The New Mrs.

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tony marks

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 11, 2001
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stanley co nc
:) Hello Gentlemen and Ladies: I know this is out of the oridinary but i had to say THANK YOU for keeping Tony on the straight and narrow and for being there for him when he needed someone to talk to. As you can guess this is the Nurse he has been talking about.... We would be pleased that when the wedding day arrives to have you folks be present. Will let you know later when the day arrives. Karry.......chainsaw chainsaw :angel:
Hi Tony, it looks like you have taken a turn for the nurse. :blob2:
Congrats, may you both always live in matrimonial bliss.
Yep John ..I been guilty of using pretty poor judgement at times.
But i'm also a good judge of people and this lady is a better woman than i am a man..I would be a fool not too grab her since she will have me.
Thanks Tony
She sees in you what we see- a great, hard working man whom anyone would be proud to call a friend. Best of luck to the both of you.
thanks verybody. black jack thanks. that kinda accolades will help make sure, she looks over my faults. lol. no w yall keep it up ,ill owe u . lol
Tony, if that wonderful lady can compete with your chainsaws :p , she must really be someone special. Best wishes, & keep us informed on the big day!!
Out of the pan and into the fire you "The Mang of the week" Anthony
Best of luck my friend.
keith c raymond said:
Its always better the second time around.Congrats!
I'll drink to that.If the second was first,there wouldn't have been a second.Best of everything Tony,long life,happiness,prosperity.
This is an Outrage!!!! Whazzzup!!!!!

This is totaly not fair and I feel discriminated against!!! :angry:
How come Karry can post using Tony's username and I get banned for being Rotax Robert, Ken Dunn and Dennis Harvey???
This is an outrage and I want an explanation!!!!
Somebody's gonna hurt somebody before the night is through.
I'm Running Down the Road, Trying to Loosen My Load

Sorry, I forgot the chainsaw related picture.
Karry, take me, I'm more cute than Anthony, honest.
tony marks said:
aint it good to be there jeff.. never thought i would again. just goes to show. u never say never.

It is good. This'll be my first time down the aisle, but not too long ago I was ready to give up on it all after having had my ass handed to me by one I thought was the one.

Never say never indeed...

Not a good pic of us, I look short, but the best one I have on my computer...

dang john . u shot me out the saddle. o well not the first time. ridin high in april ,shot dn in may.. [thats an old sayin for u younguns.]
Karry, Tony
I am glad that you two found each other, best of luck to the both of you.
Just send me that date for the big day and my wife and I will be their.

Is it going to be a chainsaw or a shot gun wedding?
