Tauntline Hitch Appreciation Thread

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Climbing With A TLH.

Well I am kinda surprised to see nobody is still using this knot? I guess the fact that Im over 40 might have a little to do with it. To be honest I have seen the new generation of climbers and I am not impressed in the least bit! The new bread of men pretty much dont have a clue as to how to climb a tree. Back when we trained a climber didnt see a set of spurs or a chain saw for one year. When you did earn the right to have a saw in a tree you pulled up a Super Wiz 66 and made your cuts. Need I say more to all you young bucks? By the way we tied rope saddles too. Im just an old fart in Ohio. Rick
Rick, there are still a LOT of people using the tautline. Thing is, many of those people don't get into computers that much, so looking at this site, you'd think that tree climbers across the US are using very modern techniques and equipment. You're looking at a skewed representation of the population here.

Trust me, the TLH is in full force all over this country. I'm sure it is the most popular hitch in America.

thats funny,id guarantee 95%of climbers here use a loop with a english prussik,before that it was 8 plat with t/l
TreeCo said:
I've never climbed on a tautline. Not even once.

Be thankful for that Dan, your not missing much. I had to use a Blakes a while for a quick hitch, the friction in that one about drove me nuts, glad I switched :)


MasterBlaster said:
Okay, I know I'm not the only climber that uses this simple, effective hitch. I read the threads going on and on about all the 'modern' hitches and all those mechanical gizmos for ascending/descending. Cool. Someday I might switch, but for now the good 'ole TH works for me.

So who else uses this dinosaur knot? :)
yes i still use it when i am double crotching by the way, mb if it aint broke dont fix it ayuh
Never used a TL hitch, but use a blakes all the time guess its pretty close. previous to that it was a 2 wrap prussik.
I've only seen pictures of "progressive" climbing hitches but it appears to me that you couldn't bodythrust with it. So do you pull with the right and tend the slack with the left or are these hitches loose enough unloaded that you pull hand over hand above the hitch and the slack just plays through the hitch and tender? :dizzy:
TreeCo said:
I appreciate the taunt line hitch for what it is. A relic from the past. Kind of like a living dinosaur.


Kind of like crocodiles, alligators, Komodo dragons and..........Butch. :p
TreeCo said:
You taunt line users sure have a sense of humor :)
I appreciate the taunt line hitch for what it is. A relic from the past. Kind of like a living dinosaur.
Makes me mildly Mesozoic then. :cool: You'd best not taunt the tautliners tho; we can lash back like a Tyranno's tail.

Re advancing, the Pantin does the best job of this for me. And bodythrusting is such great crosstraining for intimate pursuits, no one with a gut smaller than two watermelons should mock that exercise.

Dan those hand ascenders of yours I used in Pittsburgh hurt my shoulders sumthin awful. I didn't say much about it at the time; didn't want to hurt your feelings. Dunlap got me up in a big elm in MN using similar gizmoes; I'm aways away now :eek: so I'll say I was skeered spitless relying on metal trinkets in my hands, looking down on 30' of air.

Somehow working the pelvis is easier for me; the rhythm is hypnotic, speshly with a dynamic line.
TreeCo said:
Hey Guy, They hurt your shoulders because you had a death grip on the ascenders. :)
No doubt I was squeezin; any new method is going to tighten the nerves I guess. it was a life-or-death grip; with practice I'd ease up and be more efficient, sure. Maybe in Nashville we could share some tricks and swap styles again, not that anyone would have much to learn from my way...If I used the vt for a half a day, it might ingrain as a new habit. I'll bet you and Nick and Tom and...thought sure I'd pick it up after you learned me on it; sorry to disappoint. :(

I'm tryin' to get the blaster up there, but he's shyin away so far. Maybe some peer-group pressure will get him up there to watch Strasser and the other gibbons in the tcc, and do some rec climbin.

Then again if he's in a class by himself, is there a peer in his group to pressure him? :laugh: