please help me quote this HUGE tree

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
Got a call today and need to quote this tree. How much would you price this removal?
(2 pics attached)
Treeinnovator said:
Got a call today and need to quote this tree. How much would you price this removal?
(2 pics attached)
Treeminator is back, hi buddy.
avalontree said:
id charge alot

i know it's going to be "alot". the take down part will be easy, but my stumpgrinder (a Vermeer SC252) is too small. What are my options to get ths stump out or grinded? crane? grapple?
I've never had a stump this large before and i'm thinking it might be more cost effective to either (a) sub the stump out (b) rent larger equipment like a backhoe or crane?:confused:
Treeinnovator said:
i know it's going to be "alot". the take down part will be easy, but my stumpgrinder (a Vermeer SC252) is too small. What are my options to get ths stump out or grinded? crane? grapple?
I've never had a stump this large before and i'm thinking it might be more cost effective to either (a) sub the stump out (b) rent larger equipment like a backhoe or crane?:confused:

just get sky hook
I'd bid it for $50. It's low I know but drop a few limbs through the roof, maybe some on the garage and if you get lucky a couple on the cars and BAM ya got em for roof repairs, maybe some dry wall and auto body work. Just get your foot in the door then pop 'em. Maybe if your real lucky they will have a sprinkler system that you can get as well.

NOT! :notrolls2: :spam:
just some side notes:
can you imagine how far those roots have grown up under that house? their whole plumbing system must be either destroyed or on the brink.
also, that tree probably has a whole zoo of creatures living in it... iguanas, coons, spiders, army ants, snakes, possums, etc.
back to the original question. i have to submit a bid, what would should i charge? this might help educate other AS members when dealing with monster trees.
woodchux said:
how many hours/days it will take you x your hourly/day rate

it's all relative (ex: more guys, less time, more pay). i'm just looking for a price others would feel comfortable quoting. it's such a large tree that i can see where a very large spread might be possible depending on the equipment used. anywhere from $2,000 to $8,000.

ask the crew at Burger King how many inches of brown Wal-Mart rope they will need, then multiply times the ounces of asphalt it will take to repair the roof after felling the tree onto it.

That should get you into the ballpark.

Innovate this, troll: :fart:

