The Problem with Normal People

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Amy other possibilities? Does your make sense?
That possibility is a metaphor for the most popular explanations about how the universe got here, and of course, makes no sense. But, it also makes no less sense than the aforementioned popular ones.

You state as fact that it is not possible to figure out how the door got there...
The metaphorical door doesn't even need to be any kind of a door, at all. It could be a single point in space into which an enormous amount of energy showed up... from here, from there, from anywhere. The idea that you need to be in a position to examine or understand the non-door door hasn't got anything to do with its location or its nature or with any of us getting any closer to it, physically. It might very well only require us to evolve into something considerably more intelligent than we are, but the clues aren't in the metaphorical Scrolls... everything about them reeks of human invention.

...mean to say that a True Creator could/would never be silent...
In nearly every instance of True Creator mythology, he/she/it has indeed been very prolific about speaking... all the way up until science taught us the folly of getting too cozy with the idea that a raving lunatic on the corner with a Jesus Saves at First National Bank sign is actually chock full of divine inspiration and spewing actual messages from the True Creator. The whole silence thing is a reference to the fact that it's a popular tactic of apologist writers to call the Scrolls the actual words of their favorite creator and claiming that everything we need to know is in those words... it's not our place to question or ask for clarification on them, because the creator is done talking to us... at least until he/she/it decides to toss some more plagues around and order the murder of some babies. the view of all scholars who have examined them?
Of course not... in this world, a cryptozoologist (who studies animals that don't exist) doing research on the medicinal use of Unicorn Poop gets to go on Faux News and they'll happily deem him to be a scholar. There is an abundance of such scholars who will tell you that it is perfectly logical for a True Creator to consider wearing clothing spun from different fibers to be an abomination, worthy of being stoned to death. Obviously, with that kind of logic, everyone who shops at WalMart would leave in a body bag.

...the speed of light and how gravity works...
And in doing so, made it possible for us to know that the door was there. Prior to that, there was little talk of doors. Now, once again, people have forgotten The Doors and are still ******** about Windows having more bugs than a Best Western motel room.
" less sense than the aforementioned popular ones."

They are all equally nonsensical? The aforementioned popular ones hold to which ideas in particular that are nonsensical?

"but the clues aren't in the metaphorical Scrolls."

How do you know?

"everything about them reeks of human invention."

For example.

"all the way up until science taught us the folly of getting too cozy with the idea that a raving lunatic on the corner with a Jesus Saves at First National Bank sign is actually chock full of divine inspiration and spewing actual messages from the True Creator."

How do you know he's a raving lunatic? What exactly has science proffered that proves Jesus doesn't save at First National? Does He save at First American? Or, does He not save all?

How bout
if Jesus saves,
He'd better save Himself
from the gory, glory seekers
who'll use His name in death?

"they'll happily deem him to be a scholar"

IOW, a true scholar would not, could not, examine ancient texts and determine they are authentic, period?

"...the speed of light and how gravity works..."

The scientist who calculated C and described gravity and acceleration as the same thing also said, “Everyone who is seriously committed to the cultivation of science becomes convinced that in all the laws of the universe is manifest a spirit vastly superior to man, and to which we with our powers must feel humble.”

Even Tony Flew, that once renowned atheist changed his mind, saying, "What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements to work together."
I'm happy for both you and Tony Flew. I hope that together, you can pry the instruction manual out of the divine hands of your intelligent creator, in order that the scientific community won't have to be burdened with searching for a plausible, useful understanding of the mechanics of the Universe. During your chats with the Almighty, please ask him/her/it why they never mentioned Strontium lattice atomic clocks in the last batch of communications. Could have saved us all a lot of trouble. We could be rejoicing, right now, in the certain knowledge that the creator's knowledge of physics was considerably more advanced than his habit of using cubits as a measurement standard in boat building.
"you can pry the instruction manual out of the divine hands of your intelligent creator"
Suddenly a crowbar is the key?
"in order that the scientific community won't have to be burdened with searching for a plausible, useful understanding of the mechanics of the Universe."
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What could be more exciting than unraveling the exquisite complexity of the mysteries that define and explain what we've been given daily to enjoy?

