whadja do today?

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Way to go,Jeff
A face cord (indian cord) is half a cord here. A full cord here is 4x4x8. Euc or oak here would be around 400 per cord.
Jeff :msp_smile:

Face cord for us here is a joke. Face cord is 4'high x 8'long x 16" pieces. Some guys even sell it 6' long. They all average $40-$60/Face cord here. Good oak, split stacked, and 90% of the time delivered. I can't/won't compete with that crap. It's not worth the time or effort. They sell ash, the same price as hickory, or oak. Its sad.

So all told, I'm out maybe $30 in gas to deliver the wood, I can do it at my convenience, and I ain't gotta split nuffin. lol It's a good swap.

I swear I gotta know if AA actually put masonry mortar in a tree. If he did, you all in PA are some lucky Mo-Fos. That's the quality you gotta compete with. It's like Michael Phelps in a swim race with Christopher Reeves. Guess who's who...
Oh , I said cake, But Mike made me realize -;What are you gonna do with it. ? What's with the set-up? Kinda looked like a removal, but Mike made me think, (too bad I can't rep him, or hardley anyone unless they are total newbie or stupid!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::la
Jeff :msp_rolleyes:

Got your back with the rep jeffy...
I almost made a newer ground guy cry today... for the past couple weeks I've been sick so I was moving slow so he thought he was doing good when he was keeping up or out working me. Well today I had all my energy back :msp_w00t: amd at 2:30 I got my second third and fourth wind all at once we knocked out a 44" elm with a Huge canopy in 2 hours start to final clean up 2-40"1-36" and 1-44" american elm takedowns today, three semi loads of logs plus the loader went back full and still more on the ground and about 40 yards of chips O' almost forgot had to deal with a baldface hornet hive in the first tree of the day thats a nice morning wakeup, and I was the lucky one who got to grab the branch with it attached and stick it in the chipper when it hit the ground (I was the only one to not get stung the last "bee job"so I was nominated by my peers... )
I almost made a newer ground guy cry today... for the past couple weeks I've been sick so I was moving slow so he thought he was doing good when he was keeping up or out working me. Well today I had all my energy back :msp_w00t: amd at 2:30 I got my second third and fourth wind all at once we knocked out a 44" elm with a Huge canopy in 2 hours start to final clean up 2-40"1-36" and 1-44" american elm takedowns today, three semi loads of logs plus the loader went back full and still more on the ground and about 40 yards of chips O' almost forgot had to deal with a baldface hornet hive in the first tree of the day thats a nice morning wakeup, and I was the lucky one who got to grab the branch with it attached and stick it in the chipper when it hit the ground (I was the only one to not get stung the last "bee job"so I was nominated by my peers... )

You are a champion!!!
After a bad start to the day, things got semi better... disposed of a crap job I've had for the last couple of years, while still retaining the good work that I do for the client. Looked at 2 descent job, see what happens there, and did a quick inspection for a regular. Got to fly in a friend's new bucket truck... 75 foot Altec? Pretty sweet.
Scored a above average shape 041 today, virtually free. Cost me about 6 face cord of wood, I was gonna give it away, silly me.

Pics soon.

God bless you all that lost money today, I feel for you. You're all professionals and I'm more than confident it will turn for you guys.


Bought this yesterday, along with a new trailer and a new Bradco grapple bucket. Was holding off on buying any equipment as the VA was supposed to do a bunch. Not likely to ever happen! They are so good a promising and then never delivering. I cant wait any longer, it is STUPID that I don't have a machine, so screw it, more in debt I go!

Case 60XT Skid Steer For Sale - YouTube

Threw a new engine in the mix for my 06 F-250 FOR $6800, can we say BEND OVER!
Bought this yesterday, along with a new trailer and a new Bradco grapple bucket. Was holding off on buying any equipment as the VA was supposed to do a bunch. Not likely to ever happen! They are so good a promising and then never delivering. I cant wait any longer, it is STUPID that I don't have a machine, so screw it, more in debt I go!

Case 60XT Skid Steer For Sale - YouTube

Threw a new engine in the mix for my 06 F-250 FOR $6800, can we say BEND OVER!

Nice looking machine. Gotta love payments! lol
Bought this yesterday, along with a new trailer and a new Bradco grapple bucket. Was holding off on buying any equipment as the VA was supposed to do a bunch. Not likely to ever happen! They are so good a promising and then never delivering. I cant wait any longer, it is STUPID that I don't have a machine, so screw it, more in debt I go!

They just take forever and a day to come through. Every time I've applied for an increase in my rating it takes more then a year. The back-pay check for my pension does look good though :msp_w00t: Though with the bean counters trimming around the edges of everything...I got a letter re: my school stipend- they are no longer covering any breaks longer then a week. So now the kids that work crap jobs to make ends meet will have to find a second one to cover the loss of funding during the winter interim between fall and spring semester. It wont hurt us bad, but I cannot imagine going full time and having a family without a good job.

Yesterday I killed five spruce (pungens) that were dying from rhizospaerea and cytospora, between 55 and 70 feet tall. There were a number of funny things with this job

*there was so much dried sap from the cankers that each cut sent a cloud of rosin in the air. We all were pulling sap balls out of our hair. Even though I had a crewneck shirt on I was pulling some out of my meager chest hair.

