Weedeaterman.com web site changed!

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
Started in Idaho, ended up in Virginia!
Wanted to announce that we have a new EASIER web site! Henry's been hard at work making changes based on your recommendations. Let me know what you think.

He will be adding and fixing stuff over the next few days before he goes on vacation. Something doesn't look right or work, please let me know and I'll lower the boom on him.:msp_wink:

Click the small blue and white blinking icon labeled "METEOR KITS/Chainsaw Parts" in the sponsors tab, my signature line or visit http://www.weedeaterman.com/default.asp

Were running "Today's Super Deals" on the right side of the main page and I will make sure that we change it up frequently based on your requests. Were counting buyers and will be giving free stuff to certain numbered sales.. like "your the 1000th customer, you won...... good stuff!!

I'll make announcements here in the forum for Super Deals directly offered to AS members and group buys. Henry will set the deal to collect your info and payment for group buys so you won't have to count on me screwing up the details.

We've added "The Cart" feature and an easy shipping calculator and as always... shipping turn around in 24-48 hours and assistance everyday and most evenings!

Cool, I was surfing your site for a piston I wasn't able to find. I'll go have another look I could have missed something.
Great improvement.

There is a Stihl MS360 cylinder kit in the Hyway Cylinder Kits -> Husqvarna page.
WOW! That is a big improvement, hats off to your guy that got that set up for you it's much easier to navigate than the old one.
If your looking for something and don't find it, PM me and I'll take care of you.. :)

He's still trying to fix stuff and he's new at it, building web stuff that is. He's a Machinist Mate and used to working with hydrolic power and air conditioners, not puters:msp_biggrin: