Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Don’t post as often as I used to, how are all you guys doing??
Have slowed down a lot in the last couple years. Praying for new lungs. Super hot and super cold temps make breathing a real chore. Hope you and yours are doing well. Looks like you can split some long rounds with the throw on that wood splitter.
New saw day...a dealer that I have a good relationship with, gave me a price on an 881 that I couldn't refuse. One of my coworkers agreed to buy one of my old saws on the same day, so it's almost like I got a really cheap saw lol. For now, I'm planning on leaving it mostly stock, only mod so far is the muffler.

Go big , or go home 👍 get that big boy ported soon ,Lol 😆
Yesterday, my day started off pretty good, my friend wanted to do firewood, so off we went to start taking apart, these two big oaks I cut down a couple weeks ago.


We got started by making the first cuts on the ground,


Then I'd lift the logs up onto my wagon and we'd make the finish cuts,


Some of these logs were pretty big around,


and everything was going good, UNTIL my buddy says, "hey your front wheel is crooked", so I jump off to have a look,


OUCH! This isn't going to be a cheeep fix! It's time to go see the parts man!! lol


anyway, this is what we got done before everything went south!


Tomorrow will be a parts day, well probably a parts "order" day...

Hope you didn't have to far to hike out.
Sh!t Matt!! 40 was prime. :laugh: Just gotta pace yourself. I have a pile of wood to cut and split but I'm waitin on cooler temps. 90's suck.:cheers:
Steve, my wife took the daughter down to Tennessee for her first year of college, I don’t get many days on the weekend that there isn’t family plans. Needed to take advantage of the “free” day. But boy oh boy, I felt like I was in an oven all day
Two winters ago, I had back to back influenza a followed by Covid. Ever since then I’ve just not been the same person. I mean I can still outwork most people, but not like I used to.
SVK, I swear, since Covid I get winded too easily. Still strong, but every “big” round would leave me winded. Just plain sucks!!
Yeah once you become the guy you need to be choosy.

For a while I was the chainsaw guy and I am now the cast iron guy.
Exactly. Now I don't normally take it unless there's :envy: involved lol.
I managed to get another trailer load of maple this weekend, some brush, and a bunch of rounds. It wasn't as easy as some of the scrounging I do, but :envy::envy::envy:, so no complaints.

Couple new members to the collection in the last couple of days...all runners!
Got them cheap 😁
View attachment 1105763
Is one an xt and one an oe?
I saw you said you need to put a piston/rings in one, you should do a 268 piston if it's an oe that needs a P/C.
I'd say there's a good chance I've never looked through a good scope and that's part of why I don't find them easy to use. I do know the ones I have seen I would not even bother trying a split second shot.
One other factor that may get me in the scope aisle will be vision. It is getting harder and harder to get the sights and the target both in focus clearly. I reckon a good scope may rectify that situation.
Again, I'm not against them, just not had a need up to this point.
Practice helps with an optic just as much as with open sights or a set of beads on a shotgun barrel. If a gun is set up well for you, and you are familiar with it, when you place it to your shoulder/cheek, your eye should be lined up or very close. Also learning to use both eyes as was said above can be done and is very helpful when getting on target initially. If any of your buddies have red(or green, which I prefer) dots on there long guns, you should try one, for 50yrd shots at deer that's not a bad optic. They can also be shot with both eyes open ;), well :) 😆.
About 55yrds with the .17 cal this weekend, it turned right as I shot, just not quite quick enough! It's a little red squirrel.
Yesterday, my day started off pretty good, my friend wanted to do firewood, so off we went to start taking apart, these two big oaks I cut down a couple weeks ago.


We got started by making the first cuts on the ground,


Then I'd lift the logs up onto my wagon and we'd make the finish cuts,


Some of these logs were pretty big around,


and everything was going good, UNTIL my buddy says, "hey your front wheel is crooked", so I jump off to have a look,


OUCH! This isn't going to be a cheeep fix! It's time to go see the parts man!! lol


anyway, this is what we got done before everything went south!


Tomorrow will be a parts day, well probably a parts "order" day...

Thanks for reminding me Rob. Last week I noticed I had a cracked rim on the Kubota, I had forgotten, that could have been bad. I'll need to check it out later, glad I have a spare ag tire and a couple turf tires in case.
Good to see you guys got that big tree down, lots of good wood in it.
Hope you get your wheel sll fixed up soon.
I need to not forget about mine again. I spread 20yrds of crushed asphalt with it this yesterday.
You are missing the point completely. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was out on a hunt and someone's cheapo scope or binos fogged up or failed in some way. There are NO stores or gunsmiths or out in the bush!!

I can't tell you how many times I spotted something in the dim light and the guy with me couldn't see it through his scope OR the person got a headache from looking through cheapo binos!!

I HATED it when my friend would keep reaching for my binos saying "let me see, let me see!

Take your cheapo scope and put it in the freezer overnight then take in out and put it in a pan of warm water. That's what it's like hunting in the bush on many of my hunts. We will see how good a hunter you are when you can't see through your cheapo scope.

Cheapo scopes are better than they use to be, but they still aren't high quality...

As always when it comes to hunting and anything gun related, your extensive knowledge and experience is better then anyone else's. I'll remember not to share my experiences in the future since my equipment is vastly inferior to yours and I've never been in any conditions that compare to yours.
As always when it comes to hunting and anything gun related, your extensive knowledge and experience is better then anyone else's. I'll remember not to share my experiences in the future since my equipment is vastly inferior to yours and I've never been in any conditions that compare to yours.
I'm not the only one here that disagreed with you, yet you singled me out. That was nice of you...

I do fail to see why a difference of opinion would bother you so much, and that's all it is, a difference of opinion.

Do you really think I give-a-dam what scope you or anyone else buys???

I'm not the only one here that disagreed with you, yet you singled me out.
Yea, I'm sure he is the only one who has ever noticed your arrogance!

I think those double barrel bear rifles need two high end scopes, a Zies on the right and a Leopold on the left. That way if one of the lenses gets browned by some stuff that is flying around you can always use the other one!