Safety is No Accident

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 29, 2006
New York (the state, not the city.)
Lol, i can't believe this thread is still alive!

Here's my problem with you hawkpilot, you tell us about all the experience you have, all the equipment you own, all the jobs you've done, and the hundred's of accident victims and witnesses you've interviewed, and yet you don't give us a single personal safety experience pertaining to tree work (since this is a tree forum last i checked), but keep asking everyone to post their experiences. I can't even get something as simple as wear chaps when running a saw from you. To me, you come off as either a high school kid looking for information to write a report about injuries in the arborist world, or you get some sick pleasure off hearing about other people hurting themselves. (And i honestly think there are a couple of those kind of people around this site.)
I've got to agree with gologit, i've spent all of my life around loggers and climbers and while talk of accidents happens, you practically never hear it from the guy it happened to. Around here, we all know about the guy who scraped off his basket while in it, the guy who messed up on a stem and had to have his leg amputated, or the guy who fell out of a tree and is paralyzed at the waist. I know all three of these guys personally, yet have never heard them go on about what happened. What do you say? I'm not going to go up to any of these guys and say "you were a real idiot and that was a stupid move," like you seem to think i should.
. I know and everyone else reading this .. know's... you call a spade a spade, you say that accident was a real boner, I / or they scewed up etc. etc.
I think they know this and my seeing them have to live with their mistake is a lot more eye opening than a few words written down here. Yeah, i once in a while mention one of these guys to a newbie i'm breaking in if i see them doing one of the things that messed up my buddies, but repeating it constantly has a lesser effect in my opinion. You mention it once, and the newbie listens, you keep harping on it and they starrt rolling their eyes every time you mention it.
But these are the big accidents, a lot of the little crap accidents aren't worth going on about simply because it's just a lack of common sense-example, i cut a finger sharpening my 395 this morning, am i going to go on about how i should have been using gloves to my groundies? Of course not, they already know this and i'm actually the stupid one for not wearing them and thus needed the lesson.
Also, i've trained a few climbers over the years, and they are a stubborn, arrogant group. I'm the same way, you can preach and preach to me that the stove is hot, but i won't pay attention until i put my hand on it, i'm just stupid that way i guess. The safety lessons i've taken closest to heart over the years are ones i had to learn the hard way unfortunately.

And on a side note, i don't like to hear about this crap happening to other climbers! I'm glad they don't talk about it! I've got to go up and be put in the exact same situation that got them messed up on a daily basis. If i really thought about it, i'd probably be a nervous wreck.

I do have a question for you though, about not working when you are not feeling good. I was working with a woman bucket op last week who was #####ing about cramps. Should she have been sent home until she was off the rag?

I do think an excellent safety example is the thread right below this one about the guy killed by a train. That's a good reminder for me, we work along tracks several times a year and after not seeing a train all day, it's easy to get complacent.
Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
Just Keep It Coming, Love it, You Guys are the Best Un-Pro's. I Know ! !

I could have never hoped that... I'd get the great response from the crew membership to show the true professionals (readers) how some of the member's view safety. How closed minded they are to Safety Tips and to anyone bringing up a point of view or suggest an open forum response to Share their Work Experience (what works, what doesn't).

Regarding me .... What I see is ... little children, you run your mouth and don't have clue about my experience level. I add in my experience to level the playing (only then) field. After that... you continue on like your something special and above (other than homee crew) everyone & anyone. I have learned to be humble and you never see my listing of what I own like a lot of folks, it's not my style. I list my qualification's & years of experience when it's becomes necessary to establish myself as a real player in the business (blue collar).

So go ahead just jump on me and don't forget to respect my mil. service... just more BS. Your such a brave bunch, I have yet to get a (1) PM or a request for my email address, just ask & you'll receive. I guess you get a life through this forum. I never mothered anyone or jamed a thing down anyone's throat and was low key. I just opened a general safety topic and ran into a few malicious folks and nothing good from them but endless B S.

Keep the Stupid Post's Coming, Child Psychiatry seems to work very well with some of the adolescent's here.

Hey Mr. Wulf.. I was hoping to see some of the tip's you were thinking about posting here, still thinking about it ? Really, I'd like to see your word's of (tips) wisdom. I'd have nothing to say that was neg., unless you were completely wrong, that's a fair deal.

