Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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IMG_1855.JPG Almost before (been splitting about half an hour here) and after pics of the split pile. I made some progress today on some elm I cut year before last. IMG_1862.JPGBig wood! When I first cut it, the splitter wouldn't touch it. So I stacked it on the fence on skids. Two summers of drying out and it split not bad for elm. Back is gonna ache tonight! IMG_1860.JPGFound this fella deep inside. Any amateur entomologists out there? IMG_1858.JPG
Well , no scrounging for me this weekend but what a good trip I had yesterday .
Pioneerguy600 had bought a backhoe and needed to get it to his camp .
First thing we had to do was call a friend with a deck truck for a lift for the first 30 miles of the trip



Always watching for potential scrounging on the way there lol
When we got to the end of the pavement the deck truck driver said that the boss didn't want him to go any further lol


So we unloaded


And off we went , 17 miles to go


High speed race lol


We stopped half way at Fishing lake for a sammich


Then back to the race lol


We were traveling through a section of Gov. wilderness area , the place was littered with these signs

Getting real close


Made it !



It was a great trip even if Jerry wouldn't stop and let me cut a few trees on the way out lol
While we were loading the hoe the developer that I've cut for and that I have a key for his gate stopped by , he asked if I could cut some maples and I could have the wood at a house they're building a few miles down the road :)
"Absolutely , even if there was no wood for me I'd still cut it" I told him .
Wranglerstar has a blog where he puts a circular saw blade on a weed whacker, it goes through trees!
Yea, I tried that once, way back before Gore invented the internet. Wasnt impressed. Saw blade would cloggup in grass, did alright in brushy weeds, and I bought a chainsaw to handle trees. The Bandsaw blades will cut thru small bushes and doesnt bogg down the weed wacker like a circle saw blade.
Those aftermarket heads with the three replaceable plastic blades work great on mixed plant matter but wrap up bad in thick grass. I do like how they will break against rocks rather than winging chunks of rock at you.

I've found if I can weed whip every 6 weeks my .095 diameter Husky line will cut anything that can grow. If you let it go a couple months you need the brush saw to cut the saplings.
Years ago when I heated with wood and did all my splitting by hand, I was using a traditional 8lb maul with a wooden handle on a tough round with a knot in it. I really gave it a good wack, and the handle broke and the head came right back at me. Only my quick reflexes saved me from serious injury (I'm sure it would have made that split lip look like nothing) as the head grazed my check as it went by. I credit my former boxing experience for helping me "slip" that one!
Fast forward to 9:39.

Have to give the guy credit though, he has over 700k subscribers.

I do believe I saw him spend about 20 minutes cutting a big square hole in the back side of a tree and using a bottle jack to jack it over. I think he just sits around thinking of outrageous ways to do stuff to make videos. I won't waist my time on any of his "shows" again, Joe.
Crap, thought I was gonna croak. Took down a 40", three lead Ash. Full sun, drank 6 bottles of Gatorade, Coconut water, BAi, took magnesium pills. I'm cramping so bad I can't type with both hands. Can only use my right forefinger. If I cup my hands to type, they both cramp up into a fist and I have to peel my fingers open. On top of that, I felt a vibration in my truck on the highway. Grabbed my trailer tire and shook it, clunck, clunck, the bearing is going. Tried the other side, same thing. So, if I can straighten out any of my body parts tomorrow, I guess I'll be putting in a set of bearings, Joe.

I discovered Sqwincher years ago working in an overly hot factory. They had it every place they could. It is an electrolyte replacement that is a concentrate and comes in all kinds of flavors, grape and fruit punch are my favorites. I don't cut and split without it, paid that price a few years back with cramps. One jug makes over 5 gallons. Granger has it or I get it off Ebay
Those aftermarket heads with the three replaceable plastic blades work great on mixed plant matter but wrap up bad in thick grass. I do like how they will break against rocks rather than winging chunks of rock at you.
Replace those blades with the bandsaw blades and give it a try. The bandsaw blades dont load up like the plastic ones and the blades just bend if you hit a rock. a hammer will straighten the bent blades
Cleaned up just shy of a full cord of white oak today from the [insert secret spot]. Got another cord or more hanging in a widow maker from the wind storm earlier this summer. I cut most of the limbs out of the bottom of it that were holding it up. Maybe it'll blow hard enough to free it, else I'll take a strap to it.
Can't throw a cable or rope on it and pull it down ?

It's a pretty good sized one. I was out of time and interest for the day, so I'll give it a couple of days and head back with the strap. I've had pretty good luck in the past with letting gravity run it's course. :)