Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Wood's Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips...
Feb 26, 2015
Mid Georgia
Just to be clear some friends started calling me that, after seinfelds soup nazi character. No affiliation with the political party
Keep your avatar name what it is...the name you created...the name you keep. Nothing wrong with it in terms of scrounging wood, keeping your home warm throughout the winter time.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 30, 2014
Northern VA
I heard a quote once in reference to the Japanese rebuilding their navy to counter perceived threats from NK and China including ships bearing names of those sunk in WW2. It went something like this "Japan has lost one war in 5000 years, do you really think that is going to deter them in the future".

Yeah it is kind of fascinating isn't it. The whole island of Japan is smaller than California! They have a warrior tradition dating back to the samurai days. Physically they are usually fairly short and light weight. Their culture is known to be respective and puts the group over self. On another note, I've been reading articles/studies about firearm related killings. Of course the U.S. is high on the list of countries with firearm related deaths. A chart I saw shows the U.S. as the second on the list right behind Mexico. Mexico! The country that is having major issues with powerful drug cartels. Japan is second to the last on that list. Pretty amazing considering their brutal history of martial culture. Shows what a country can do when everyone buys in.

Just to be clear some friends started calling me that, after seinfelds soup nazi character. No affiliation with the political party

I saw that episode! That was awesome lol. I call my father in-law the camp Nazi because he gets freaking crazy. Dude has no idea how to relax.
Jan 5, 2014
Brewster, NY
For the record, my Dad (Matt's Grandfather) stated that the true heroes of the war are buried on foreign soil. They all went through Hell, then came home and worked their fingers to the bone, in part, to give future opportunities to the rest of us. They were embarrassed to accept welfare, and would do everything possible to be free of it, and no job was "beneath" them.

Now let's return to the thread!


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 30, 2014
Northern VA
For the record, my Dad (Matt's Grandfather) stated that the true heroes of the war are buried on foreign soil. They all went through Hell, then came home and worked their fingers to the bone, in part, to give future opportunities to the rest of us. They were embarrassed to accept welfare, and would do everything possible to be free of it, and no job was "beneath" them.

Now let's return to the thread!

Deleted member 83629

Deleted member 83629

suppose to get a 1 ton dump truck load of corn cobs from my buddy up the road he is shelling corn for his deer.
its not wood but it has a good burn time no smell and little ash burns hot to.
gotta feed my shed stove to keep from freezing makes dandy kindling when soaked in kerosene.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jul 23, 2013
Brickerville, Pennsylvania
Ambull01 - I couldn't help but take a shot at ya because I cant stand political correctness. However I agree with what you said in response. Too many of the good ones have been lost in service to our country. Like is said to crazywolf earlier. Thank you for what you do to keep us free.

I will say I can remember everything about the moment 2 years ago when I got a text from my best friend telling me he was back in PA and out of the desert. I am thankful for all those that serve and the sacrifices that are made for the greater good.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 30, 2014
Northern VA
suppose to get a 1 ton dump truck load of corn cobs from my buddy up the road he is shelling corn for his deer.
its not wood but it has a good burn time no smell and little ash burns hot to.
gotta feed my shed stove to keep from freezing makes dandy kindling when soaked in kerosene.

I ride with a CPT to my National Guard drill training. He has a corn stove. Never knew there was such a thing lol. Seems to be really efficient and puts out a lot of heat. Only downside is he has to buy the dried corn. He had some issues storing the corn over the spring/summer too as some kind of critter kept getting at it.

Ambull01 - I couldn't help but take a shot at ya because I cant stand political correctness. However I agree with what you said in response. Too many of the good ones have been lost in service to our country. Like is said to crazywolf earlier. Thank you for what you do to keep us free.

I will say I can remember everything about the moment 2 years ago when I got a text from my best friend telling me he was back in PA and out of the desert. I am thankful for all those that serve and the sacrifices that are made for the greater good.

Oh I'm far from politically correct lol. I'm probably the least politically correct person I know and everyone reminds me of that fact. Perhaps I used the wrong term. It was more of a distorted view on WWII.

Is he in the Guard? You guys have the "bloody bucket" unit up there. Can't remember the official name though.

I may be flamed for this but I'm hoping Bernie Sanders becomes the next president. I've had enough of crony capitalism, infighting/total dis-function in congress, broken campaign finance system, foreign wars on false pretenses, etc. I'm not saying I hope we become a nation of pacifists but something has to change lol. Suicide rates are extremely high with service members. Used to be the special ops guys didn't see suicide issues but now it's hitting them too. We've been at war too long. I've also been amazed at how veterans will become choked up/emotional when they speak about their experiences in combat. For instance, the members of Band of Brothers. It's been 50-60 years since they've been in combat yet they start crying or become speechless when they're forced to remember! We've been in combat for over a decade now. Imagine all the emotional scars people will forever have to carry.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Oct 30, 2014
Northern VA
Anyway, don't want to turn this into a political forum lol. Just spoke to my neighbor's mom from Alabama. Damn I miss the south. She's as friendly as can be and striked up a conversation about my firewood pile. Evidently she still splits wood with a sledge hammer and wedges. Said she loves doing it. Her father taught all his kids how to do it. Kinda made me embarrassed I'm using a hydraulic splitter.