Closing.. bring it on the attack and as often as you can. Make sure you don't post anything of value foranyone here. Please, dont lose interest and continue to show your butt, let's shoot for a 150 posts or more.

You Make my Day
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Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
Your Absolutely Right.. No Respect at All.

I replied to the B S posted here, what did you expect... turn tail and watch some kidde's play brain games that were P_ _ _ _ _ g on my leg and telling me it's raining. I dam well know what I'm about. I'm Not too sure about some others, great pretenders I think.... from the B S they have said (ain't even close to right) and Anti-Professional. ! I have close friend's and one is 2nd generation power co. line man (covered in last post) and they have all spent their entire life in the business. I know the difference (current day) through them and my own experience as well. I know the real score and some real BSing is going on here (no doubt about it).

So Kid's.... keep the attack up ! Please, don't post anything of value here. Don't share anything of value (Pro's Knowledge) to help anyone new in the business or the more experienced guys that have forgotten things or could use a reminder.

Don't try to beat me down, it won't happen in your life time. You'll never cover me up or shut me up with the little (inner circle) gang up technique. I saw how things were going around the 10th post. Your twisted or stupid B S just make's me smile and semi intertaining and likewise to others (I assume).

Closing -- about the tenth time.. I mentioned this.... do something of value here. Your a little off track .. If you think I care about anyone's respect for me at this point..coming from one of the kiddie's here. If you do think that I care... then check you leg for wetness and see if it's raining outside.

You Make My Day

P.S. Keep the Intertainment Coming but Don't Post Anything of Value, Would Ruin your Image as (close nit) Professionals.


Completely is good.
. AS Supporting Member.
May 19, 2005
In the Redwoods.
Hawk...I asked you before but you must have forgot to answer. When you were in the Army were you a WO? Just curious.

And when you were a test pilot on Blackhawks...was that as a production test pilot doing prototype work or were you just flying off maintenance squawks in a line unit.

I figured that, since we've pretty much determined that your safety thing makes you look like an idiot, you might want to talk about something else.


Feel Lucky
Feb 12, 2007
Hot Springs Arkansas
Hawk, If I had any respect for you you, it is gone! You sure are and Idiot with too much time and a keyboard!
Jeff Lovstrom

Yeah I sorta lost that too. Service to country, he gets that but to try and insult some of the best knowledge and experience our industry has is silly. We all have helped newbies in here with industry approved material and practice. I think he just likes the big shot role myself. jmo.
Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
Yep, I'm a Idiot and the Subject is Safety for Kidde Idiot's.

How many times would an Idiot have to say that the 1st Post from me was to open the door to others... to add-on to this post. The follow on subject is: Accident Prevention and / or Awareness, Include's Operational How To (if desired). We have thousand's (from members) of real life examples of minor to serious accident examples and some of them are funny because No one was seriously hurt.

J C.. was not a lecture why flip this Safety Topic upside down when it should or could have been a lot of " Valued Information brought out to the membership. " Also, I expected a few chuckles because we all make mistake's and must laugh at ourself when injury's are not involved.

Regarding my 32 yr. mil. (AD, Guard & Resv.) back ground, PM me and I'll talk about it, otherwise, not the issue at hand and what difference does it make to (like) Idiots ?
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Completely is good.
. AS Supporting Member.
May 19, 2005
In the Redwoods.
Yep, I'm a Idiot and the Subject is Safety.

How many times would an Idiot have to say that the 1st Post was to open the door to others to add on to this post. The follow on subject is Accident Prevention and / or Awareness. We have thousand's (from members) of real life examples and some of them are funny because No one was seriously hurt.

J C.. was not a lecture why flip this Safety Topic upside down when it should or could have been the a lot of " Valued Information brought out to the membership. " Also, I expected a few chuckles because we all make mistake's and must laugh at ourself when injury's are not involved.

Regarding my 32 yr. mil. (AD, Guard & Resv.) back ground, PM me and I'll talk about it, otherwise, not the issue at hand and what difference does it make to (like) Idiots ?

Just curious. We have a lot of vets here and a lot of them are about our age. We have quite a few pilots too.

