Wood ID

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Honestly... I don't know. . .I was hoping is was oak. . .but it could be some kinda elm. I have to decide weather to take it or not. I am all about the oak and not so all about the elm. There has not been a live ash tree in that area for well over 10 years :(
It does look a bit like ash but based on what I can see of the leaves and the dark heartwood I'm going to guess Norway maple.
looks alot like the oak we have around here. but I'll need a close up of the end grains. oak has holes in the end grain near the bark. thats an easy way to tell.

it sure doesn't look like any elm I've ever seen. elm logs will usually shed their bark in a few months. but oak will hold its bark for years.
My buddy sent me a text with that picture attached. It said.... bring your trailer on Monday and I can load this wood for free. When I initially looked at it in the picture I thought it was oak but after looking for it at it for a longer time I'm thinking that's not Oak. Right now I am fat with wood so I'm not going to be scrounging around for some kind of piss elm.
looks alot like the oak we have around here. but I'll need a close up of the end grains. oak has holes in the end grain near the bark. thats an easy way to tell.

it sure doesn't look like any elm I've ever seen. elm logs will usually shed their bark in a few months. but oak will hold its bark for years.
Around here we get these elm trees... I don't know if they're called Chinese elm. . they sprout. And in a couple years you have a poor quality tree that is 20ft tall .
well the general consensus is that its either ash or oak. no one has said it looks like elm. but if your heavy on wood then, don't waste your time.
I would guess chinese elm. Bark doesn't look deep enough for green ash.
I would take it if its elm, even if you are full up with wood. Decent heat.
I know what you're saying... My problem is then I've got this old ghetto backyard log splitter and it just struggles through Elm. The only time splits Elm well is when you split it when it's - 4 degrees Fahrenheit outside. I don't know what that is in Celsius for you people in Canada... I think it's a hundred degrees Celsius in Canada either way it splits well at -4 degrees Fahrenheit
And if it was Elm that's great but that Chinese own is crap it's on the level of boxelder and Poplar. If you season it too long it turns into this air like almost is styrofoam type wood. I would much rather cut and split Pine and burn pine
Doesn't look like box elder. That has a much tighter bark pattern. In all honesty I am a leaf identifier on many types of trees but I have cut so much box elder because of blow down it's pretty tough not to miss. Box elder does burn ok but when dry it's fast and ashy. Plus it sucks to split. It sure could be a norway. I don't see many around my parts.