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BTW, see Manhunt. Pleasantly surprised how good it is.
Now, physicists are trying to prove vibrating "strings" are the foundation for everything. Should be easy, but strings are kind of small. For example, a single drop of water contains a trillion, trillion oxygen/hydrogen atoms. If you could take one of those atoms and blow it up to equal the size of the universe, a string would be the size of a branch on a tree.

I have been hollering at you for years for letting Slick abuse women and you did zilch. Now, it's all the rage to go after assaulters. Yet, you still refuse to zero in on the greatest abuser in modern history. What's up with that? HYPOCRITES. There are virtually an endless number of women who deserve justice. You turned and looked the other way when that predator was your boy. If you hope to try to continue to pretend you are an unbiased, fair, news reporting cartel, you best go expose that animal before no one takes you seriously any more.
The question is on everyone’s lips: how could we have let Weinstein’s crimes continue for so long? Yet there’s little in the Weinstein story — the years of whispers of impropriety, the past allegations by women, the intimate connection with a party that advertises itself as a defender of women — that doesn’t apply to Bill Clinton.

There’s a disparity in the way progressives treat the allegations against Clinton and those of other powerful men. Trump, Weinstein, O’Reilly and the rest are unequivocally denounced as sexual predators, and their alleged victims are believed. But when progressive pundits even bother to comment on Bill Clinton’s wrongdoings, the former president is merely accused of crimes; he has alleged misdeeds on his record; his actions require us to uncomfortably re-evaluate his legacy; his accusers are untrustworthy, or they’re simply promiscuous; and besides, it doesn’t matter, because he’s not running for president anymore.

Hillary Clinton has said that she’s “appalled” by the news about Weinstein. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated,” she declared, and pledged to return the mogul’s donations.


I have been hollering at you for years for letting Slick abuse women and you did zilch. Now, it's all the rage to go after assaulters. Yet, you still refuse to zero in on the greatest abuser in modern history. What's up with that? HYPOCRITES. There are virtually an endless number of women who deserve justice. You turned and looked the other way when that predator was your boy. If you hope to try to continue to pretend you are an unbiased, fair, news reporting cartel, you best go expose that animal before no one takes you seriously any more.

If any one ever deserved to go to prison for a long, long time tis Willy The Slick Blythe. The women he mistreated, abused, assaulted, degraded-in other words, just about every female that crossed his path, including Chelsea and Hillary-deserve justice. He owes a debt to every female he harmed due to his unchecked vicious conduct, through his criminal example, as the leader of a country in which human rights are sacred? Talk about disrespecting the core principles of Americans. That filthy animal. The liberal press protected and pampered him to their own shame and disgrace; and they still can't figure out how Trump got elected. Voting for him was a direct vote of disdain for them.
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My memory is not what it once was, and it was never good. But, you'd think I'd be able to remember placing this little ball of gas up there, you know? Those black spots are roughly the size of the earth.
The sun fascinates me. Its size. Its power. Its strength. Its operation. Its color.

I'd love to be able to get right up next to it, to watch the tumultuous boiling, bubbling, looping, roiling tsunami flares curl and twist and turn round and round. To see the earth a tiny bluish dot out there amidst a milky wave of stars and clusters, a sea of shining sparkling, brilliant, flashing, purest white diamonds set in the deepest black. To be so close to hear, to feel the roaring, grumbling sound from soaring bursts of super-heated magnetized plasma shooting into the dark expanse, collapsing back inside the swirling cauldron.

Bet within 50 years we will be offered group discounts for an excursion to our star.

Everything about it. 4,000,000 tons of hydrogen gone, poof, every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year of every century, millennia, every billion years times 4, is too much. It is a thermonuclear power plant that fuses 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium every second. Every second.

I let that reality sink in about once every 50 years. Wish it was more often. The only problem with new and exciting adventures is they get old in time. I get used to them. I have to stop, take time to consider things like this.
The childlike thrill of the new and awesome is what I want, all the time. Read a book about that entire subject once long ago. I get used to stuff, trees, cars, shoes, the moon and stars, the Grand Canyon, dogs, football, WWIII, name it. I remember at one time being in other worldly ecstasy day dreaming about the possibility of being with HER. Now, I wake up in a cold sweat from a brutal nightmare only to discover she really is lying right there next to me. It all gets old for me, if I forget the wonder of it.

