The "Not So Pro" discussion thread...of course Pros are welcome!

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Yes, the dogs and I are fine. Just been glamping on the dry side of the state and pissing off the firewooders on their forum, which is not hard to do.

A reminder, this is the forestry and logging forum, which does not mean everybody is a :bowdown:faller:bowdown: or even wants to be. After all, somebody's:drinkingcoffee: got to figure out how to get those logs off the hill:angry: and into the mill or even the :bowdown:fallers:bowdown: will not get paid.

Emoticons: What would we do without them? :)

I just annoy them. Can't help it.

sooo big mouth from the elitist hack mouth forum...your admitting,, in these posts,, you only come over to other areas, to TROOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL on spidey said,,your a hack of the highest level...and think your a logger...stick your head in the sand..theres names for humans like you...
Uh oh Ms. P, you've whipped him in to a petulant frenzy. :chop:
not hardly,,but he FACT of the matter is,,she likes to try and impress people on this forum of her self appointed greatness,, because shes female.................shes been taken to task,,where shes been TROOOOLING,,but shes got her head so far in the sand,,she cant see or understand truth..and by her posting what she did,,PROVES shes a agiating TROOOOOLLLLL just like her lover golughisa,.. and what do the forum rules,,say about trolls?????
not at her:laughing::laughing::laughing: you dont know, her past history....

You might be surprised at what I know. I have a background in engineering, I always like to look into things before I comment. Another of my quirks is that I read instructions before I assemble something. My stepson complains that I'm too thorough and methodical. Hmmm, I suspect I can live with that.
far as i am concerned you can post any thing here you want to as long as there is no bashing of any other member. i don't like it no mater who is doing it. i find it best to just step around folks we don't get along with.
i have and always will try and help with any questions i find if i can.........i think most all of us here will do that. we just need to leave politics alone. by the way, i have no problem with you, just hate to see the bickering.
not hardly,,but he FACT of the matter is,,she likes to try and impress people on this forum of her self appointed greatness,, because shes female.................shes been taken to task,,where shes been TROOOOLING,,but shes got her head so far in the sand,,she cant see or understand truth..and by her posting what she did,,PROVES shes a agiating TROOOOOLLLLL just like her lover golughisa,.. and what do the forum rules,,say about trolls?????

Oly, you are really mentally disturbed. You need to get yourself some help. Soon.

And, for whatever it's worth to you, Slowp is one of the finest people I've ever known.
I've worked with her and she's one of the very few people I trust enough to cut alongside.
LOL...I'd wager that she's probably better with a saw than you are.
I've eaten meals with slowp, worked beside her, & regardless of her political or social beliefs -- I like and respect her.

She is who she is, I am who I am, you are who you are.

I can tell you her AS persona is not who she is.

Just like none of us truly come across as a whole, real person on these computers.
Oh no! They've escaped and entered here.:crazy2:I love that emoticon.

Actually, what has them ticked off is my Don't Move Here campaign. For some reason, many find that extremely insulting. I just say it is something they can't understand unless they'd seen the population explosion of Warshington.

What is a BAD GATEWAY? That just flashed on the screen and everything faded for a bit.
That's a 502 error when multiple servers handling your page request (I'm assuming site admin have decided a CDN is to be used to make the DDoS attackers work for their flooding successes) aren't talking or listening very well to each other. Usually a misconfiguration of IP pulllists or firewall settings that site admin and hosts need to sort at their end, or whoever is having a go at this site knows a thing or two. Nothing you can do at your end except hurry up and wait or hope the page you are requesting can be pulled from cache if not needing dynamic content.