Will this bar cut straight?

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Apr 22, 2010
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East Central IOWA
Things didn't go as planned with this one. Had my eye on this big standing dead elm for firewood/Spring GTG tree. The tree had more rot at the base than I realized and pinched my bar on the first cut, didn't even get my notch cut. I got my other saw and as the tree was going over, I planned to pull out the stuck one. The bar never came loose and I had to get out of there to avoid harm and would you believe that the tree hit the ground and bounced right onto my saw. Plastic is easier to replace than flesh & bone and we already had a smashed finger from splitting wood this week, so I didn't need another trip to the ER. The finger belongs to my 14 year old daughter. Looks like along with a bar I will need a new recoil/starter cover. It could have been worse. I've included some pics.





20 pd sledge will straighten it right out,,, i would have cried like a baby if that had happened to me
Things didn't go as planned with this one. Had my eye on this big standing dead elm for firewood/Spring GTG tree. The tree had more rot at the base than I realized and pinched my bar on the first cut, didn't even get my notch cut. I got my other saw and as the tree was going over, I planned to pull out the stuck one. The bar never came loose and I had to get out of there to avoid harm and would you believe that the tree hit the ground and bounced right onto my saw. Plastic is easier to replace than flesh & bone and we already had a smashed finger from splitting wood this week, so I didn't need another trip to the ER. The finger belongs to my 14 year old daughter. Looks like along with a bar I will need a new recoil/starter cover. It could have been worse. I've included some pics.






Sledgehammer should straighten it right out...
I actually did once (wasn't bent as bad) just to finish my load that day. Turned my oiler to the max and went for it. Nothing to lose at that point!

Glad damage is mainly cosmetic, and you weren't part of the damage!
The chain is still over the tip so it should work......... Like a bow bar....... :msp_unsure: I guess Farm Tough is not as tough as a tree falling on it.......

The finger pic looks familiar, seen it many times on my own hands.
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I hate it when the trees fight back.....Glad you're ok, saw can be easily fixed. Put that bar on Craigslist, looks just like a lot of them I see there....:msp_w00t:
Glad the mains saw is okay and looks like a fixable situation. More importantly I hope your daughters finger is okay. Was she holding a wedge or something while hitting it? Tough girl.
I learned a long time ago (when I only had one saw), when one gets stuck, remove the power head before continuing on. Easy lesson to remember when you have to put the power head on the only other bar you have along.


Words spoken from a man that has been around the block. We always carried an extra bar and you protected the saw like gold! They cost to much in those days to have more than one. I remember my father making payments on his after trading in the old one. It damn near rode in the front seat with us and ALWAYS had a rope on it just in case it came loose from the load.

If you find it hard to judge lean before cutting, use a piece of string to make a plumb bob. Tie a heavy nut or bolt on it and just hold it against the tree and see what the string does.
Glad the mains saw is okay and looks like a fixable situation. More importantly I hope your daughters finger is okay. Was she holding a wedge or something while hitting it? Tough girl.

She and my brother were wrestling a big round to the splitter and her finger got between the wood and the metal of the splitter. Her finger was the softest of all materials, so it received the damage. 5 stitches and some ibuprofen and hardly a complaint. She is great help and quite a trooper!:msp_smile:

seen stihl bars flex like that and straighten right out....

Coworker, did something like that to one his toes a few years ago, but he's a filthy animal that don't bath and got Gangrene and then lost the toe... just food for thought...:msp_biggrin: his smell hasn't improved much since then...
She and my brother were wrestling a big round to the splitter and her finger got between the wood and the metal of the splitter. Her finger was the softest of all materials, so it received the damage. 5 stitches and some ibuprofen and hardly a complaint. She is great help and quite a trooper!:msp_smile:


Tell your daughter I feel for her, been there and done that. Good for her to be out helping ya!
Remove the power head

When things go like that... get the motor outta there :msp_scared:
always carry your scrench to whip those nuts off as fast as possible. Always carry a spare bar minimum... second saw usually.

Glad it all worked out fine. The bar goes on nails over the shop door as a reminder of how things go sometimes.
Ouch on the finger.... kids heal fast tho.
She and my brother were wrestling a big round to the splitter and her finger got between the wood and the metal of the splitter. Her finger was the softest of all materials, so it received the damage. 5 stitches and some ibuprofen and hardly a complaint. She is great help and quite a trooper!:msp_smile:


Good to see there are still some kids in Iowa that have the old toughness. No doubt that will leave an interesting scar that she can talk about for years.

When things go like that... get the motor outta there :msp_scared:
always carry your scrench to whip those nuts off as fast as possible. Always carry a spare bar minimum... second saw usually.

Glad it all worked out fine. The bar goes on nails over the shop door as a reminder of how things go sometimes.
Ouch on the finger.... kids heal fast tho.

This can sometimes be much easier said than done on an outboard clutch saw! Hope your daughter's finger heals fine, my girl is a pretty good splitter, but daddies always worry.
This can sometimes be much easier said than done on an outboard clutch saw! Hope your daughter's finger heals fine, my girl is a pretty good splitter, but daddies always worry.

Yea, I'm not sure I could have gotten the bar off as I was cutting quite low. Looking back on the situation there are certainly things that I could have done differently(you know how that hindsight is usually better). My daughters finger looks to be healing well and she gets the stitches out on monday(tomorrow).


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