. anyway here are a few pics..This is all old strip mine ground...It was prolly mined 40-60 years ago...not sure.. just guessing.. cottonwood is usually the first trees to grow back on these sites and then they set the basis for Pin oak and sycamore. All the trees i cut were cottonwoods. just about everything out there as thorns or prickles on will tear the sh*t out of you..and there are places where i was crawling to get through it.

this was for a small time sawmiller that ive been helping for several years(which is how i got my start in logging) nothing special but some buddies where there waiting for me to get some so we could take the 4-wheelers out and play in the mud so they took some pics..

btw..i really like the new hardhat...and the red earplugs that i got from Baileys are great!! really quiet everything down and are comfortable

hope you'al enjoy







Nice pics. What will the saw mill owner use the cotton wood for? Pulp wood? I have never really seen anything made out of only cotton wood.

I have always been amassed at how fast cottonwood trees can grow though. I have seen some real giants that were only 40 to 50 years old (counting rings).
alot of times cottonwood will be used for pallets...they also use them for mine timbers (mix them in with hardwood) yea cottonwood grows fast..i actually like cutting it...especially if im getting paid of the best i've done was 67,000 bdft in 2.5 days. made for a decent paycheck.

I've cut some decent ones


You were back in the booger woods...:laugh:

LOL If I was him I'd take the skidder or tractor and runover and push away all that brush. Nothing is going to grow in there, atleast it's not going to put out the volume it should off the same acerage. I'd be afraid of losing the logs in that stuff. And yes....I know those thorns tear you up.......feels like you went through a meat grinder at the end of the day. I just take the skidder and run the brush over to get to the logs. I use the blade and sort of smoosh it down, enough that I can get in to get the cable to the logs. I haven't cut any must be like our yellow-poplar here in PA....grows everywhere once it was mined out.:greenchainsaw: :chainsaw: :cheers:
LOL If I was him I'd take the skidder or tractor and runover and push away all that brush. Nothing is going to grow in there, atleast it's not going to put out the volume it should off the same acerage. I'd be afraid of losing the logs in that stuff. And yes....I know those thorns tear you up.......feels like you went through a meat grinder at the end of the day. I just take the skidder and run the brush over to get to the logs. I use the blade and sort of smoosh it down, enough that I can get in to get the cable to the logs. I haven't cut any must be like our yellow-poplar here in PA....grows everywhere once it was mined out.:greenchainsaw: :chainsaw: :cheers:

yea..i didn't have a skidder on this job..these logs are gonna get pulled out with an 8N Ford tractor!! alot of them will have to be cut into 8 footers for it to pull them..and the others will be cut 17...its slow, but that isn't my gig..i just cut them
Them damn cottonwoods are lousy. I would really like to know what they are using them for. Theres MILLIONS of HUGE like 7 foot diameter cottonwoods here in Kansas. I will take some pictures of one just south of town where I built a bridge last year.
Brings new meaning to "Can't see the forest for the trees".

Most big cotton woods I have seen were always rotten out in the center.

yea..i didn't have a skidder on this job..these logs are gonna get pulled out with an 8N Ford tractor!! alot of them will have to be cut into 8 footers for it to pull them..and the others will be cut 17...its slow, but that isn't my gig..i just cut them farm tractor that is rigged out for logging is bigger than a The skidder that I use is my buddy's, he rents it and loans it to me.....I help him cut whenever he needs me. I gotta scrape up enough soon to buy a skidder though....if I could quit spending money on SAWS!!! But I can't seem to quit!! I hear ya' whenever somebody wants me to just cut.....hey that's easy money!lol How's that 460 running?:greenchainsaw: :cheers: farm tractor that is rigged out for logging is bigger than a The skidder that I use is my buddy's, he rents it and loans it to me.....I help him cut whenever he needs me. I gotta scrape up enough soon to buy a skidder though....if I could quit spending money on SAWS!!! But I can't seem to quit!! I hear ya' whenever somebody wants me to just cut.....hey that's easy money!lol How's that 460 running?:greenchainsaw: :cheers:

460 isn't running bad...still doesn't have enough power tho(none of them do) so it is waiting on me to get time to tear into it and do some modding....all in due time..

