The Newbs version of "Whadja do today?"

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If I charged for everytime I did a job for family and friends, I'd be retired by now and thats no joke. It all comes around though. My family and friends are all in the construction and labor related industries so I then get jobs done for me for free like architect drawings for a building, septic plans, brick walks and driveways etc. It's all back and forth. I just don't like it when they think I should drop everything to do their jobs for free.
Ya most family I've done trees for have done me favours in the past so I guess it's worth it. Little gas money or somethin wouldn't hurt though. I have done all the jobs but one when I chose to. The one was just this past Sunday. Couple ash branches over hanging their roof. A bad storm went through that area last week which has kept deevo and I busy. Anyways she (my cousins gf) wanted it done right then! Never stopped bugging me. So I drove an hour and did it. Got a thank you. Oh well. Good deed of the day.
Cousins gf?? What has she done for you?? And an hour away? My free jobs are all within 20 minutes of me and the only one I travel for is my mother who is 2 hrs away. Gotta be a blood relative or a REALLY good friend to get it for free.

GF?? Thats ballsy.
she has done absolutely nothing for me but my cousin is more like a brother to me. its his house too, it was just her buggin the hell outta me to do it. she also wants a 70' ash that is splitting in half about 10' up where it goes to two leaders. its directly over the house, no biggie.......
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she has done absolutely nothing for me but my cousin is more like a brother to me. its his house too, it was just her buggin the hell outta me to do it. she also wants a 70' ash that is splitting in half about 10' up where it goes to two leaders. its directly over the house, no biggie.......

Ha Dude, I remember that movie!
Elvis, 1965 ?
That's what I would say.
Anyway, Family is Family.
Ha Dude, I remember that movie!
Elvis, 1965 ?
That's what I would say.
Anyway, Family is Family.
a little before my time man, and hers lol doesnt help that the ash is likely smarter than her, oops did i say that out loud? yup family is family and they have their first little one on the way so id hate for a big nasty tree to smash their house in.
Outbid !!

Went by to follow up with a potential customer today for a crane job that I bid last weak. Got there & got to shootin the breeze with him. Then he tells me someone is coming Friday or Sat. To take it down! Wtf:mad2:
I bid job for $2250.00 and he tells me the guy is charging him $900.00! And he is going to rig it and not use a crane.. the guy is nuts, there's limbs that are overhanging the roof 20ft and about 5ft above the roof with no rigging point above it. Not to mention the powerlines are going right under the tree.. I know who the guy is who is going to cut it and he is a hack! He advertises "specializing in topping" he would probably "specialize" in lionstailing too if he had a clue of that term.. he does do excellent lionstailing tho, u can tell he's got plenty of practice at it.. smh.. oh well, I made sure customer had my number incase the local hacks eff up his roof or porch... Im also wondering if the customer told me that number to get me to come off my price?? Not gonna happen tho so we shall see tomorrowvwhat happens.
Went by to follow up with a potential customer today for a crane job that I bid last weak. Got there & got to shootin the breeze with him. Then he tells me someone is coming Friday or Sat. To take it down! Wtf:mad2:
I bid job for $2250.00 and he tells me the guy is charging him $900.00! And he is going to rig it and not use a crane.. the guy is nuts, there's limbs that are overhanging the roof 20ft and about 5ft above the roof with no rigging point above it. Not to mention the powerlines are going right under the tree.. I know who the guy is who is going to cut it and he is a hack! He advertises "specializing in topping" he would probably "specialize" in lionstailing too if he had a clue of that term.. he does do excellent lionstailing tho, u can tell he's got plenty of practice at it.. smh.. oh well, I made sure customer had my number incase the local hacks eff up his roof or porch... Im also wondering if the customer told me that number to get me to come off my price?? Not gonna happen tho so we shall see tomorrowvwhat happens.

Sneak over there and get some pic's.
Headed out on my first crane removal. Post pics when I get back. Looking forward to to it though I'll admit I've kind of got butterflies. Been a while since I've had those. Have a good day out there, climb safe.
Headed out on my first crane removal. Post pics when I get back. Looking forward to to it though I'll admit I've kind of got butterflies. Been a while since I've had those. Have a good day out there, climb safe.

I hope your crane job went good today, I recently did my first one as well...It was a little weird for me, seeing the limbs go up and away instead of down..but it felt good and I can't wait for my next one...:hmm3grin2orange:
The crane job was great. Everything was smooth, safe and extremely efficient. I estimated the crane would be on site for 3 hours. It arrived at 7:15 was set up in 10 minutes and was leaving by 8:45. I couldn't believe it. The crane op even loaded the logs in the dump trailer for us. It was a great experience. Made a great business contact as well.
Way to go on the crane job, it's fascinating watching tree work with crane vids. I would love to work with a crane but haven't had the need for one yet, and I doubt I'd be that confident in myself the first few times, really need to learn to find balance points better :msp_confused:

Finally found out how to get pics on my computer, I did this cemetary job a few weeks ago, a decent sized hickory with quite a bit of base problems beginning from years of lawn mower abuse I would assume.

My work partner volunteered to climb that one, took out the lower 2/3rds then got nervous and left me to take the top 1/3 out. Wouldn't have been too bad if everything didn't have to be roped out. After this job he left me for a factory job :(
The hole thing was ~75', rigging the top out was somewhat frightening but I went for as small peices as possible. Before I get flamed for not havin a helmet I wear a petzl vent but it was 105 and the third & last tree of the day, it got eliminated before I had that water sent up.
In the pic of me I was just about to start cutting and tossing the wood into a hole of brush we made, ran out of gas midcut so I reset the block up all sloppy like to have my partner send a bigger saw and to lower the t435 down from.
Step Cut

I haven't used that back cut for regular falling. . I use it for trees that have back lean that I'm going to drive with another tree. Looks like it worked good for you.

It has worked good for me with pull lines on backleaning trees.. Here is another one I used it on..

Dying hackberry Fell - YouTube
Got up, took a shower, had coffee and breakfast, watched an episode of Game of Thrones. Might go to the shop and replace some teeth on the stumper, maybe not. I have no work lined up this week, no bueno.:frown:
Perfect time to fix things. You know you'll need all of the gear one day and of course, it won't be ready to go. I wish I had a week off. Oh my god what I would get done!!! Paint this, fix those, prep that, replace those, call them, go there ... And that's the first day!
I bucked up Firewood for the bosses shop for the past 2 days. Sometimes I get almost a full tank of fuel before a chain is too dull to grind its way thru even a rotten log. I'm glad he has a Silvey 510 round grinder. I take 4 sharp chains out to the log pile and when they are all dull I go grind them. . It's dirt guys wood. They don't have any idea how bad a half bucket of gravel is mixed in to a dump truck load of Firewood logs. .only went thru 8 chains today. But no one bugs me. And it pays the same, . Got about 4 or 5 cord bucked up today .. Gotta go do a pre work meeting with the line Superintendant tomorrow on another phase of r.o.w.cutting.