The Do's and Don'ts of Storing Next Years Firewood

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She hated me for a few reasons, but the main reason was because I was the (un)lucky moderator who drew the short straw to force a cease fire between her and Olyman's incessant war of words in here. PS don't ever volunteer to be a moderator of an online forum, it's a thankless job where you get blamed for everything whether you were involved or not.
I know, IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT. I don't know what's your fault, but since you are a Mod, it has to be your fault, who else's fault could it be? Joe.:cheers:
Steve, did you fly to Florida or drive? If you drove and happened to be coming up 95, I'd let you take a break, and treat you to dinner and a beer. I might even make my wife happy and throw 3-4 saws in your back seat, Joe.
I drive from MN but do not travel on 95 during that trip. I will actually be driving up to Albany in February so if your wife wants to do some inventory reduction I would be willing to help :)
Slowp was cool. I would guess if nobody knew that handle was a female there would be no hard feelings towards her. She's tougher than most men. Funny how we professional psychologists are ready to diagnose her mental state here and ignore all the idiotic comments from some of the men on here.

Oly seems like your typical a$$hole who has earned the right to be one. So what? When you get to the top of your trade you can act how you want. If you can't, that means you haven't earned your stripes and you are a dud.

Buncha snowflakes around here.

Anyway, on topic, in the pnw you'll have a struggle to season anything in a year. Get your supply split asap, put it on pallets stacked in the open and cover with a tarp. Plan on burning green wood for a year or two and get your 3 year supply built up.
As a matter of fact, just came in from leveling out some pallets. I've got enough dry stuff to get me through the winter. If I need more, there are a few spots around here where I can get more, but I can't get my rig very close to the piles which makes it a lot more work. I'll get the fresh stuff on pallets in a couple months. The floor in the barn is gravel - at least a couple of inches. I imagine the wood would suck up moisture on gravel as well so I need to round up some more pallets.
Slowp was cool. I would guess if nobody knew that handle was a female there would be no hard feelings towards her. She's tougher than most men. Funny how we professional psychologists are ready to diagnose her mental state here and ignore all the idiotic comments from some of the men on here.

Oly seems like your typical a$$hole who has earned the right to be one. So what? When you get to the top of your trade you can act how you want. If you can't, that means you haven't earned your stripes and you are a dud.

Buncha snowflakes around here.

Anyway, on topic, in the pnw you'll have a struggle to season anything in a year. Get your supply split asap, put it on pallets stacked in the open and cover with a tarp. Plan on burning green wood for a year or two and get your 3 year supply built up.

OK. Let's be realistic.

The disdain that SlowP cultivated around here had nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with her attitude. There have been a few women on here over the years (flhxstorm for one) that treated folks with respect and were universally accepted. When Slowp contributed to discussions she was good, but her blatant desire to start fights, attack other members, and sling BS with the majority of her posts is what made her infamous.

I see from the date that you joined that you were not here for her heyday back when her buddy Gologit bob was a moderator and would let her instigate fights and then ban the folks that called her out for her BS.

Regardless I have no personal issues with the aforementioned despite some of the things they pulled around here. Honestly if either of them were passing through my town, I would buy them a beer or a cup of coffee. Same goes for just about anyone else I've come across on here.
Steve, you and I signed up a couple weeks apart, and I don't remember SlowP? The first few years I hung out with the Homelite guys, then went to milling, and kind of settled here. Seemed like the folks here could take a joke and tended to joke around more. Took life a little less serious. With a handle like SlowP, I'd buy her a whole bunch of beer, just to see if it was true, Joe.
Steve, you and I signed up a couple weeks apart, and I don't remember SlowP? The first few years I hung out with the Homelite guys, then went to milling, and kind of settled here. Seemed like the folks here could take a joke and tended to joke around more. Took life a little less serious. With a handle like SlowP, I'd buy her a whole bunch of beer, just to see if it was true, Joe.
She never delved into the chainsaw or milling forums and that is why you never heard of her. She was mostly in the Forestry and Logging forum but would occasionally come over here to firewood and piss on folks to try and rile up a fight. I used to be more active in the Off topic board and she would frequently come in there and pick fights as well. About two years ago she made a huge post about how she was leaving and never coming back and when she didn't actually leave she more or less stayed over F+L and quit trying to pick fights.

When she and Oly would fight it was just nasty bickering. But when her and spidey would get into it, it was worth paying to watch LOL

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