460 isn't running bad...still doesn't have enough power tho(none of them do) so it is waiting on me to get time to tear into it and do some modding....all in due time..

Remember they just ain't 066' My 460 has the power to pull it's 20" stihl ES bar w/8 pin buried in green white oak with full authority. Maybe try a bigger muffler mod? I heard they port 460 has enough power for me.......if I need more power I whip out the big Like I've said in the past 460's aren't impressive to me stock......modded they come compleatly alive. What about trying a maxflow filter? SI....maybe you just need a KD088? That ought to have enough power.......if it doesn't then your like me....POWER HUNGRY!! It's just a non-cureable :cheers:
Remember they just ain't 066' My 460 has the power to pull it's 20" stihl ES bar w/8 pin buried in green white oak with full authority. Maybe try a bigger muffler mod? I heard they port 460 has enough power for me.......if I need more power I whip out the big Like I've said in the past 460's aren't impressive to me stock......modded they come compleatly alive. What about trying a maxflow filter? SI....maybe you just need a KD088? That ought to have enough power.......if it doesn't then your like me....POWER HUNGRY!! It's just a non-cureable :cheers:

yea..they aren't 660's...but they cut good..i absolutely can't stand to run them without working the muffler over..when i got this one it was all stock...i got it the first day..walked to the woods and cut 1 tree with it..i couldn't stand it!! i went back to the truck and got the 660..

i had a max-flo on my 660 and i was running it w/o the filter cover..i didn't like how much dirt it was letting past i went back to stock

i used to have an 084(dustytools bought it off of me) and i had a 24" on would cut but it wasn't anything just didn't spin it fast enough! sure it would outcut a 066/660 with anything over a 3 footer on it...but i don't run one of them enough to justify it(wish i could)

so my goal is hot running, reliable 046/460's and 066/660's. and i'm thinking that i might get me a grinder and go to square ground chain..trying to get all i can out of them

yea..they aren't 660's...but they cut good..i absolutely can't stand to run them without working the muffler over..when i got this one it was all stock...i got it the first day..walked to the woods and cut 1 tree with it..i couldn't stand it!! i went back to the truck and got the 660..

i had a max-flo on my 660 and i was running it w/o the filter cover..i didn't like how much dirt it was letting past i went back to stock

i used to have an 084(dustytools bought it off of me) and i had a 24" on would cut but it wasn't anything just didn't spin it fast enough! sure it would outcut a 066/660 with anything over a 3 footer on it...but i don't run one of them enough to justify it(wish i could)

so my goal is hot running, reliable 046/460's and 066/660's. and i'm thinking that i might get me a grinder and go to square ground chain..trying to get all i can out of them

I have never run them, because I've talked to guys that did, and they told me the same thing.....they left too much dust through. I've always liked the way the stock filter's and cover's looked anyway. I know that gypo switched to square ground chain and he said that he'd never go back. I hate the stock stihl's muffler wine. But the best sounding stock saws are definetly husky' :cheers:
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cotton wood is a good money maker for me to so is soft maple. I love to cut the big ones its a lot of fun . Its nice to get away from cutting walnut oak or cherry once in awhile.:cheers:

Super pics dude... Wish I could rep you for your little tiny tree, lmao... We get those big suckers here too, here they call'em Baumbagillion, I don't think that's how its spelled, they are kinda like Popple, they get huge and are probably the softest of all the hardwoods. They do make beautiful furniture and trim and are good for thick boards, being light and quite flexible while still strong. Excellent for decking of trucks and whatnot.. Super score dude. That's one big danged tree dude, lol.... Thanks for the pics. I've got one down back of me, around 5' dbh, I'll get the wife to take a pic so I can show ya too...

:cheers: eh?