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I had a Huffy with a shock absorber?

Maybe that's why I love motocross so much now, couldn't do it then?

They dropped the ball four times and still ruled the field.

Lol I seen a different game one that reminded me of winning the lotto:)
Moving right along


Took the splitter and loader over to the Newbie's place to have at the ( aprox) 7 cord of black birch we put down last season. It don't look like that now, its all covered in 2 feet of snow and ice. More ice than anything but we stacked it all so we could get at it.
After yesterday the one pile is gone and that includes the digging in and set up. I now have a 20 dollar dipstick heater for the splitter. Its a pull start so I don't want to go through that again.
But the kid is doing well, in fact, after awhile he began to rock and roll. He impressed me with the 10 minutes he was on the 44. You can see how cutting logs set up like that can be dangerous enough without the ice.
We had stopped for a break and he wanted to cut but I said no and started walking away but he picks up the saw, I didn't think he could start it ( he's got it on the ground with his foot in the handle:msp_confused:) but when it fired on the first pull I ran back over like the wind to make sure his brake hand was stiff. He tried to tell me I am a control freak;)
Sure he handled it well... for the ten minutes. Good foot placement, posture, grip, etc. That's the key to keep the cutting times regulated, especially with the firewood. When you try to go through the whole pile in one breath is when you end up wishing you hadn't. Plus cutting firewood you are bound to #### up a chain.
Well, we got a few more piles of logs over there til we get back here to what I have. Thanks to God for the MA Roller.
Well that didn't work. Went and warmed up the truck then went to the kids house and warmed up the loader and looked around... no kid. He said ont he phone ealier he was eaten breakfast with a friend and would meet me in 20 . Then I call he says he's on his way, I asked if he was getting laid, he said he was in the process of trying to and would be there in 20 .
I don't blame him but am little pissed he wasted my time. The unreliablility is completely expected and I will tell him that next time I don't need the BS just to tell me straight up.
He was out in the dark splitting late last night and we would have had to dig through a lot of ice to get to a new pile.
This kid I have been working with is silly and I have told him that and I also said if he still wanted to work with me he was going to have to stop being silly. But he is still in denial.
I do have to say we might have had a breakthrough today but its all up to him because I won't invest anymore after this.

It truly is some kid #### he is trying to serve me. He does have a grass cutting business, trained at Brickman and used to having Mexicans do the work. I did tell him there wasn't going to be any of that around me and if he was going to persue his interest in trees with me he was going to have to buck up and buck up a whole lot. Trust me when I say there is no way I could ever consider him even close to an equal, that he was more of a liablity to me and it would befall him as well as me if I ever stopped riding him like white on rice. I did tell him that, quite a few times.

But it is he who keeps coming back for more. And when the dust settle from his last hissing fit and he came back out and asked if I still wanted to work I said yes but when he asked if I would get off his case I said no. So we started back into it again til I finally routed his mind back to the one little point which was made at the start. The one point we both agreed one, the one which was explained to each of us and we both have recollection of, the one point which made all this work we both were doing viable to each other.... Well, he stopped for a second when he finally heard it again and it looked like he realized what really just happened. At that point I was pretty tired from his BS and told him if he wanted to go on to call me otherwise forget it.

Now I am not going to tell you what that point is cause nobody told me but I will say this:
We enrolled our daughter into kindergarten recently, its a little tougher of a school than most public schools though its still public. The one teacher said that within a few weeks all the kids who are not going to make it are weeded out by then. Pretty much her own words. Its a very nice school, she seemed like a great teacher, I would like to go there, what was that point again?
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Well, I certainly did not have as interesting of a day as The Dan...

Another day of sitting here looking at snow... I made my bed and did my laundry... That is about the extent of it. However, I am heading out to set up my groundy's kid's computer then off to a going away (to Iraq) party for a friend at a bar on the East side of town... After being cooped up for so long I am worried about how I might act... I'm wearing my cowboy boots... :)
Well, I certainly did not have as interesting of a day as The Dan...

Another day of sitting here looking at snow... I made my bed and did my laundry... That is about the extent of it. However, I am heading out to set up my groundy's kid's computer then off to a going away (to Iraq) party for a friend at a bar on the East side of town... After being cooped up for so long I am worried about how I might act... I'm wearing my cowboy boots... :)

Why else would I be digging logs out the the ice? And that is what I told the kid before we decided to do it; I said, " if you want to sit around and stare out the window just let me know."

And it turns out the poor kid never did not get laid even though he tried to add to the angst. Me? I will sit but only for so long and I can't remember the last time I had to try to get laid.
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Why is it that a heater only goes down in the middle of the night. I tell ya, when the thermostat on the wall says 71 I start to get the chills. So I was up at 6 am vaccuming out the injector nozzle. Last time the line froze but the double shot of HOT SHOT seems to be working for around here. And if you hear that , that is the sound of a boiler firing on its own and I surely won't be " trying" to get laid this night, gonna crank it up to 90 and get down!:msp_biggrin:

And me and the kid are done:
I had gone over to talk, we were in the basement where we had been playing a little music before( and of course, the kid can't really play anything anyway). I hadn't been down there in awhile and while we were talking I noticed the place had filled up with boxes filled with outdoor lighting, outdoor speakers, pool items and such...
Well, it appears the 28 year old kid and his buddies went over to that foreclosure over there on Western Rd and stripped it clean. EHH?:msp_huh:
I have to say the conversation wasn't going well from the start and you guys can see why. See? Kid stuff. That's what he has been feeding me from the start and even so I gave the patience at first... then not so much with the patience. Hell, I admit its fun to watch newbies climb, must have been something myself at times.
So back to the downright theifery ( and to the sound of the boiler firing again :clap: to me); Well I say hang him!
First of all I allowed him to set foot on Joan Conroy's property so his elementary ass could rake the leaves. And that was after explaining just how close I am to Joan Conroy and how the last guys she had in there robbed her and for the last 7 years I do a few thousand worth of work over there a year and about how never to try no stupid #### around her, me or anybody else I know or while you are anywhere near me and I never want to ever hear anything about no stupid #### he would pull from anywhere or anybody and I said it pretty much just like that so I would think it would be clear.

