Two stroke mix that isn't green...

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In australia green is shyte

Blue is alright and red is good with the oils I have used any way.

Stihl 50 to 1 is blue here and is actually castrol 2T I usually use castrol 2TS synthetic, which they recently changed the name of.
I recently started buying the little 100ml bottles of stihl HP. They're slightly more expensive than the big bottle, but it means I can trust someone else to mix fuel if I happen to be up a tree. All my fuel cans are 5L (or 5 quarts for you statesiders). I usually have two cans mixed at a time, and find that will get me through most days. I have a larger 10L can clearly marked and in a different color which has straight fuel, but I very rarely fill it. It's only for big days. Not that many days I can get through 10L of fuel!

The other thing thats been bugging me lately, the last 2 times I bought the 1L bottles of premix, something weird happened with the lids. They just wouldnt seal properly, so if they tipped over they leak, and when you 'squeeze' them to get the oil up into the measuring bit, air was leaking out both lids no matter how tight you do them up so that you couldnt easily fill the measuring bit. Looked at the lids real careful, tried swapping them etc... pretty annoying. They never used to do that. You do them up, and they get to a certain point (which isnt tight enough), then they jump the thread.

I think I'll trial the little 100ml ones for a while, see how it goes. Would be nicer if they were blue though.


Just buy castrol 2TS its the same stuff and cheaper cause it hasn't got STIHL printed on the bottle.
Just buy castrol 2TS its the same stuff and cheaper cause it hasn't got STIHL printed on the bottle.

The worst thing with the old TTS (now Power 1 Racing TTS, who the #$%^thinks up these names ?) is that it burns my sensitive little girly eyes and nose.

Fixed that by switching to Motul 800 2T instead. (which smells like bananas)
Much kinder to my sensibilities :D
The worst thing with the old TTS (now Power 1 Racing TTS, who the #$%^thinks up these names ?) is that it burns my sensitive little girly eyes and nose.

Fixed that by switching to Motul 800 2T instead. (which smells like bananas)
Much kinder to my sensibilities :D

I got a bag of cement for ya to pick up at the gtg!

doctors orders are two spoonfulls, thrice daily!
I had a similar experience with Interceptor where I couldn't tell it was pre-mix. I about covered the garage floor with fuel when I jerked the nozzle out of the fuel tank because it looked like straight gasoline. I double checked my mix cup to make sure it was recently used, but was still a little uneasy. I have fuel cans that are only used for pre-mix, and even then I add the oil BEFORE the fuel and shake them up like I have something to prove.

But still Murphy and his law follow me around a lot, it bothered me enough to look around for dye to add to the oil so I can see it. I found a place in the UK called Dye Depot that will sell you a sample vial of blue Diesel dye for £5.99 (plus shipping, which was almost as much as the dye itself to the US). It only takes a few drops to a quart of oil to get the nice blue color to the mix.

Agreed on the green, it would spook me a bit, I am so used to blue or red...

I'm sort of steamed as to why I had to search around for a while and pay $15 for something that should have been in the oil in the first place, but I don't work for an oil and lube company.

Hope this helps.
Once again I post about my use of gallon size cider clear glass jugs...
(aka...known as "moonshine" jugs in "the Hollar"...and the South)

Moisture-proof and you can ALWAYS see the mixture...
and when you "do a run" of a fresh mix....ya mark it with a Sharpie...
Date and % ratio...and oil brand used...etc. on the glass...

When you empty the jug...just wipe off the last marking with gas.
I'm continually amazed how few others do SIMPLE!!!

EDIT: I mean for STORAGE...NOT to take out into the field...
Pour from the glass jug into plastic jug to do that!!!!
Put a piece of masking tape on the plastic jug and...mark what's in it.
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From the responses looks like everything is OK (either stihl or shindaiwa - I don't care what it is as long as there was oil, hell even SAE 30W for 2 minutes would probably do if it would mix evenly). Thanks a bunch guys, I've got educated that not all 2-cycle oil is green or blue.

Now if some smart ass lube engineer could tell me why there are essentially nondetect versions, I'd be all ears....:dizzy:

I dare say we've got as good of a bunch of smart-asses here as any forum in the whole world, but maybe not an actual lube about a KY JELLY expert?
Being Red/ Green colorblind myself, I just figured two-cycle mixed gas was brown................Man the stuff I've been fortunate to miss out on. Now if I could just find an advantage to my having flat feet.
We have been informed that the suppliers of dye to Stihl has changed. Therefore they are using soeone else and all 3 of there blends will be different colors. I cant remember which color goes with what but the orange, white, and gray bottles will be coming out and mixing different colors.