Still 045 Super

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I consider the 030/031/032, 041, 045/056, and 075/076 to all be in the same family. They all have similar styling cues.

076 Super built from scratch with a NOS case.
Brad, I've seen pics of that dandy 076 before. I'm building an 051 and am curious as to what parts it would require to retrofit the high-rise air filter setup on my saw. I'm also in need of that style recoil / tank assy. to complete my flywheel / module / starter conversion. I submitted a WTB on the Tradin' Post for the recoil assy. but, so far, no luck.
I remember that saw from previous post. as you mention your father I am reminded of his passing, I lost my dad dec. 3gonna be first Christmas in my 54 years w/o himView attachment 387466 056 mag.2

Thoughts and prayers for you. I lost my dad 8 years ago 12/11/06 and my mom 5 years ago this Dec 26. It doesn't seem like they've been gone that long.

OP, find a newer saw. Milling is tough on saws and those are getting hard to find parts to keep them going.
Thank you for the feedback sir, though I don't feel as if the saw is of any consequence. The holidays are hard, let alone this month for you. If anything comes from this thread, I hope its a hug for the ones we still have and a smile for the ones we do not.