Twinkle's Brush With Death

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Feb 6, 2007
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We've been getting snow. It has been a mild winter, and now we are getting snow.
When we get a good dump, trees start tipping over onto roads. So, after determining that no, the crew was not up on the hill logging today, I went over to help the road guy and another guy clean up a mess.

They had saws, and being guys, did the cutting. I went to cut some limbs off and Twinkle promptly threw her chain. This usually happens when I'm around other people. It doesn't happen when I'm alone.

So, I set Twinkle down on top of the snow berm and went to work hooking and unhooking the chain on Tippy, the dumptruck. After we were done, Tippy's operateor yelled, "I almost got your saw!" Yes, Tippy's wheel tracks were so close to Twinkle that she was about to tip over into the void! I was going to take a picture but the Tippy operator quickly swished out the wheel tracks with his foot.
How rude!

Later on, we played, dig and tow Tippy out of the ditch. We got it out though. That's what matters.
I'm sorry to say this, but twinkle may need a friend so when the inevitable happens she can at least be an organ donor.

I crunched a 361 with the stabilizer pad of a back hoe. First fews months on the job. Dumbest thing I ever did to a saw. Just broke some covers on it. From then on I always make sure I put my saws out of danger.

Oh yeah, btw what is snow? I swear its snows here every day now. We lost a foot last week and gained a foot this week.
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We are supposed to get some snow tonight. I am finally getting over the flu, been in bed for almost 2 weeks. That means camping with the Scouts tonight and probably opening roads Saturday.
i think the saw was getting jealous. you were looking at other saws.:hmm3grin2orange:
hired a newbie last summer, as a third hand, feeding the climber with gear, or piling brush and wood with me on the ground. we were cutting some tight trees out for a septic field. the excavator waqs on site pulling stumps and loading the trucks. I sent newbie to gas up my new 361 still, as he is going by the shovel the climber asks if he could clear some branches off his ropes, newbie sets my saw down in the driveway, as he was pulling brush, the backup alarm on the shovel caught his attention as the tracks pressed the stihl into the drive. small paycheck for newbie for a couple of weeks, now he never sets his sawdown at all now. then there was the township boys clearing brush along the road, with the chipper running behind the dumper going from pile to pile, the lad got tired of carrying his saw so he would set it on the infeed hopper of the chipper. as the truck went to the next pile, a car pulled out of a driveway. the trucker hit the brakes and you guest it the chainsaw slid into the feed rolls of the still running chipper.
Slowp I'm so glad Twinkle was spared an untimely demise. We must be careful where we set our things.
Take care.
machinery is alive!

I am fully convinced of it now, after working on stuff all my life, both for myself and professionally. I SWEAR machinery has emotions and can change on you, and works differently or not when around other stuff and other humans.

example, I have more, but this is typical..

Back in my 30's decided I need a cheap sports car. Didn't want a muscle car, wanted a cheap import jobby. Can't afford like a ferrari or maserati,, so got a 124 fiat, that got stolen after I built now my budget is lower and get a 850 rear engine spider outta the scrap yard and top to bottom restore it, including full engine and tranny hotrod action. Dang nice. Not fast at all, more like the gokart you wanted as a kid but could drive on the street. Easiest car ever to work on, got 50 mpg!

Anyway, it was ALIVE. Run it all week long (it is now my work commuter), runs fine, go to pick up a date on the weekend, she walks in front of the "eyes", the headlights... dang thing won't work. It got jealous! Can't remember now, fixed whatever it happens again!

All right..I'm hip to cantankerous machinery...gonna try a different tack, tell the date do NOT walk in front of car, approach from back, slide into seat real quiet like.... That works, never busts again.

All true facts! heh ;)
I have watched the skidder come inches from the powerhead of my saw. One time the dude actually ran over the tip of the bar, he got 2 or 3 gas cans too. He would be EVERYWHERE in that thing. I'd lean my stuff against a tree out of the way, and sure as can be he would find that tree and bang the arch or something against it. just like if there where some small trees below a skid road, he was going to wrap the skidder around them when I was at the very farthest reach of the tract. Or like a cut down man we tried that got hung up so much that I quit turning my saw off during fuel ups so as not to give him the opportunity to yell his head off across the woods to come get his saw out.
Looks like this week will be a repeat. Montannians, beware. We are getting nahsty wet stuff today. The cottonwoods will be dumping branches into the roads, the alders snapping. Must get going, Twinkle will need some gas.