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she was having a bad day yesterday with feeling sick. energy level was zapped too. but you would never know it to talk to her on the phone or to walk in the shop. she tries to show a strong front for our sake. she doesn't want to let on just how bad she feels because im already too mother hen right now.
I haven't met you yet Ann but i have met Terry and he seems to be a real good guy. I met him at Wiggs GTG last year, me and my wife Sarah were there. Which brings me to what i am greatfull for. I have an awesome wife who is my best friend. We have been married since 1996. She does so much for me i couldn't imagine my life had I not met her. I am also thankfull for chainsaws, had it not been for them I wouldn't have met this great group of people.
Mother hen away Terry. Family is the most important thing in life. Take good care of them.
When my wife went through chemotherapy and started loosing her hair, I cut off mid back length hair to show support. Nice onion top too.. I just wish that the day I did it I would have known about Locks of Love. I could have contributed to a nice wig.
#14 down. 21 to go. I used to live in constant fear that one day, I might develop it. The path of my life was driven by this fear. Today I am thankful for the Incredibly Compassionate Doctors... Dr. Florian(family), Dr. McKeown(ob/gyn), Dr. Morgan(cancer), Dr. Meyers(radiation). I am thankful for; The above-and-beyond, The years of training, The long hours, The care, The concern, The reassurance, The letters. Doctors work comes down to a combination of appreciating people, respecting them, noticing what they do well & give them the information they need & deserve. Many people have negative experiences associated with serious sickness, but something we can learn from the experience nonetheless, as long as we keep an open mind. Thank you all! I continue to need you! Anything you want to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
#15 radiation treatment down. 20 to go. Our children are asking for & seeking positive role models to inspire them to rise to greatness in their lives. Today I am thankful for Education... Education has taught me the value of education & that it is a must to seek it out, to continue it, & never give up. Our children deserve the opportunity to succeed & prosper. Remember the days when we carried a 30-pound Math book, cover all your Language Arts novels in paper or be fined, & never make any marks or take notes in the book because it's not really yours? I had many amazing, strict, hard, funny, & forgiving teachers in all subjects in school. I learned invaluable life lessons from every aspect of my school. As I go through my day, it is easy to be thankful for my Education & I am also thankful for my daughter(LeAnn 14years old) for her Education because she wrote me a poem, & that I would love to share!
You gave me life,
Showed me wrong from right
Disciplined me when needed
And I never pleaded
You care more for others,
Even your brother.
You are the one I admire,
We always conspire
You are so sincere
It draws people near.
There is never a dull moment
When you own it
Your heart is on your sleeve
More than the eye can see
You are fighting a war
Much more than before.
Now it is your own,
But you're not alone.
I am your daughter,
But your my spotter.

Every child we teach has unlimited potential for greatness, success, happiness & joy. If we could impact every child in the world today in this way, it is beautiful to think of the world we would all share tomorrow. Anything you want to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
#16 Radiation treatment down. 19 to go. Gratitude is an emotion that will help us value the gifts we have in life. The gift of friendship are made stronger when we share the gift of appreciation. Today I am thankful for My Stunning Quilts that I love so much from incredible people I have met on AS... John & Janelle McCloskey (Nixon) & Nic & Ally Henry (Stihl Livin). I am amazed by their knowledge & abilities. I feel as if I'm reaching across the miles & holding the hand of the maker, because people with an illness are not "Someone Else" they are us. It touches each & everyone of our lives. So that is why I would like to say Thank You, because it's people like you who make the world a better place today! Anything you want to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
#17 radiation treatment down. 18 to go. I'm more thankful for the gifts of others than my own. I get by on the strengths of the people around me. Today I am thankful for my Sister-In-Law Tonya... She is an amazing person! She is honest, a good listener, a natural encourager with a calmness about her that will soothe your soul. I have received a card at the end of each week of my treatment from her supporting me for making it through that week & letting me know that she is right there every step & that I'm not alone. I am thankful for her choosing my brother Tony & for being such a beautiful, strong, smart & loving force in his life & for loving him so fully. Tonya is so inspiring because she pours her heart & soul into all that she does. She doesn't judge nor does she try or pretend to be someone else. She has a positive outlook on life & is a treasure to me but most of all she loves the Lord! Anything you want to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
From reading your post I have learned that you have a very good support system. That is always good and that is experience talking. Keep your chin up and keep thinking positive. Prayers will be sent tonight. Tom
In my journey, I've come to understand the family dealt the support hand. I never gave it a second thought when I went off to adventure after adventure. Contrary to what most think, when you ae going through something, you are occupied with the moment. Not the support group. Spouses and children. Moms and Dads. They don't get to fight the Dragon. They don't get to be occupied with the task of somehow making things good again. I pray for you Anne. Throughout the day. I am grateful I have not yet had the task which has been dealt Terry and your girls.
