whats with this whole power band thing?

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Jun 13, 2002
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orange county,NY
whats with this whole power band thing people talk about? this or that saw makes power all through the power band etc..........it sounds like alot of bs to me. a saw should either be at idle or wide open, so who care's what kind of power the saw has at half throttle. if the saw is bogging then don't lean on it so much.....any one care to explain this ?
The powerband as I have always understood it is where the saw has its most power.........sweet spot as Mike explained it.

Take my Dolmar PP7900 vs. my Husky EHP372. You have to let the 7900 rev and not lean on 'er to get the best cut time/results out of it. Whereas the EHP372 you can really push on and it wants to keep cutting. Do this on the 7900 and it falls out!

The 7900 takes more operator input to get the most out of it!
The range of rpm that is usable for doing work, the wider the better, atleast with car engines. With 2 cycles I would think the band is relatively narrow, ie limited to right around wot.
Mike Maas said:
You keep the throttle pegged, then you control the rpms by leaning on the saw. Cut times vary greatly from one rpm to the next. You need to find the sweet spot, rpm wise.
To add to what Mike said,sometimes it has to do with the engine design.My old vintage Macs,for example,have oodles more torque,at lower rpms than do the Stihls of the same size.They will pull longer bars with a tooth higher on the gearing,than the faster newer saws .No matter,every saw engine has a sweet spot,that's where you want to run it.You can tell by the sound.Listen,they talk to you[aha,the saw whisperer strikes again] ;)
JohnL said:
The range of rpm that is usable for doing work, the wider the better, atleast with car engines. With 2 cycles I would think the band is relatively narrow, ie limited to right around wot.

It's high, but not close to WOT... usually 7500-10,000.
I never really understood that term either. I always took it assome useless jargon conjured up by some engine manufacturer.
Like when you go buy a saw and ask the dealer, "what kind of power band does it have compared to this one?"
Duh! I think the dealer would think you were a putz or something. LOL
Anyway, my turn signal isn't working, does anyone know where I can buy some blinker fluid?
"Powerband" is a hillbilly way of describing an x-y plot of torque vs. RPM on 1:1 graph paper, as HP is a function of torque and rpm. I think we have been through this before at some point. HP=2*pi*rpm* torque/33000. The powerband is generally accepted as the rpm range where 80% of the max hp is developed at the local minimum through to the local maximum rpm. For a 385xp for example, 8900-13900 rpm. A powerband is not a physical entity which you can hold or buy, it is simply a margin on a graph. Cheers.

PS. My shoulder is still Fu**ing killing me so I am keeping my posts relatively succinct.
Hope your shoulder recovers,mine did but it took a couple of years[rotator cuff,ugh].When you said hillbilly term,I understood that lingo :)
Simon, I like the way you kinda sweetly answer the question and OOO by the way my arm is still there and reminding me... boy it feels good to be alive!
I feel your pain.... I remeber when a trip to the ????ter and back laid me up for 3 hrs in pain....
Al Smith said:
Hope your shoulder recovers,mine did but it took a couple of years[rotator cuff,ugh].When you said hillbilly term,I understood that lingo :)
Cheers Al. I've given up on the pills and switched to Crown Royal and Coke.
Black Velvet and Pepsi is a lot better,in my opinion.Crown is ok but like Jack,I can taste it several days later.
Al Smith said:
Black Velvet and Pepsi is a lot better,in my opinion.Crown is ok but like Jack,I can taste it several days later.
Right now, even methyl hydrate with pickle juice is in danger of being consumed ha ha.
ccicora said:
I feel your pain.... I remeber when a trip to the ????ter and back laid me up for 3 hrs in pain....
Sounds like you need more fiber in your diet Chris. ;)
Gypo if that turn signal is the left one, be sure you use a left handed wrench to install that blinker fluid. :p :p Maybe its too much turkey and dressing running through our veins today. Tom
West Texas said:
Gypo if that turn signal is the left one, be sure you use a left handed wrench to install that blinker fluid. :p :p Maybe its too much turkey and dressing running through our veins today. Tom
Once I got the muffler bearing loose I found the reservoir for the blinker fluid, however, it wasn't winter grade fluid so I am worried this may affect the power band thereby causing loss of the ergonomics and relative user friendliness of my MS290. :blob2:
Gypo Logger said:
I always took it assome useless jargon conjured up by some engine manufacturer.

i think john summed it up best..........just run the saw and see where it cut's best, and thats where you run it. i also liked mass's answer about wide open and leaning on it controls the rpm. al the saw whisperer was also right on.

last week i stopped by a land clearing job of another company to poach some practice logs. i started talking with the owner about modded saw's and gave him my 346 and 372 to run. he just leaned on them way too hard and the rpm's were way too low for the saw's to cut like they should. i was just amazed a pro would run a saw like that, and this guy has alot of time behind a saw. i guess we all have our own way of running a saw.

if you stopped taking your pills you can send them along with the saw. :p . good luck, get well soon.
kf_tree said:
i think john summed it up best..........just run the saw and see where it cut's best, and thats where you run it. i also liked mass's answer about wide open and leaning on it controls the rpm. al the saw whisperer was also right on.

last week i stopped by a land clearing job of another company to poach some practice logs. i started talking with the owner about modded saw's and gave him my 346 and 372 to run. he just leaned on them way too hard and the rpm's were way too low for the saw's to cut like they should. i was just amazed a pro would run a saw like that, and this guy has alot of time behind a saw. i guess we all have our own way of running a saw.

if you stopped taking your pills you can send them along with the saw. :p . good luck, get well soon.
No pills left. They were relatively useless anyways.

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