Unbelievable Sharpener

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Err . . . . well it's definitely no good fer me, nearly all my chains are full skip square ground!

I hope that guy in the video doesn't get leave his coke bottle with the fuel in it in the field. Some people laugh and shake their head in disbelief about the possibility of people taking a swig out out of the wrong bottle but my SIL (sister in law's) father died from accidentally swallowing a mouthfull of drain cleaner that someone had put in a soda bottle! Apparently it was a really nasty death.
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Err . . . . well it's definitely no good fer me, nearly all my chains are full skip square ground!

I hope that guy in the video doesn't get leave his coke bottle with the fuel in it in the field. Some people laugh and shake their head in disbelief about the possibility of people taking a swig out out of the wrong bottle but my SIL (sister in law's) father died from accidentally swallowing a mouthfull of drain cleaner that someone had put in a soda bottle! Apparently it was a really nasty death.

It does happen. My buddies brother died from swigging down a cup of laquer thinner that he had put in a glass while painting a car. He thought it was his soda. Apparently the paint fumes masked the oder of the thinner until it was to late.
It does happen. My buddies brother died from swigging down a cup of laquer thinner that he had put in a glass while painting a car. He thought it was his soda. Apparently the paint fumes masked the oder of the thinner until it was to late.

Definitely not good!

A few years ago I used a cyanide 2 pack to coat a kitchen bench and (stoopid mistake 1) used a teaspoon to dole out the hardner. While I was applying the 2-pack (stoopid mistake 2 - no gloves) my brush dropped a few bristles which I was picking up with my little finger. After I finished I ate some yoghurt and a little while later started feeling a little shakey with the tips of my fingers and lips going all tingly. In horror I recall that I had used a teaspoon but fortunately found two teaspoons in the sink, one for the hardener and one for the yoghurt. Nevertheless I continued to experience a mild toxic effect. Jumped onto the web and downloaded the MSDS for the hardener and found out I should have been wearing gloves! By then the toxic effects were wearing off and I felt a bit better.

BTW the instructions to wear gloves was written on the can but in a tiny font you could barely see.

Lessons - read the instructions, wear gloves and watch out for those teaspoons.