ArboristSite Member
Apr 4, 2011
Just measure real well, door size and what could theoretically fit into your stove. Now mix in with your stacks enough of those size pieces to be night logs. I keep out a good selection of gnarly hard to split big chunks for that purpose. Plus...late night pit stops....when it is cold enough, I'll keep it going one way or the other, this time of year, meh, I just relight it if I need to in the morning, house doesn't have to be warm at night. Takes a lot more wood anyway to do that. Fall is real hit or miss here, few days cool enough to burn, then back to sweat city. This will go on until December. It's goofy, I've picked ripe tomatoes on Christmas day here, and once a few years ago we had six inches of snow on Christmas day. Just learn your stove and stack a variety of species and sizes, then you can adjust for what heat and duration you need.

Our weather is pretty much the same. Burned earlier this week and last night had the windows open trying to cool down. I've definitely been cutting a Christmas tree in a t-shirt before. I definitely have a lot to learn and I do love my stove in every other way but the gas tank.

Perhaps we have differing definitions of burn time lol. My house is about 2,400 sq ft not included the two rooms on the third floor I use for storage. There's no way in hell I could get 6 hours of burn time with that thing and still have it put out enough heat.

I've heard this stove I bought throws off a massive amount of heat. This winter will be the test run. If it doesn't suffice, I may buy another stove and place it in the family room. Not sure how the hell I'll be able to feed two stoves though.

When my stove is going you don't want to stand near it but when I leave it to burn before bed I damp it down pretty good. It's still putting off a ton of heat though. I usually wake up when it gets chilly thats how I know I need to deal with it. It's normally too late though. I define burn time as going from full to empty. It's still putting off some heat but not enough to move around the house.

I hear you can get some crazy burn times with a catalytic stove. They're expensive though.

Mine's not a catalytic but it does have some fancy baffle system and air injection. It heats the house just fine but can't keep it going all night. The fire looks unreal since it's burning the smoke.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jul 23, 2013
Brickerville, Pennsylvania
Is he in the Guard? You guys have the "bloody bucket" unit up there. Can't remember the official name though.
He is in the reserves. I don't ask about what happened over there. If he wants to talk about it I will listen but never will I ask.

The latest stats I saw we have lost far more service members to suicide than to combat/training. I'm not going political but you are right we have been at war for too long. Especially when people hardly talk about it. Its just another day in the neighborhood. We definitely need someone different and someone independent of the two parties to maybe change anything. But free stuff Bernie isn't the answer. He surely isn't my answer.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jul 23, 2013
Brickerville, Pennsylvania
The goal of Obama is to break capitalism so people will embrace socialism, (Bernie Sanders). You have got to be kidding me??? I like Carly, Marco & Ted. I hope one of them emerges at the top pick.

I kind of like Ted. I am ehhhh on Carly and not really a fan of Marco but lets who emerges. I think someone independent of both of the major parties would have a decent chance since there seems to be a lot of frustration with both parties at this point.
Deleted member 83629

Deleted member 83629

i can thank obama for the healthcare for the first time in my life i had health insurance and i could go to the dentist
i never could afford health insurance but im pretty poor i live below the poverty line i only make 10,000 per year.
grateful a human being cares enough about someone to give them health insurance it eased my burden.


ArboristSite Member
Apr 4, 2011
i can thank obama for the healthcare for the first time in my life i had health insurance and i could go to the dentist
i never could afford health insurance but im pretty poor i live below the poverty line i only make 10,000 per year.
grateful a human being cares enough about someone to give them health insurance it eased my burden.

I'm glad you have insurance it can be very stressful not to. However he didn't give you anything. Everyone else is paying for it. My insurance got more expensive and covers less. He also didn't do it because he cares I can guarantee you that.
Jan 5, 2014
Brewster, NY
It is Socialism at it's finest, and dividing the Nation again, part of his goal. Now the poor have health insurance, and the Middle class has sky high premiums and deductibles they can't meet. If the goal were to provide medical services, why in the world would you put the cost of an insurance company in the middle? Why not just create clinics??? I believe he is a very smart, EVIL person who is ruining this Country very fast. I also believe most of his supporters don't really understand what is happening, and are not nearly as smart as they think they are. The massive debt, the massive costs of health care, welfare and other gov entitlements, the virtual extermination of Christians & Jews in the Mid East, along with massive transfers of Muslims to Europe & the US, the targeting of conservatives by the IRS and other agencies, paid protesters being bused in being reported as legitimate protests, etc, etc. And he gets away with it because the news media is generally in his corner.

After a while, if you keep believing it is all just by accident, you are the fool.

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