Read a book about a troubled cop who committed cop-assisted suicide. He'd been serving for many years. When that tragedy took place, he went downhill and couldn't climb back up. Couldn't work. Couldn't function. Sought help. Saw a really qualified cop-shrink. Realized he'd gotten bitter. Was overlooked for promotions he knew he deserved. When it dawned on him, like an awakening, that he'd originally chosen to become a cop all because he really just wanted to help people, the dark cloud lifted and he went back to work a happy camper.
VERY INTERESTING, VERY INTRIGUING NEWS from Jeff Morley, JFK researcher, former editor and columnist for The Washington Post.

"...progress continues to be made in shining light on what may be history’s most consequential unsolved murder."
This is bizzaro world. Interviews everywhere with all kinds of famous people stunned how we allowed sexual harassment of women to persist right under our noses. No one mentions that filthy disgusting pathetic criminal The Slick. This is the twilight zone.

BUST SLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!clintonslickwilly (2).jpg

Am I missing something here folks? Have I gone off the deep end, totally? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?


Things are busting loose

Twenty-five minutes before President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot, a British newspaper got an anonymous call to be prepared for “some big news,” according to documents made public on Thursday by the National Archives.

Four days after the November 26, 1963, assassination, FBI Deputy Director James Angleton wrote a memo to then-Director J. Edgar Hoover reporting the phone tip to the Cambridge News, a local paper.

“The caller said only that the Cambridge News reporter should call the American Embassy in London for some big news and then hung up,” read the memo.

The memo said the British Secret Service, or MI-5, had determined that the anonymous tip to the local newspaper was made 25 minutes before the president was shot in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald.
“The Cambridge Reporter had never received a call of this kind before, and MI-5 state that he is known to them as a sound and loyal person with no security record,” Angleton wrote.
The newspaper does not know who the reporter was, or why someone would've chosen that particular paper. The news staff was shocked to hear about the incident, reporter Anna Savva told BBC News.

Tweets from staff members Friday showed them digging through documents, and a video posted to the newspaper's website showed a reporter explaining that "no one has ever been able to establish whether that call was actually made."

The revelation about the call is part of the release of a treasure trove of government documents from the time of the assassination and its ensuing investigation. The National Archive posted thousands of pages of documents from the FBI and CIA, the release of which has been scheduled since 1992.

Finally, after more than 50 years, FIFTY YEARS!, we are beginning to get a glimpse of the CIA's subterfuge. No wonder they lied and illegally withheld information to investigating bodies and us. They are culpable for things only the most whacked out conspiracy theorists considered.
LBJ believed there was a conspiracy.

and forbid CBS from broadcasting his confession
Don't like men harassing women, period. Don't like them using sex in any way inappropriately, period. Despise guys who overpower or intimidate women into sexual stuff.

Guess what? At the same time I wish women would dress more modestly, for their own sake and for their safety. Scantily clad females are tough for many guys to ignore. Don't encourage us to go in the wrong direction by wearing practically nothing. It doesn't help keep you safe. Some guys are more prone to lose it with half-naked women hanging around. It is never right or ok for a guy to try to take advantage of this kind of situation. Never, ever. No excuses. But, that's not the point. For your, their, own protection dressing modestly decreases (It does not eliminate) the triggers that drive guys nuts.

Again, to be clear, I am not saying it is ok or justified for men to abuse women, period, EVER! I am simply pointing out that dressing modestly has a less dramatic, less powerful and less instantaneous impact on guys.
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That we allowed this psychopath to become the president of the greatest nation in the history of the world is a terrifying example of how vulnerable even the best forms of government are. That he fooled millions and millions of good, decent, intelligent, hard working Americans, and still does, and remains free from incarceration as a serial predator, to continue to assault females, is one of the greatest tragedies we've suffered as a nation.
Cutting with a sharp chain is addictive. The sheer pleasure brings me back over and over. Can't get enough. Love the streams of shredded wood piling up behind me. Cookin, baby, cookin
I am in shock. I diagnosed a problem with my Stihl, which wouldn't start, and fixed it. It had flooded so I took off the cover, moved the control switch off of choke, opened the throttle and blew in compressed air and she started right up. Glory glory alleluia!!!!!!!!! Glory glory alleluia!!!!!!!!! Glory glory alleluia!!!!!!!!!