I sometimes work for a helicopter logging outfit and I know for sure a couple of the pilots flew Blackhawks. Maybe they know you, or you them. One of them mentioned being in the same unit that had the BlackHawk Down incident. Didn''t you say that was your unit, too? were quite vocal about your military service and being a pilot and all. I thought maybe you'd want to let us know a little more. If, indeed, there really is more to tell.

I won't PM you because I'd like to keep this dialogue public. No need to keep anything secret. I think the membership pretty much has you figured out but a little more input from you will probably help a few of them make up their mind.
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Feel Lucky
Feb 12, 2007
Hot Springs Arkansas
Yep, I'm a Idiot and the Subject is Safety for Kidde Idiot's.

How many times would an Idiot have to say that the 1st Post from me was to open the door to others... to add-on to this post. The follow on subject is: Accident Prevention and / or Awareness, Include's Operational How To (if desired). We have thousand's (from members) of real life examples of minor to serious accident examples and some of them are funny because No one was seriously hurt.

J C.. was not a lecture why flip this Safety Topic upside down when it should or could have been a lot of " Valued Information brought out to the membership. " Also, I expected a few chuckles because we all make mistake's and must laugh at ourself when injury's are not involved.

Regarding my 32 yr. mil. (AD, Guard & Resv.) back ground, PM me and I'll talk about it, otherwise, not the issue at hand and what difference does it make to (like) Idiots ?

We are supposed to assume your a good judge of idiots. I have refrained from calling you anything out of some respect for your service. I am at a loss for words to describe you so I won't even try. I will ask how many times have you done this?




Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
Thye 1st time was the toping out of two huge white pines at my family home, ten ft. from the house. I took about 25 feet out of the two front yard tree's. The 2nd time was a tree next to the highway and took it down in 5 to 10 ft. increments. No where to drop anything, so straped it and droped it down... 1 pc. at at time. The 3rd time was a huge Weeping Willow and a simliar deal but was able to get enough height off the top to drop it next to the highway. About 45 inches across and rotten, dangerous to cut. I've been doing this work since I was 15 and had to work alone. Risky (no mistakes) to work alone in the woods but no one else but me, my dad worked away during the day.
Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
I did send out my Mil. (basic) Service out by PM and it is my confidential back ground that has (nearly) zero to do with the Safety Topic..

Mil. Jobs - Safety Officer, Training Off, Security Off., Maint. Off., Operations Off., Property Book Off. and all the add-on duties that comes along when your in the military.

The Safety Officer back ground was used in this topic for my qualification and that's all. I used my Hawk ID because I like the handle part of it. The avaition examles are from the Commerical Operations and Nothing to with Army.

Also, it does not matter about my Mil. back ground, this entire post is in regard to Safety and Helping Others, and to Pass on your Safety Tips !

Some of you are B S'rrr's. and could care less about my mil. service so don't worry about it or blow smoke up my back side. I don't care what you think after neg. & repeated posts. The line is drawn in the sand and I'm standing right here ! I have yet to get a PM from any of you brave folks so it's all about the showing your back side and stupid on & on.. bla bla bla (just nuts).

Post as Much and as Often as You can, show me how much B S you can sling that's not worth a lot, just a personal attack on me and shows your true self to the members here. Continue to go off the topic and say a lot of huyee crapp that means Nothing.

I really like to see some Posts that outlined a problem you ran into. How you cut the tree or job X ?. If a incident (accident) happened, what happened and why ? How did you fix or handle the problem from there ? Add your experience's and spread the word, post some pictures (worth a 1000 words). Hey Pro's... How difficult would that be to do ?

Closing.. if a couple good posts were added (suggested above) here ... as intended from day one.... I'd Edit Out all my posts but the 1st one and this Safety Post could be a Winner with Lot's of Meat (value) for Everyone (and few funny posts as well) ! ! !
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Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
Thank You for Your Kind Post

Don't Offer or Provide Good Operating Advice to anyone that could use it.

Read the Post from the beginning and only an Idiot could not figure out the purpose in all the BS and twisting and turning that occurred and for Nothing of Value. I said, that I'd Edit Out all my Posts but the 1st. My ego is not inflated... but Not Spineless and will not bow down to a few little mindless B S'rr's.

