Splitting Wood

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I have followed this web site daily for about a year now, I have learned alot and find now that I should contribute and not drag my feet. Some one a while back spoke of a wood splitter like you are talking about. They gave the site. I looked at it, and bought one. I have split a little wood with it. It's very fast, but it is somewhat dangerous. It does bolt to the rear hub of a pickup. http://www.thestickler.com
is the web site. I am satisfied with it. I have owned a hydraulic wood splitter and found the Stickler much faster.

yeah its an old idea that some farmer probably came up with. But when put to a PTO off of a tractor it really gets with it, and since it is 3 point mounted you dont have bend over as far.
Ideally, I like to fell and block into firewood lengths while the wood is not frozen, then split and stack it while it is frozen. Splitting green frozen red oak is awesome. Just pops apart. Though I get most of my firewood by scrounging, so this theory is not always true.
Devices as the stickler have been around for a while as has the wood gernade.

Too dangerous and too slow. Looks as if it would be hard on your back sitting down and leaning forward. I would be very careful wearing loose clothing around the device.

I watched the video from the site and I could have split at least 5 times the amount of wood in the same amount of time with industrial hydraulic splitter.

I am sure it is not too expensive which is good and would work for the average homeowner splitting wood.

I wonder how it does on larger pcs with knots and what happens when a piece gets stuck?
The stickler, dangerous? Yes. Slow? No, unless compared to a very expensive commercial splitter. I purposely tried to split some nasty knotted pieces to see what it would do. It augered right into the piece until it stopped the hub from turning. Then I just put the truck gear in reverse and it wound right off. I like it because it was fast, cheap, and I never have to pick up a piece of wood no matter how big.