On the bright side; at least I didn't have to wake up to fix the heater, I was allready up, pretty much all night.
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Back up to 72 thanks to The Dan and we all have a lot to thank The Dan for.:msp_wink:
T'was The Dan who advised the young lad that if he were attempt to take part in what he thought he wanted and if he wanted to do it with some who does actually in fact know everything that there was to know like me then things had to be a certain way and that whatever that way was to just do it and NOTHING is personal (even when I said he was being a silly kid) but he better just pay attention to all of it.

Pretty much what that kindergarten teacher told me and my wife. And trust me, I was easy with this guy. Just remember Plas and those that know me know exactly how I am... and so do I. And vindication for all is knowing that the kid knows it too, he is just in denial. Its not like I haven't been there myself a time or two.

There is much more going on, as there always is, aside from me being an obbsessive control freak. The kid lives in his mom's house, she stays with her boyfriend and we have never met. He lives there alone, sometimes I see his girlfriend and his 5 year old boy there. He tells me she is crazy and always freaks out on him and I can readily see why. Now its really getting sad so I will skip the part were it looks like he just hook shots his trash into the backroom and leaves it. Seems like a normal kid.
I did work for all the neighbors, though the kid had nothing to do with much of it. They all said he was actually a nice kid but undependable. I guess they don't know him as well as I do though I've know him a lot less longer.
I've found, the more trust I give people, the greater their capacity for failure becomes. just thinking out loud here dano..

Just because we're generally cool, doesn't mean the rest of these ####s are!
Well I managed to get a few things done, to live in a small town it may sometimes take an hour to go to the bank although its right down the road.

So now I cut my nails and sanded them down, gonna play a little Jimi, ya know, tune up, plug in, tone down? The movie, Sometimes A Great Notion is on then I gotta grab a load of wood and pick up the kid.
All you can see now is a big yellow Mac stuck in a log in a river and Newman's head is coming up and down giving the guy under the log under the water air.
That's by far the most memorable scene in the movie.

I bought the book from Amazon about a week ago and am about 1/3 way through. The book as way better!

If I'm placing the time frame when I saw the movie correctly, I was probably drinking 50/50 Kettle one and cranberry's, smoking a doober and taking multiple Percocets. Movie seemed pretty damn cool at the time! That was back in the day, when I really knew how to have time off! lol.
One of my favorites Dan-o

You can even hear the sound of hoplessness in the saw as he is trying to start it. You can tell its not gonna start by the way it sounds. I have been a little spooked out since yesterday. Hard to watch, about impossible to read.
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And Yes, I woke up this morning and notified the police about the 28 year old vandal. I also have to say he does have a habit of acquiring things that don't belong to him. But they are just little things, not important.
Why is it that a heater only goes down in the middle of the night. I tell ya, when the thermostat on the wall says 71 I start to get the chills. So I was up at 6 am vaccuming out the injector nozzle. Last time the line froze but the double shot of HOT SHOT seems to be working for around here. And if you hear that , that is the sound of a boiler firing on its own and I surely won't be " trying" to get laid this night, gonna crank it up to 90 and get down!:msp_biggrin:

And me and the kid are done:
I had gone over to talk, we were in the basement where we had been playing a little music before( and of course, the kid can't really play anything anyway). I hadn't been down there in awhile and while we were talking I noticed the place had filled up with boxes filled with outdoor lighting, outdoor speakers, pool items and such...
Well, it appears the 28 year old kid and his buddies went over to that foreclosure over there on Western Rd and stripped it clean. EHH?:msp_huh:
I have to say the conversation wasn't going well from the start and you guys can see why. See? Kid stuff. That's what he has been feeding me from the start and even so I gave the patience at first... then not so much with the patience. Hell, I admit its fun to watch newbies climb, must have been something myself at times.
So back to the downright theifery ( and to the sound of the boiler firing again :clap: to me); Well I say hang him!
First of all I allowed him to set foot on Joan Conroy's property so his elementary ass could rake the leaves. And that was after explaining just how close I am to Joan Conroy and how the last guys she had in there robbed her and for the last 7 years I do a few thousand worth of work over there a year and about how never to try no stupid #### around her, me or anybody else I know or while you are anywhere near me and I never want to ever hear anything about no stupid #### he would pull from anywhere or anybody and I said it pretty much just like that so I would think it would be clear.

On the bright side; at least I didn't have to wake up to fix the heater, I was allready up, pretty much all night.

I am the same way. I won't have a thief around me; too much liability. Not to mention that I just don't like a thief.

Had to let a young kid go 3 or 4 years back. I sent him up his first tree and had been training him for about 6 months. I even let the kid stay with me for a little while. He got busted for pot and I let that go. He then got busted for stealing a car and that was it. I might overlook a little pot, a DUI, a bar fight or the like but I have zero tolerance for thievery.