Perhaps... No one has any Safety or Operational Tips to share, still thinking (one of you said he was thinking). So put up or shut up... if Not keep the attack's coming, I'm right here and smiling. Also, No PM's. yet, that speak's s volumes, quite a brave bunch.


Feel Lucky
Feb 12, 2007
Hot Springs Arkansas
I did send out my Mil. (basic) Service out by PM and it is my confidential back ground that has (nearly) zero to do with the Safety Topic..

Mil. Jobs - Safety Officer, Training Off, Security Off., Maint. Off., Operations Off., Property Book Off. and all the add-on duties that comes along when your in the military.

The Safety Officer back ground was used in this topic for my qualification and that's all. I used my Hawk ID because I like the handle part of it. The avaition examles are from the Commerical Operations and Nothing to with Army.

Also, it does not matter about my Mil. back ground, this entire post is in regard to Safety and Helping Others, and to Pass on your Safety Tips !

Some of you are B S'rrr's. and could care less about my mil. service so don't worry about it or blow smoke up my back side. I don't care what you think after neg. & repeated posts. The line is drawn in the sand and I'm standing right here ! I have yet to get a PM from any of you brave folks so it's all about the showing your back side and stupid on & on.. bla bla bla (just nuts).

Post as Much and as Often as You can, show me how much B S you can sling that's not worth a lot, just a personal attack on me and shows your true self to the members here. Continue to go off the topic and say a lot of huyee crapp that means Nothing.

I really like to see some Posts that outlined a problem you ran into. How you cut the tree or job X ?. If a incident (accident) happened, what happened and why ? How did you fix or handle the problem from there ? Add your experience's and spread the word, post some pictures (worth a 1000 words). Hey Pro's... How difficult would that be to do ?

Closing.. if a couple good posts were added (suggested above) here ... as intended from day one.... I'd Edit Out all my posts but the 1st one and this Safety Post could be a Winner with Lot's of Meat (value) for Everyone (and few funny posts as well) ! ! !

Pictures are worth a thousand words lets see one of you in a tree! The pics of the tree growing out of the roof only show part of the difficulty on that job. This view will show the 12.5kv power line three phase less than ten foot from this tree. It had limbs that an average climber could not attempt. There are many here that can handle the job but most of them would admit it was difficult at best.


I am glad you feel your helping with safety but really it would be better in home owner helper forum. That is where you might do some good. I am certain you have tips and worthy advice but the best advice is get a job with a good company that has a great safety training program.
Hawk Pilot

Hawk Pilot

ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 16, 2010
Bonifay, FL and Huntingdon, PA
Picture's are worth a 1000 word's and thanks for sharing. I agree that the job you did was difficult and took careful planning and the work is the mark of a Professional.

I keep reading this Home Forurm crapp and they need to see the advice but not Us.

I strongly disagree, I have not worked at that (homee cutter) level since I was 18, really since I was 15 but turned Pro at 18 < little Jokee).

J C, some of you are getting hurt out there everyday. One you said we're
a close nit (secret society- joke) group and don't talk about your accident's.
Remind's me of the Navy Seals they're a close nit group & don't talk much; maybe a lot of retired Seals are here. Also, Eskomo's ther're a very close nit.. they don't talk to white man because he always lie and take our land {not a little joke'ee for them).
I stated and it's a fact-jack... most folks don't read and heed a lot of wriiten text and remember it and/ or use it. However, when they hear and/ or read of an actual accident.. most of us remember it for a long time, if it's severe enough and affected them.. will remember it for a life time.

I'll give you an example and it's about the death of a co-worker.

In 79/81 I worked as a diesel mechanic for large equipment & earth mover co. in PA. I went to lunch and came back and found out that a co-worked was (partially) decapitated and had passed the ambulance on my back from lunch. He was the tire guy and was working on a split rim truck tire. We had a company policy to rap the tire with a big 5/8 dia. link chain and doubled up to guard against the rim or tire blowing off the rim.

My co-worked did not use the chain because he had done 100's of tires and knew what he was doing. Well, he's dead now and the split rim cut most of head off and still had enough power to go another 24 feet and put big mark in the top of the ceiling. So what cause this accident ? He knew his job so well, he took a chance and did not use the safety device. He died at the scene and left behind a wife and three children; they ended up with no income and no Hubby or Father.

