Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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RM for the win . Either size chain. Have ran both RS and RM and can't tell much difference in cutting speed but the RM lasts way longer in dirty wood. I did put an Oregon RS chain on the 400 the other day. (Freebie). No comparison to a Stihl RM when noodling a big dead ash. Can't wait till it wears out.
Take the angle down some on the face and four off the drags. Dry wood is brutal. Crotch wood is the worst.
Time for a pressure washer…
I have a pressure washer, and normally we pressure wash the logs..... however, it's not practical to wash these logs when I can cut over 700 board feet between blade changes in spite of the mud.
Now, if I had another helper I would definitely like to have the logs washed, but it really wouldn't boost production more than 5-10% which doesn't justify another guy's time, unfortunately.
Started a clear cut job and I was actually told before work…you gotta drop the whole “what about the logs” thing ha ha ha damn is my scrounging instincts that noticeable lol
It don't hurt to ask!!!! Lol
Welcome aboard by the way.
Crazy, I just moved from Detroit …spent 5 years there. Been all over the state and like what’s cool is there’s multiple vibes all over depending on the town or part of the state. And they are like Drastically different not like Iowa where it’s all the same if that makes sense lol
I get it totally. But Detroit is cess pool, I know a few people down there that are nice, but Detroit is like NY city and most the coast, a great place to put in your rearview mirror, better yet to avoid if possible ;).
Hope you find some nice folks up in Minneapolis, sure theres a few there too.
I'm late to the flippy cap debate lol. My flippy cap Stihls often leak at the oil cap...I try my best to keep them clean, but you can only do so much about gunk when out cutting. Other than that, I actually don't mind the Stihl flippy caps that much...way better than the previous gen threaded caps IMO.

My threaded-cap 066 and 044s all leak fuel from the caps and o-rings don't address the issue. I ended up with el cheapo aftermarket tanks on all 3 of them, they don't leak...the 066 leak was particularly egregious on the OEM tank.

My Huskies all seal well, the only complaint is that the caps seem to be made for gnome-sized hands. I wish the caps on my 550 and 372 had just a bit more material sticking out for my bear-paws to grip to.
I haven't had too much problems with them leaking, just not wanting to lock/turn all the way closed.
Funny the aftermarket ones don't leak lol. You can put the flippys on the 372, but only on the larger one without modifying them for the 550 mk1.
As far as I'm aware, all husky caps have a place to put either the screwdriver end or the wrench and of a scrench, they work well even with gloves, stihls don't work as well with gloves.
Happened to me a coupl times. Dribbled fuel mix over and it cleaned right up.
So you forgot to look :lol:.
Or just a quick look at it.
Am I stupid with good ideas or or rightly intelligent with stupid ideas?

Is this the right road I'm on here or is this the wrong lane for me?

Help a mfer out, please 😢

Bangs head on the pole repeatedly... thinks to self, wtf.

You know the feeling, right? The more you help the worse it gets. Then they start thinking, oh my... 🙄
hey LP - :wtf: if i know! all i know is Murphy visits way-y too often these days! so to keep rain water for other day out of bucket... i flip it. has a lip, so catches bit with bottom up. i need it out of my way. nice day yesterday, warm and i am in a hurry to get outside. so shorts and rubber boots for a bit. i push the bucket out of my way... i guess Murphy thot i should push harder... so in a flash, happened faster than a broken shoelace... the bucket goes one way, the water the opposite... hits the lip and does a parabolic inverted curve... up... up... and most of it... up, and then down into my boot thru top! instant wet sock! 💩

could have done w/o that! had to stop and change it out...

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