Warm fall, low fires= Creosote hell!!

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OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! Now THERE'S a marketing hook!!!

LOL!! Naw, I don't think we could handle the volume that would create.:dizzy:

Stay safe!


I can just envision the ad campaign -

"Enjoy a handfull of our Dingerberries...they're as big around as a quarter. Two bits. One bite. Mmmmmmm. Dingerberries."

I can just envision the ad campaign -

"Enjoy a handfull of our Dingerberries...they're as big around as a quarter. Two bits. One bite. Mmmmmmm. Dingerberries."


"Come to our farm, and for a fee you can pick our Dingerberries for yourself.
From top to bottom, each bush is covered in giant, firm Dingerberries."

Yeah... I can see where that wouldn't go over real well eh.

Good thing you ain't growing 'em nearbyand competing with me.
I'd have to run a local Billboard that read. "Pick our Dingerberries, NOT Boogah's". :monkey:

One of our local Deli's is owned by a guy named Frankie.
His kids have a sense of humor.
For years they handed out T-shirts that said. "You Can't beat Frankies Meat".
He put the Kibosh on that about a year ago.:D

Got the screen out of the Cap this morning. Let's see if I can't start one hell of a forrest fire. LOL!!!!

Stay safe!

"Come to our farm, and for a fee you can pick our Dingerberries for yourself.
From top to bottom, each bush is covered in giant, firm Dingerberries."

Yeah... I can see where that wouldn't go over real well eh.

Good thing you ain't growing 'em nearbyand competing with me.
I'd have to run a local Billboard that read. "Pick our Dingerberries, NOT Boogah's". :monkey:

Yup. I'd definitely run a PYO establishment. Best not to do so after pickin' dingerberris tho' :laugh:

One of our local Deli's is owned by a guy named Frankie.
His kids have a sense of humor.
For years they handed out T-shirts that said. "You Can't beat Frankies Meat".
He put the Kibosh on that about a year ago.:D

Got the screen out of the Cap this morning. Let's see if I can't start one hell of a forrest fire. LOL!!!!

Stay safe!
If I ran a hot dog joint, I'd give my self the self-appointed nickname of Charlemagne. Just so I could use the slogan, "Charlemagne Musters His Franks with Relish!"
Ash from stupid neighbors also cause Forest fires


"Come to our farm, and for a fee you can pick our Dingerberries for yourself.
From top to bottom, each bush is covered in giant, firm Dingerberries."

Yeah... I can see where that wouldn't go over real well eh.

Good thing you ain't growing 'em nearbyand competing with me.
I'd have to run a local Billboard that read. "Pick our Dingerberries, NOT Boogah's". :monkey:

One of our local Deli's is owned by a guy named Frankie.
His kids have a sense of humor.
For years they handed out T-shirts that said. "You Can't beat Frankies Meat".
He put the Kibosh on that about a year ago.:D

Got the screen out of the Cap this morning. Let's see if I can't start one hell of a forrest fire. LOL!!!!

Stay safe!

Speaking of forest fires, Our STUPID neighbor at our property started a forest fire after emptying his ash pan of what he thought were cold ashes into a pile of leaves. I will post photos of the burnt property and fire engines,6x6 brush hog tank truck & hummer soon. Fire came within about 75 yds of our cabin and 30 ft from a row of pines which would have made fire much worse than it was.

I think the guy loses a bit of his brain each time he loses a tooth from his nearly toothless smile.
Speaking of forest fires, Our STUPID neighbor at our property started a forest fire after emptying his ash pan of what he thought were cold ashes into a pile of leaves. I will post photos of the burnt property and fire engines,6x6 brush hog tank truck & hummer soon. Fire came within about 75 yds of our cabin and 30 ft from a row of pines which would have made fire much worse than it was.

I think the guy loses a bit of his brain each time he loses a tooth from his nearly toothless smile.

My ordinarily very clever and resourceful friend did exactly the same thing.
