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A.K.A Rotten Tree Limbs
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Amoungst My Saws........Fool That Has Too Many!!!
After viewing some of the threads involving the use of T-900, I went out and bought some 8MM T-900. I would like to know what climbing hitch you members are using with this rope/cord. I took a 60" piece and used double fisherman knots to make my split tail. I tried it as a V.T. ( 4 wraps & 3 braids ) and as a Distel ( 4 wraps up, 1 wrap down ) they both seemed to have the same response. Also, how does varying the length of the rope/cord effect the performance of the V.T. How do you guys seal/whip the ends? Thanx.
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I recently got some T-900 and a piece of 8mm Ultra Tech. Both are basically the same rope, different manufacturers. Using the 8mm, I seem to get the best performance with 24"-25" eye-to-eye when tying a 4/1 distal hitch. JPS told me his is only 17" eye-to-eye, but I can't seem to be able to tie the hitch with it that short. I know that the shorter you can make it and still tie your hitch, the better. But too short, and you cannot tie your hitch.

I have some 3/8" T-900 and I need about 30" eye-to-eye because of the fatter diameter to tie the same hitch.
Well, I'm fairly new with this type hitch also. But I'm finding that most guys say that the longer rope will slip easier. I'm also finding that it's harder to pull slack out of your lifeline. I'm finally getting used to pulling the tail of my lifeline rather than messing with my hitch when ascending, and a shorter hitch eliminates extra slack.

With the 8mm, I am alternating between a 3/1 and 4/1 distal.

I'm assuming you are using a slack tender pulley. The closed loop hitches are not complete without one.

I found a good source for T-900 online. $1.26 per foot on the 8mm,$1.80 on the 3/8". Shipping was $6 on my 20' order and I had it within 3 days. If you need the link, PM or email me. (They aren't a sponsor here)
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To dress the ends, I'm finding that the T-900 needs to be milked well first. I'm getting 1"+ out of a 51" piece. The inner core will not melt, but the outer will. If you tape and cut, then milk out the rope so the inner core is recessed about 1/4", you can melt the end to seal it. Then milk the rope out the other direction. Tape and cut about 1/4" out from the inner core and melt.

I'm new with this T-900 rope, and never was much for whipping rope ends when a lighter worked just fine. This seems to be working for me, although I'm sure whipping the ends would be prettier.