The Chimney and the Beyond EPA Standards Stove

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Well darling spider, funny, but coals throw out heat too. At least in my part of the country. Sounds like you had the wrong size of stove? I do know that mine is not made to stuff chock full of wood and smolder for 12 hours. Also, if I recall, your learning curve was quite long. You didn't read the instructions and didn't understand about pushing the intake control lever part all the way and then returning it part way. Just reminding...

Please point out where I said that the stove was for everybody? I don't recall writing that, but maybe senility is setting in. According to a Ted Talk, we musicians are supposed to have good memories.

Yes Cerran, I'm happy with it. Not everybody will be. Dear Darling Spidey was not the only one with something to learn, friends of mine got a different brand of stove and it would puff smoke into their house when the door was opened. Their problem was solved by having their brick lined chimney refitted with a smaller diameter pipe, which was quite an expenditure. They like their new stove now. They seem to be able to stoke it up so coals are left in the morning but they like a warm house all night. I think they have a Countryside or Country something.

Ok, EPA stoves will obviously not make everybody happy, especially folks who hate the EPA. Happy now?

But they do work well--at least in my case.
...coals throw out heat too.
Yeah, if they're burning, if all of them are burning, not just the top layer. Remember?? Most of them would smother-out, becoming charcoal unless I kept stirring it??
But that's just more rearranging on your part... "heat" from the coal bed was never the question, enough heat was. Remember?? I can lay my hand on the stove steel when the coal bed is burning??

I do know that mine is not made to stuff chock full of wood and smolder for 12 hours. Also, if I recall, your learning curve was quite long. You didn't read the instructions and didn't understand about pushing the intake control lever part all the way and then returning it part way. Just reminding...
Smolder for 12 hours?? Where-in-he!! is that coming from??
Your "recall" is coming from way out in left field. My learning curve, or the operation of control lever (other than when I experimented with a modification to it) was never an issue, or a topic, in any of those threads. Now you're just making stuff up... or simply remembering (inventing) what you want, or need to believe are the "facts". Heck, I even quoted from the instructions several times in those threads... even posted screen-shots when the advice I was receiving went contrary to them.
Maybe you should go back and read those threads again... at least come up with a quote to support your ridiculous assertions before you assert them.
Takes a little practice for anyone. Can't just throw em' in and turn on a timer like a regular stove, for sure. Burns either coal or wood. Wood tastes better.:)
You are correct, biscuits taste better cooked by wood. Especially sugar maple. Tastes like you poured homemade maple syrup on them.:D
I must disagree, cooking in there own juices you can really taste the sweetness, no need for butter either. also much less messy and no smell in the house. But to each there own, we all have our tastes, and there is almost no way to go wrong with sea bugs. I think I will try your method this week. You know, for research.
Once the alcohol evaporates you are left with all the real flavors in the ale (or beer) to steam the lobster in. Steaming in a good IPA ( no water added, just ale), I think you will never use water again.
A partial burn ban is now in place for some counties in our fair state.

We're good to go here and have no restrictions yet.

Under a Stage 1 ban all outdoor burning and use of uncertified wood-burning devices is prohibited, including fireplaces, wood stoves and inserts unless they are a home’s only adequate source of heat. Prohibited outdoor burning includes residential, agricultural and forest burning. Certified wood-burning devices and pellet stoves are allowed.
My apologies for derailing the thread,slowp. Your thread is much more worthy of discussion than steaming crustaceans.
Nope. Crustaceans--if I spelled that correctly, are worthy of discussion on here. I am not sure if I have ever eaten lobster. We have Dungeness crabs. Not sure if I spelled that correctly either. We used to go visit relatives on the Oregon Coast and go out on the bay crabbing then beach the boat and cook the crabs on the beach and have a picnic, if there was a big enough sucker hole or maybe one of those rare days when it isn't raining. Don't move there either.

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