Winter appears to be here already

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S. Todd

ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 5, 2008
Reaction score
Hawley, MN
We woke up this morning to snow, wind and cold. Winds are gusting to 53mph, snow is moving horizontally. It's 33 degrees now. Snapped a photo to show how my flag is actually entering an upright stance. An early winter blast in MN, normally we make it until around Thanksgiving. I'm glad I worked hard on firewood early this year. Thanks to our Heatmor it's 73 degrees inside, that makes a guy feel good. Hope you guys in the rest of the country are having nicer weather.
Last edited: do live in america's "siberia".

sunny and rather warm here today. was out with a t-shirt on working in the yard.
Very windy here, it's in the 50's now but is supposed to get down in the 30s overnight with rain/snow mix.
Woke up this morning with the wind, but not the rain/snow that the weatherman said to expect.:( I was kind of looking forward to it.
We woke up this morning to snow, wind and cold. Winds are gusting to 53mph, snow is moving horizontally. It's 33 degrees now. Snapped a photo to show how my Old Glory is actually entering an upright stance. An early winter blast in MN, normally we make it until around Thanksgiving. I'm glad I worked hard on firewood early this year. Thanks to our Heatmor it's 73 degrees inside, that makes a guy feel good. Hope you guys in the rest of the country are having nicer weather.
It was ugly here this Morning only -6c but the wind made it feel much colder no snow though. Well at 2:00am a few flakes fell, you could count them. Wind from the North was blowing down into Montana:)
Woke up Wednesday morning and there was 2" of snow on everything. The first snow of the season.

Same here. They said maybe it would snow a little but I wasn't sure. I was up at 04:00 and it started around then. Usually the about the same time of year for us.
Today was nice -mid 40's. I was finishing a job on one of the vehicles and was glad that I had a bit of sun on my back.
We had a rain and wind storm here last night, but the temps were unusually warm. It cleared today and the temps were in the 60's. We have had 4-5 fires here so far, we have been very lucky. Temps should be warm tomorrow, amen to that.
I'm stacking wood today and its almost 80. Wondering if I'll ever actually burn it. Post more pics, I need to see snow!

Well here are some shots from last winter.





wonderful day here in middle tn in the 60s even took the jeep up the woodpile will cool off here towards the end of week nights down to freezing it gets cold here in winter down in the teens and single digits :( i know thats not cold for some of you but this desert rat thinks so you guys can have that extreme cold lol
I will take the cold any day. You can always put more clothes on when cold. When you are hot you run out of clothes to take off. When you look like me, that's not good. Some warm coals and coffee, life is good.
Here in East TN we are finally getting a little taste of winter, lows tonight are dropping below the freezing point, the highs are supposed to be in the mid 50's for the rest of the week. Even a chance of snow tonight.
come on winter! Bring it on!
Spent the weekend cutting up a nice sized hickory that has been down for a bit.To wet for this winter, but it should be good for next year. Had excellent cutting weather though, mid sixties with a nice sunny day.Even worked up a bit of sweat!
wife joined me cutting this time, first time this year.She thought it was a little cold to be cutting.Last weekend it was to hot.Women!