Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Messed with the clone saw a little bit today. I pulled the carb and found the pump side was loose and the metering rod was out of adjustment. Addressed those and it still runs like doodoo. It feels like a timing issue, but I'm not investigating any further until I get other people's saws off my bench.

It does look super easy to tear down and mod.

What I did instead of working on the clone saw:


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Rats. I saw that channel surfing and was going to record it. Forgot.
it is a PBS show. no doubt it will show up again. xFinity usually runs such sev times. i will keep eye open and if i see will mention it. ur times prob dif. day too maybe. but... 🤞

better yet, try this:

Felixia has a great sense of humor too...
Yes… from her YouTube channel Female Lumber Jack. Interesting back story in her videos. ….and she verbally slapped the trolls who were harassing her in one video. It was priceless! She’s grown into the job and into YouTube nicely over time…
Yea those vids are for bachelors I watched a few, I'm sure if any of our wives found out it wouldn't go over to well, she is really smart with the woodmizer though and milling boards. They had that promo video for Stihl with the 880/81 and big bar, they had trouble cutting a big log and found out they installed the chain backwards.
probably more important is what one did/does... after the credits end... :popcorn2:
.4:31 am
Well, now that I have swiftly and effortlessly crushed the debate on witch make of power saw is sexiest. Im going ito bed!😴

Goodnight gentleman!👍
.4:40 am
Probably by the head honcho of the Husky factory! Probably got fired at the Husky factory. Then begged STIHL fir a job! Then got fired right after the STIHL promo fro being a Husky guy to begin with! 🤣🤣🤣

that was quick!!!
My local saw shop used to have all the sexy posters and calendars with girls holding Stihls. I don't know if Stihl stopped doing those photoshoots or if the shop's gone PC, but not much of that stuff on the walls anymore.:(
no need to post this then...
Oh have I got a grinder story fir ya. I'll try to make it as short and entertaining as possible.
One year I harvested a big bull Bison. We ended up with about 200lbs of meat to grind (not counting prime cuts and roasts) I borrow my good neighbors prize small commercial grinder built in the 40's. Now when I say prize. I mean he was so proud of it. That its place in his house. Was on the coffee table! That was its home! So I go borrow it. Take it to my place. Now first let my tell you. This grinder can flat out grind some meat! Big chunks as fast as you could drop them in the hopper. Yes! It was old school and had a big hopper! Not a tray with a long skinny deep tube like today's "commercial grinders"
I had two different neighbors over helping with the cutting, grinding and wrapping. One likes to start sipping the sauce early on Saturday if you know what I mean. The other was a youngster in his early twenties. I was doing the wrapping (because I was the fastest at it.) While the other two did the cut'n and grinding. My neighbor Dug the sauce sipper decides to change grinder plates from medium to course. Im wrapping meat at this point. After they get it switched out. They plug the grinder back in. Turn it on and I hear a loud metal CHU CHUNK! Im thinking 🤔🙄 "Oh god! What did Dug break this time? Please not Tims prize grinder that "I" borrowed"!!! I hear Ethan, the youngster say "Uh oh!!" I say 😲"Uh Oh?!?! What do you mean Uh Oh Ethan?!?!" Neither say a word! So I repeat my self! STIHL not a word. I walk over and Doug has the auger housing almost disassembled. He pulls out the auger. Wait no. He pulls out HALF the auger! Then one of the four fluke spare cutting blades! Then the other half of the sheared off auger! 😫At this point I'm thinking! "Ok Erik! Don't panic! 😰Its only Tims favorite thing in the whole universe! His prize grinder that he dusts and polishes every day! The grinder that's literally ground over twenty Moose and 200 deer over the years! TIM'S grinder that isn't built anymore and is irreplaceable! The grinder that you borrowed!!!"😭 I Break the news to Tim being as I was the one who borrowed it and therefore the one responsible for it. Upset is not the word I can use to describe How Tim felt. I Begged his forgiveness and promised him one of two things. Either the biggest baddest grinder Cabela's sells or his original grinder back "IF" the local machine shop can fix the sheared in half auger. Surprisingly he said "I'll take a new grinder". 🤔So of course I immediately order Tim a new grinder (Fir about $1000.00 mind you!) and payed for it. I and I alone! Then make the 50 mile trip to the machinest. He takes one look at the auger and says exactly this! "What idiot tryed grinding iron instead of meat?" I say 😒"NOT ME!!!" He looks at it for a bit longer and says "I think you loose on this one, but I'll do whatever I can" I thank him, then make the 50 mile trip back home. Two weeks later I get the call! "Come pick up your auger its no longer a two piece assembly any more" Thank God! 😓 Wait! 🤔I already replaced Tims! He had the option!😲 That means the old school grinder is now MINE! I check with Timmy again just to make sure. Surprisingly again he says "Ah Just keep it!" (Tims one of my best friends) Dug is going to town fir errands. I give him money to pick up the new auger. When he brings it to me later that day he's already sauced up and says. "Since I went and got the auger that means Tims old grinder is both of ours right?" 😡😡😡😡😡 I say "Dug!!! Get your drunk a**......"

The grinder. This thing weights 100lbs if it weights an ounce! View attachment 1041410
Snowing so I’m cutting and buffing out a couple of more boards for my truck .View attachment 1041339View attachment 1041340 Artistic shot of the fire reflection . Yes I’m bored

i worked on my lil hammer project of late. 2 coats Varathane more than good enuff... but the bug got me after reading all the guns & ammo posts... so might make it gunstock-like... first pix is coat #3. last is coat #2

>Artistic shot of the fire reflection .

coat by coat, the reflective depth is getting deeper....
If you guys want the real thing check out Anna Jacobsen on FB. She used to be more active on FB groups but endured a lot of unnecessary bs from ********** guys who were obviously threatened by her. She posts on her page a lot now. A friend of a friend knows her pretty well.

View attachment 1041343
or if that don't float cha'boat... try a visit with One Woman's Wilderness... and get back on track!

all this... alone in the woods! :surprised3:

her's are always good!!!