The Whining Thread

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Well got it all today; wind, rain, sleet, hail, mist, fog, and snow. Well all except sun, which came out after the quitting whistle.
Banged up my work rig today. Threading my way through blowdown oak, I didn't see a hidden stump by the side of the trail, and left a nice crease at the bottom of both passenger's side doors. It's been a couple years since I made a dent like that and it kinda pissed me off. I was just trying to keep branches out of the radiator. Oh, well, at least it still got me home.
It has been one of those days although not too horrible. The Used Dog seemed to be healed up so I took him on my walk. He did well until we had to go down the steep hill that we'd gone up. He went lame again, although not as bad. I guess I'll have to leave him at home for a few days.

So, the rain stopped. I went out to work on firewood. The rain started up--hard. I went into the shop and glued more foam on the old hot tub cover. Then I thought I'd vacuum up the kitty litter I'd thrown down to soak up water about a hundred years ago. I vacuumed with the shop vacuum. Came in to get new batteries for the radio and upon return noticed the air was quite cloudy--cough cough. The shop vacuum spews dirty air out. Cough cough.

I came in to study. I cannot find such technical things like "the double mitre cut" or "the drop cut" anywhere in the study guide. I think I know how to do them so I'll wing it.

There's still lots of day left. What else can I mess up? Ooooh, sun is out. Sucker hole time!
Got me an eyeball full o' blue paint. That's what I get for trying to leave a bright, clear mark for the fallers to see. Ah, well -- this sale will be a good one, lots of fatties in there, marked for easy skidding. I do hope they don't bang up my oaks too bad tree-lengthing in there.
The Used Dog seemed to be healed up so I took him on my walk. He did well until we had to go down the steep hill that we'd gone up. He went lame again, although not as bad. I guess I'll have to leave him at home for a few days.

I hope you got the Used Dog on Rimadyl...really helped my old chocolate in her later years. Dang, I still miss that old dog.:(
Yeah, we're cool for a week or so too, and wet. . . Then the weather guessers are putting MT and WA in the warmer than normal, and dry category.

Yep and in WA it can go from sponge to dust in about three days. With Mosquitos big enough to ride. Sometimes I wonder why I stay here.
Yep and in WA it can go from sponge to dust in about three days. With Mosquitos big enough to ride. Sometimes I wonder why I stay here.

The laws alone would keep me out'a WA! Some messed up stuff there! LOL

I ain't looking forward to skeeters. . . We had one in the house in January, with lots of snow outside still. :msp_confused:
people parking in my ft yard yesterday. was in the shop and thought the house blew up. took out the power pole clipped the spruce and stopped 15' from the house. just shut the gen down.
Am I out of my gourd or is there and old man in a Pilgrim hat sitting in the driver seat, also, these new cars are really built to take a collision huh?
Am I out of my gourd or is there and old man in a Pilgrim hat sitting in the driver seat, also, these new cars are really built to take a collision huh?

Funny, I was saying to myself, "The Quaker oat guy is driving a minivan???" :msp_confused:
poor bastard, his Puritanical Farm auto insurance shan't cover this. "Aye sir, thine own cherry tree sprang upon mine own countenance fromst no where whilst I was engaged in sending mine wench a sext message"