Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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You beat me to the sweet 4wheeler I got a junker but I think this spring the boss lady is gonna let me get a nice one. Look on her face when I showed up with the splitter was priceless I soooo wish I had taken a picture, hahahahahaha
Yeah went for the wheeler first. It's a lot easier to hand split wood than it is to drag a deer out of the woods.
You got a hydro? Which one?

So I leave for FL with my brother to see my Mom, she is doing very well, you would not even know she had a stroke. The weather was warm when we left, it was even warmer in FL, we come back today and I'm freezing! Was still in the 40s in the afternoon! I'm not acclimated after FL.

We rented a 2016 Red Mustang GT, it is a very nice car. Not as fast as my Supercharged Mustang, but fast none the less, and the ride and handling is beyond description. It also had some very nifty features. When you unlock it at night, it projects a Mustang hologram on the pavement (under each side mirror), really sharp. Also, the backup screen is fantastic. I don't have one in my car. I have driven other cars with them, but have never liked them, but this one was great. Overall, I was very impressed.

Let's go Mets & Jets, been a long time since either of them has been worth watching!

I'll be cutting tomorrow, and have several other projects to follow up with (and I should be out bow hunting ... soon).
Guys, I think this is the best thread on the site, as others have stated as well. Clint, you did a helluva job crankin this thing up. I've learned a helluva lot on this one, from you guys. I ain't no wood slayer like most you folks are....geographics dictates that. We get off tangent at times, sure we do...look at my hog huntin deal. I think it's a good deal when we can all talk about something different for a handful of posts...but we get right back to the scrounge thing. My hat's off to all you gentlemen who have to spend so much time scrounging, cutting wood in your climates, to keep your family and your home warm. Good deal fellas.
Hey Matt , I've got 3 splitters , a SS , a 5 hp 24" hydro and a SplitFire 4203 that I built a hydro pack unit for .
All these were found and scrounged from local ads and work well but 90% of the wood I've burn't has been handsplit , 1 van load at a time :)
If I was dragging cords or buying a load of logs home I'm sure I'd be using the powered stuff , the sellin woodpile is all split by machine .
38* here this am , house is nice and warm with a small fire of kiln dried end cuts and some slabwood from my mill , from the long range forecast it looks like I should be able to keep the house plenty warm on the scrounged up scraps and my garbage buckets of Zogger wood , heck , even my garbage buckets were scrounged up from the side of the highway and ditches after a wind storm LOL

I don't want to be accused of being soft LOL
Coupla Bonus pics for Ambull. Here's what mid to south georgia looks like from the main road..they grow white fluffy things, miles and miles of them.View attachment 453894 The other side of the white fluffy fields is swamp, pine trees, moss and hogs about half the size of an old VW pic is your new scrounge buggy, start saving the extra from your new job!View attachment 453892

I had an American Bulldog named "Knuckles". He was fearless, but well trained to listen to all my commands.
He passed away last year at 8 years old....poor guy was diabetic and blind at the end.
He was a real good boy and great and gentle guard dog for the house. Not too many people wanted to come to the door though seeing as he was 125lbs and had a neck bigger around than his head.
We miss him and now we have a Great Dane.
I had big plans yesterday for today. Might have to make an adjustment to them. Hydro out to the south of us. I was going to pick up an extra generator at TSC today because they are on sale, fat chance they have any in stock now.
View attachment 454354
Nice act like you got some photography skills about ya, lol. And here I am thinkin you're just a saw and equipment hoarder, lol. Amazing to me to see snow like that at this time of the year. We wouldn't know how to act in mid-Ga seeing that stuff. That pic is worth blowing up, framing material. Serene shot indeed.
I needed a couple of 2x4's so I go to the mill and saw them out , I cover up the mill and start picking up my lumber thinking that the mill is making funny noises , I turn and find that it's my little buddy LOL


No hockey stick in sight and you can't swing a green white pine 2x4 very fast LOL
I guess I'll have to go to the store and scrounge for supper there .
Well, cleaned up another blown down cottonwood that hit a half dead maple. Not bad for a couple hours work. We have to drive thru the neighbors pasture to get to my brothers farm ground, and this was on the path. Not the best wood, but works this time of year.

Can see the trashed wagon tire and rim in second pic. My brother had a flat in one of the old gravity flow wagons, it was the back wagon and by the time you see it, the rim and tire are shot. About time for some bigger wagons I think.


Well, cleaned up another blown down cottonwood that hit a half maple. Not bad for a couple hours work. We have to drive thru the neighbors pasture to get to my brothers farm ground. Not the best wood, but works this time of year.

Can see the trashed wagon tire and rim in second pic. My brother had a flat in one of the old gravity flow wagons, it was the back wagon and by the time you see it, the rim and tire are shot. About time for some bigger wagons I think.



Nice rounds, already cracked, should be easy splitting, but I have never done a cottonwood.