storm wind leaves a leaner and a blowdown

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jerry wayne

ArboristSite Operative
Feb 22, 2007
Reaction score
london K.Y.
We had a very intence storm blow through here a couple of days ago.......well at first i was mad,then i got the saw out and had at it.Sure felt good too!I had to buy a hunert foot of 3/4 rope to pull the leaner over and away from the head of my bed,and lets just say we did not sleep in that room that nite.It was barely touching a Mamosa tree,cause i think the tap root was still in there pretty good.WHEWWW!Still cannot figure how to post the pictures themselfs,and i have tried before,not the greatest on this puter bussiness.Ive been told how to and have read how to do it ,and i no compredee:chainsaw:Still the gas fumes,curly Qs,felt real good!~
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Thought that I'd show your pictures for you!

Ive been working down in London for the past couple of months or so and was there when the storms blew through. Those winds were pretty bad, they kept sucking the doors open on the front of the building that we are working on. There were several billboards around Berea that got trashed pretty bad too.

If you look at that blowdown you will notice the lightning stike that hit the tree the first week we moved in,and i am here to confess......i almost messed my jeans!That was the closest i have ever been to a lighting strike,and the last please.Guess that tree was doomed for a while.The people that planted all those trees put them all too close together,but it was what my wife and i called the cave.Real perty view and brezzy all summer long,hammock,cool drink,and the cave.....i will miss it,but now the other trees will get more sun.Have a Mamosa & a Quanzieh cherry that will be happy.Plus the best part is that i got to fire up the ole Poulan.......Had people that wanted me to wait till the weekend to help,but it was just there and i hadda do it to it......know what i mean................course ya do.:greenchainsaw::cheers:And thank you for putting up my pics man,manyhobies,reps on the way
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