Today, we have safety cages that we roll our tires into but it's still dangerous to inflate the big tires. When they blow, it's like a shot gun explosion with bits of rubber & steel cording blowing out at high veloicity. Some of you will say.. I dont care and not about my job. If you service truck tires by ... just airing them up... your'e at risk. If you have broken belts in your tire (from running flat) and air it up.. you stand a fair chance of a blow out in your face or body. I learned this at truck stop.. regarding broken belts from running one of my tires flat on the trailer with 30 ton hoe on it. The tire guy showed me how the tire side wall was deformed and the tire was high risk to blow out (junk tire). So, I learned something about tires when I was 55 YO. I had aired up flat tires before and one of them blew a few miles down the road.. now I know why, it coud have happened to me (but did not know this).

I nmentioned the inspection of your riging gear in my 1st post. I loaned out my 2 ton chain hoist (the hand rachet type) to guy and he brought it back a week later. I used it to pick up a 1 1/2 V-8 diesel about a week later. We all know to never get under a load because something can happen at any time. I had just lifted the 1 1/2 diesel and postioned support blocks under it to let it down upon them. I had just reached up on my tippy toes to begin to let the eng. down with the hoist rachet handle and the engine (without warning) dropped like a 1 1/2 ton stone. The engine caught the end of my foot and sheared off the (left foot) tip of my big toe. I was 1/2 inch off from beng clear of the diesel engine if it fell down.

I screwed by 1/2 inch., if I had steel toes on. it may have crushed or sheared off all my toe's. Later, I inspected the hook and found a hair line crack in the metal that showed a older break. I knew that I never miss used this 2 ton chain rachet hoist. It should have handled the 1 1/2 ton load with ease. I called the guy I loaned it to and asked what he was using the chain hoist for ? He had put a motor in his pick up and got one of his tractor trailer trucks stuck and used it to pull the other one out. That's where he over stessed the chain hoist hook by... jerking on it and over loading it by pulling a 5 ton truck around.

So who (you guys) cares, does not apply to you but it may. We depend on our gear 100% and that includes everything we use out there. I have a GMC line truck that I use for everything, has the standard conf. -- front winch, 8 ton boom, auger, pole setter, extending boom to 65 ft. I had a accident with it and it's (sort of) funny now but not at the time. I had cut up a large pine that blown down next to my equip. shop. Not a big deal, bull dozed the remaining roots off and lifted it up with my GMC Utilty truck crane. I knew it was going to be heavy with all the dirt on the roots and all. I picked it up and rested it against the back center of the truck and thought it was good to go there. I only need to go a 100 feet or so. I could doze up to the burn pile with other blown over trees's. However, when I moved about 50 feet the ground had a slight slant to the left side of the truck. The tree started to move in that direction. I had turned off the pto and the crane was now free to rotate with the hyd. pressure off. Like in slow motion the tree shifted to the left side of the truck and up set on the driver side. I watched all this happen in disbelief and could not react quick enough. I braced for the up set as the tree move out further to the side (left) and it started to lean over quite a bit and then rolled over. No big time damage, the left mirror was smashed, cab was crunched and windshield cracked. I pulled the truck back over with the winch from one of my dozer and it works fine but non highway use.

So what did I learn, everyday we run into all types of situations and multi-decisions to make. I should have winched the tree trunk down the road with the dozer. I did'nt do this because I did not want to tear up my nice gravel road with the dozer tracks and rut it with the big tree trunk and drop off dirt as well.

I miss used my GMC Line truck and had a accident. If the accident had happend ten more feet up the road it would have up set on a big hoe bucket and crushed threw the door and crushed me in the cab. You guys power co. guys depend on your truck and it's proper operation everyday. Sometimes you use it go pass it's operational limits because you get.. stuck, winched up a steep grade and start working to get out of trouble. During this process your cable, chains, hooks, rings, etc. are stressed over their rating and weakened if they did not break. My message, inspect them closely, if your fairly sure they're over stressed, get them off the truck, paint them red or organge and make sure they don't get back in the system. The truck crane is certified and lifting gear as well.. so don't take a chance on damaged gear.