*The neighbors garage was not a big deal, but saving the screening bushes was a PITA; I had to cut-n-chuck most of the tow largest ones to save several clumps of buckthorn, honeysuckle and mulberry :roleeyes:

*I'm used to burying the ground crew, but I've not seen two grown men move so slow in a long time. They were working hard, but pulling out one branch at a time and stacking in neat piles???

*I cut the first stump down to the flair (I never cut flush, I refuse to kill a chain because the HO does not want to pay for a stump grind) . A groundie "Oh the boss must not have told you, they want the stumps to be 8 inch pot stands" Mr. looks at them "no five inch", Mrs. looks and it's three inch.......in the end i had them all down to the flair; just like i did it "wrong" the first time :laugh:
Yeah, the whole thing is a mess, Kelly my sniper buddy, was diagnosed with severe sleep apthentha (sp?). He was told that he would die with out this certain machine (VA told him this) Took them 2.5 years to get it for him. Had to rent a machine outa pocket the whole time while he was waiting. I have them in limbo, waiting on the Congressman to get some time, gunna sit down with him and blow up the VA. The wheel is broken, don't need a new wheel, just need to straighten some spokes. Illegals get their food stamps on time tho.
They told me that it might take a year to get to DC, then it probably wont get approved anyways, because of the cuts "we cant even get approval for another position",wrong answer. They wasted a year and a half of my time. Remember JPS when I called u about school, since then! Nothing but fat and nasty's working in there, doing nothing but dragging their feet so their case load looks heavy. Went in for school, I didn't even know about the small biz assist, THEY talked ME into it! They are nothing but a bunch of..................Blue Falcons! They still haven't corrected my pay. I don't have the motivation right now to even address it. It will all be retro-activated when I do, so I consider it a savings account with no interest, just monthly deposits!
Think I am going to get them in trouble, then go to school as originally planned. Just don't know about time. Probably should wait a few years.
Chipping brush at the end of the day when a lady comes up to me and starts screaming at me. I can't hear her so I turn the chipper off and she begins to tell me how the chipper is shaking the whole house. I am set up at least 250' from her house. She tells me things are falling off her tables and lamps are shaking. I ask her calmly if I can see the "damage". We go into her house and there is one item on the floor. In the meantime, my groundsman starts chipping again full throttle. Nothing in the house moves. I look at her and tell her it must have been a earthquake. She looks at me like I am an idiot since we don't get earthquakes in Maryland. Sure enough, we had a 5.9 earthquake in VA. She at least said she was sorry.
Chipping brush at the end of the day when a lady comes up to me and starts screaming at me. I can't hear her so I turn the chipper off and she begins to tell me how the chipper is shaking the whole house. I am set up at least 250' from her house. She tells me things are falling off her tables and lamps are shaking. I ask her calmly if I can see the "damage". We go into her house and there is one item on the floor. In the meantime, my groundsman starts chipping again full throttle. Nothing in the house moves. I look at her and tell her it must have been a earthquake. She looks at me like I am an idiot since we don't get earthquakes in Maryland. Sure enough, we had a 5.9 earthquake in VA. She at least said she was sorry.

Chipping brush at the end of the day when a lady comes up to me and starts screaming at me. I can't hear her so I turn the chipper off and she begins to tell me how the chipper is shaking the whole house. I am set up at least 250' from her house. She tells me things are falling off her tables and lamps are shaking. I ask her calmly if I can see the "damage". We go into her house and there is one item on the floor. In the meantime, my groundsman starts chipping again full throttle. Nothing in the house moves. I look at her and tell her it must have been a earthquake. She looks at me like I am an idiot since we don't get earthquakes in Maryland. Sure enough, we had a 5.9 earthquake in VA. She at least said she was sorry.

The newspapers say it was felt up here in central pa. I was grinding stumps and didn't feel a thing.
My truck was in park, but it looked like it was trying to get away. It was rolling forward and backward as far as the tranny let it. Felt like a train was going thru the yard.
Chipping brush at the end of the day when a lady comes up to me and starts screaming at me. I can't hear her so I turn the chipper off and she begins to tell me how the chipper is shaking the whole house. I am set up at least 250' from her house. She tells me things are falling off her tables and lamps are shaking. I ask her calmly if I can see the "damage". We go into her house and there is one item on the floor. In the meantime, my groundsman starts chipping again full throttle. Nothing in the house moves. I look at her and tell her it must have been a earthquake. She looks at me like I am an idiot since we don't get earthquakes in Maryland. Sure enough, we had a 5.9 earthquake in VA. She at least said she was sorry.

That's pretty good! Was playing hookie today at Budds Creek Moto track sitting on the side of a hill with a couple other guys talking about a jump and felt my bike moving so I grabbed some more brake, couple seconds later we all looked at each other and felt the ground raising up under us. Thought the big old tree we were under was breaking loose and going to fall, we all took off down the hill. Didn't find out till we pulled off the track it was an earthquake. Pretty freaky.
I was up a bean pole ish ash bout 50 feet when I felt it sway around more than the normal breezey kind of easy goin sorta sway. It just kinda giggled back n forth. I was like WTF....I just decided it HAD to be the wind even though it wasnt all that breezey. OR, my mind playing tricks on me cuz I wasnt it my favorite climbing situation and kinda just wanted to rope out and get out. My wife told me about the quake so now it makes sense lol