Whats the worst thing you've lost or left at a job site?

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The other day we somehow lost four longer chokers with new caribiners that I had spliced the night before. It was a long day and a yard full of debris. All I know is a crew went in the next afternoon to finish up and said they found nothing.
i been lucky as my tasks are mixed and move about a lot so i have many opportunitys to put something down and leave it,, but 30+ years i not left much more than a lunch box or chain file behind i think its my OCD that kicks in and the saying before i turn the truck key,,,, spectacles testicles phone wallet saw and watch ok good to go

i'd like to get back the lost time i wasted when i get the,,,, uh oh feeling and have to pull over to check the tool box
previous boss of mine had his brief case stolen (cheques cash cards) portfolios of hard copy before an after shots (culmination of twenty five
yrs worth )
at end of long ....last tree in a long large row of pines had placed 66 at base ready for fell. talking with boss an digger driver . was given the "HURRY UP". i turned to walk toward tree, digger reached over my head to put bucket down to lift me up for steal cable installation for pulling ..30 tonne digger didn't even notice he'd pushed 66 into the ground which needless to say was f#@*ed.
In a reserve last week, somehow left my petzl grillon lanyard that I've had since 2002 (though on its third rope), thankfully still there two days later, expected a little old lady to be using it for a dog lead
one2tree :quote (30 tonne digger didn't even notice he'd pushed 66 into the ground which needless to say was f#@*ed.)
that genuinely sucks. :rare2:
it did until the new one showed up the stihl shop was 5 min down road two phone calls an quick drive ..... insurance excess 500
Poof...brand new Silky Tsurugi has vanished from job site to the shop. I'm so bummed, I need a little moral support. Share your stories please...

On the bright side I get to make another order to TreeStuff and I gotta make sure I hit that $100 free shipping you know:D

I lost a silky Zubat this summer, and I still have no clue what happened to it. I still had the sheath so it obviously fell out at some point on the job but I scraped the grounds for it with a fine tooth comb. My best bet is that the homeowner's german shepherd ran off with it. SO pissed! When a few weeks passed and I realized it wasn't gonna turn up I just bought another one. It just made me that much more careful to run a gear check before I left each jobsite. A laminated checklist with an erasable marker works great.
Chevy, I've got the same problem with rakes, always have. I used to lose them drive over them, bury them under chips, etc. luckily they have a short life and don't cost much!
I know guys who buy craftsman rakes at Sears because when they break or wear out there's lifetime warranty they bring them back for a free new replacement.
I lost a silky Zubat this summer, and I still have no clue what happened to it. I still had the sheath so it obviously fell out at some point on the job but I scraped the grounds for it with a fine tooth comb. My best bet is that the homeowner's german shepherd ran off with it. SO pissed! When a few weeks passed and I realized it wasn't gonna turn up I just bought another one. It just made me that much more careful to run a gear check before I left each jobsite. A laminated checklist with an erasable marker works great.
Left my sugoi in a couple of hedges and cupressus, luckily was still on site when I noticed, little branch goes under the handle and out she comes. Easy done when you're climbing through an angry salad
That's pretty f-ed up actually. The right thing would have been to tell those guys, not steal from them!

Just as bad as someone dropped money out of their pocket and instead of picking it up and handing it to them you pocket it.

Was at the dump last year and watched these guys dump their poles for the polesaw..... i got 3 new poles haha
That's pretty f-ed up actually. The right thing would have been to tell those guys, not steal from them!

Just as bad as someone dropped money out of their pocket and instead of picking it up and handing it to them you pocket it.
we didnt even see they dropped it until we were dumping our chips and they were long gone by then
You just said in the post before you watched some guys dump out their poles. Which is it, you saw them or you didn't?
That's pretty f-ed up actually. The right thing would have been to tell those guys, not steal from them!

Just as bad as someone dropped money out of their pocket and instead of picking it up and handing it to them you pocket it.

Character. Some folks have it, some are just characters.

I found a 4'x4' "Mowers ahead" highway sign last year. While I wanted to keep it, I knew who had the mowing contract for that stretch of road. I called 'em. They lost it. It turns out the guy that lost it used to work for me.

I'm still waiting for some of my good karma to come back around to me, though.
You just said in the post before you watched some guys dump out their poles. Which is it, you saw them or you didn't?
we didnt know they dumped it until we got everything unhooked and took the rakes and stuff out and dumped our chips out and saw there was the poles there... i wasnt planning on going for a wild goose chase to find them... if we didnt take them the next guy that came by would of...if they wouldnt of left so quick we would of gave them back
We don't leave much. I once had a groundman lose a fiberglass pole extension. Maybe $75 but it kind of irritated me. How hard is it to make sure you put the poles away?

We were recently dumping chips at a locked city-owned brush dump where you have to check out a key from the city. There was a brand new, thick ratchet strap on the ground next to the pile. The guy with me thought we should keep it but I rolled it up and turned it in with the key. I found out later that some kid almost got fired over it but got out of the frying pan because they got that strap back. I'd never fire someone over a strap but it was nice to feel like doing the right thing helped the kid out.
Last year my hired hand left his chaps, felling helmet and a chainsaw up at a logging site. By his I mean stuff I bought for him to use. I had just got down to the main road with the truck with a full load on the trailer and I ask him, where's your helmet... "ahhhh.... derrrrrr". Pouring rain, dark and I didn't think I could drive back up there without chaining up.
I told him either I was taking $100 out of his pay or he could run up there and grab them. He ran the 3 miles back up the logging road to go get them. He hauled butt caused it didn't take but maybe 20 mins. Pretty darn good for running in the dark in mud!

I have only fired one person and he was cheating his hours. I wouldn't fire someone over breaking or loosing something unless it was very valuable or it was a constant issue.
One guy I had working tore a hydraulic line off my skid steer. Broke the line and coupler.
He was shaking in his boots when he came up to me, though for sure I was going to send him packing.
I wasn't exactly happy, but hey, crap happens. I ended up doing the same thing a few months later, snagged the line on a branch.