Will this tree live???

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New Member
Aug 8, 2001
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I've got a maple tree in my yard, right next to my driveway. The tree is about 15" diameter, and about 30-40' high. The driveway is currently gravel.

I am going to pour a new concrete driveway this spring, and want to take the tree out, to make the driveway a little bit larger. My wife likes the tree, and wants to keep it there.

If we leave the tree, the driveway will be right next to the tree, or at least as close as one can get to the tree. So, essentially, this tree will have half concrete, and half grass under it. Will the tree survive with no water, or at least very little water over half of the roots?

I'd hate to have the tree die off in a couple of years, and have my driveway smaller and no tree.

Any opinions???
You paint a grim picture for your maple. Construction of your driveway within the critical root zone (CRZ) of the maple will negativly effect its survival.

The CRZ is a diameter around the tree establish with a formula of:
1 inch of trunk diameter = 12 inchs of rooting radius. In your case you have a 15 radius or 30 foot circle around your tree that contain the critical roots for the tree to adapt to the change in its rooting environment.

A possible alternative to the driveway may be to keep the gravel area within the CRZ and only pave the driveway outside of the CRZ.
In trenching the currrent rule of thumb is 3X the dia at brest hight (DBH) or recomend removal.

The big problem is that the major woody roots that anchor the tree and provide stoarage will me severly damaged when the prep work is done. This will weaken the tree an open a path for root rots that may make it a hazard to climb for future removal and increase the price.

From your description if I were consulting on your property I would recomend remoaval and replacing with one or two new trees. Maybe a swamp white oak or a sugar maple.
Remember also when you are looking at a 12 foot wide driveway they will over dig both sides to do their form work plus excavate the a depth the will provide a stable base to build up to the level of the poured concrete. Ususally 12 to 18 inches deep. This essentially removes all the roots in the area of construction.
OK, are you ready for the BAD news now? Assuming the tree survives, and (dare we imagine) flourishes, the roots will begin to destroy your new driveway in a couple of years and you'll end up taking the tree down anyway.:(
Oh come now, roots do not have enough force to wreck a properly engineered concreat structure. Especialy in a few years.

Well maybe that umbrella tree yall were talking about a while ago. Read some on that and can see why it is not liked. An arid land tree that thrives in wet soils! Roots from hell:blob2:.