The chain hoist deal .. don't lend your equipment out and have it over stressed and then returned to you and get hurt with it. Never get under any load or in harm's way when a chain or cable or rope break's. Setting the brakes on a truck and having it run away is aways a posibility. We have chocks and all that but are ineffective when the truck is on a steep slope and wet slippery conditions where the ground gives way. I always tie off to two different hold point's.. if possible.

I have a lot of info. from other accidents that happend to people I knew, most are about loggers and they read this forum everyday and not home forum folks. None of the accidents I covered were pertaining to the home forum.. so don't suggest stupid B S.

Just for the hell of it. How many knew or read in the home forum about airing up flat truck tires that have been run flat too (busted belts) long. About the danger of and having your face down there.. it blowing out and taking out your eye or eyes or your hand or whatever. How about your gear, have you bought some nice gear on Craigslist or else where and it looked good. However.. what may have happened to it before you got it (over stressed) and now you trust your life on this gear because it was a good deal. How many of you are using chains and cables that are over stress and you can tell this because the links are funky and stretched out and your're still using this chain because it has not broken yet { did you read that on the home forum too).

You climber guys have a lot of knowledge to share and would or could save folks from getting injured or worst. Also, just day to day to examples of what work's and what does'nt... the operational stuff is good information. We all face .. dynamic situations and some are real tricky and down right dangerous. The risk factor is high and it's heads up time, don't even think about making a mistake. Really, knowing when to walk away is the smart choice. Bring in bigger equipment or more help, get the boss involved if that's a option. We all learn something everyday, it's a shame to waste information that may help the newer or older guys a long.

Now if I was the high and mighty type... I'd never talk about my boner's. I will talk about anything (accident) that will help someone from making the same mistakes.

Some of you will not be airing up truck tires that were run flat and taking the risk of the side wall blowing out. Also, some you will be heads up to know if the hdy. power or the engine is turned off, the crane can rotate around.. could get you in trouble. The 3rd.. if your gear has been over stressed, I bet some of you have stretched chains and the like and will get it off the truck.

Also, it was mentioned that I can't edit out my post's after 24 hours, the admin. folks could do that with my request.
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Feel Lucky
Feb 12, 2007
Hot Springs Arkansas
Good one! :cheers:

I have heard them all Jeff lol the boys thought they had a day alone because I had to get a wisdom tooth cut out. I came to work to their astonishment got them started and went to the dentist and two hours later back to the grind stone. I have worked with broken wrist because, I got in some stupid fight over the weekend. It is hard to climb with a fractured wrist but I managed. I crashed end over end in a vehicle crushed left scapula broke both collar bones dislocated right shoulder, broke two ribs and punctured a lung and possible fracture in a vertebrae. I was off 3 months was told I might not be able to climb, climbed first day back. I pulled a motor for my dad in those three months I was off and many other things. I just love the ones saying I can't climb cause of some injury , I grab there arms then look at their legs and say no your just chicken is all.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 29, 2006
New York (the state, not the city.)
How many of you are using chains and cables that are over stress and you can tell this because the links are funky and stretched out and your're still using this chain because it has not broken yet { did you read that on the home forum too).

I'm going to field this one, if you don't mind. While it isn't popular with many here, i prefer chain slings and use them on a daily basis. While visual inspection is important, i'm surprised you didn't mention checking the reach. I've had chains over the reach limit that looked perfect. If i used just your method, that chain would have been potentially unsafe. I also keep a pair of calipers on the truck to measure chain thickness at wear points-at a certain minimum, the chain must be taken out of service. So while visual inspection does have it's place, there are other inspection methods just as important.
And secondly, if i were so bad at my job that i was overloading my chains regularly and causing visual deformities, how long do you think i'd have my job? Abusing chains to the point that you can see the actual deformities is not the mark of a pro........ but it is something homeowners do.

This is why some have told you to preach in homeowners. Not all of us are neanderthals. I've red flagged chains for minuscule deformities. I've had nearly new chains re certified because of an obsessive compulsive worry about a tiny problem or flaw, or even a bad shift or jerk on a load. If my chains actually reached the point that you are talking about, i'd be embarrassed beyond reason. I work with my chains and trust my life to them every day, believe me, they get inspected and more thoroughly than just visually.
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