Who starts their saws with the chainbreak off?

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I had to post after reading above.
If you are getting injured just starting a saw, you might want to look for something else to do.

The only time I use the brake is if it got bumped on by accident.

I agree you have a clutch problem. Possible some junk in the fly weights if the clutch is centrifical.

I saw a sweet drop start, while watching the Bad News Bears, the punk kid jumped off the bleachers and on to the kick start will mounting his little Harley enduro and away he went. That was most unusual to see a Harley start on the first kick.

Long time lurker first time poster. I think you guys have a great site!
Diesel JD said:
One of my many bad habits I guess, but the only time I ever use the chain brake is when I am walking with the saw at idle. .

That's when I use a the brake - I pretty much always just rotate my left wrist forward and engage the chain brake when I finish a cut and the saw is idling..
You better make sure if you drop start that it cant tip out, coz you aint got any control and its angled right for your head/shoulders!
I am most likely the king of bad habits. I drop start all my saws with the break off; including the 066 with a 36" bar. I grew up with guys who never seen a chain break for the first 30 years of their carear in the woods. You started the saw like a man or you were not man enough to handle it and had no business opperating it. Another world back then compared to now.
There is one I'm starting on the ground, 'cos I;m not sure if I'm man enough to drop start my 088! I'm going to need some practise!!!
fishhuntcutwood said:
What kind of saw do you have? A chainbrake should reset easily with whatever hand you have on the handlebar. Not to be a smart guy, but, take your hand off the handlebar, pull the brake flag back 'till it clicks, resume sawing. Am I missing something?


372 and 260; Taking my hand off the handlebar is what I dont like. You are left holding it nose down by the rear handle if you have the saw up. Ok if it is on the ground. Otherwise have to fiddle around to get front hand off to the left of handlebar to get space enough to pull flag back.
Yes I did see those; I thought that now you had it working you might take a few action shots:)

What is that saw next to it on the work bench?

(Nice shop, BTW)
I just started using the chain break when starting my saw. It never occured to me that it was unsafe to do otherwise. Since I been visiting this site regularly, I have picked up a lot of good habits. Safety first.
I also never apply the chain brake when starting. I just pull the throttle to get it back to idle.

I think applying the brake while walking the saw is a good idea though.
I never start my saws with the break on either. I can't stand the horrible sound it makes it just makes me thing that it is really hard on the clutch. Also when I got it my 046 only had half of a brake band on it. I cannot figue out what happened to it. My guess is that it got overstressed at stating on high idle and broke. I did purchase a new band for saftey reasons.
What for?

I almost never use the chain brake. I was raised on saws that did not have such feature. I also have a dinky saw that experienced problems with stuff getting packed in there to the point that I ws losing power, it's chain brake has been removed.

I usually drop start as well, unless things are acting funny.

I agree there is a problem with his clutch, or bearing.

DeanBrown3D said:
Yes I did see those; I thought that now you had it working you might take a few action shots:)

What is that saw next to it on the work bench?

(Nice shop, BTW)

I think you can see its little bother - the 066 Magnum in the background...

Action shots might come soon - I just ran a tank of gas though it today to break it in a little, and set the carb. Sure sounds sweet, but incredibly loud. (stock muffler), I had to put my headset on - ears were ringing ...still are.
Lakeside53 said:
There is one I'm starting on the ground, 'cos I;m not sure if I'm man enough to drop start my 088! I'm going to need some practise!!!

Andy just dont drop that monster on your foot when it's not running.. Dont forget the compression release .. :laugh: :laugh:

Never, too bad they started putting decomp on big saws too, kinda separated the wheat from the chafe.
clearance said:
Never, too bad they started putting decomp on big saws too, kinda separated the wheat from the chafe.

Ha, come start my 088 wthout it! I think I'll stay with the chafe, or is it the wheat? :laugh:
Is that a bet? No problem starting a 2100 or its littler friend the 288. Sometimes dropped, sometimes on a log with one hand and never a break.
I Never use the chain brake when starting on the ground. I always warm the saw up before going in the tree and when in the tree, start with brake on. I never drop start. Forgot to add that I always shut the saw off when I have t walk with it as restart is easy.

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