wood pile photo's

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50 Truckloads

Just cut the 50th truckload since Jan 1st here are some pics,this is mixed hardwood red and white oak,ash,locust,hackberry,cherry,walnut,osage orange,hickory and maple. 30 loads split and ready to go and another 20 to split yet.:chainsaw:
Wow I'm jealous of some of those woodpiles. Heres what I've been able to get in the last few months, most of it for free, while working 5 days a week and commuting 130 miles a day to work....


Seasoned almond and blocks of eucalytus in the back...


Pine with some juniper mixed in, ready for splitting...


The whole thing. About 2 cords will be mine for burning the rest gets sold to pay bills and for CAD....I still have access to some more almond and avocado to throw in the mix, a few more cords before winter comes
Here' my pile for this year



I'm guestimating there is about 11 cord of wood all together in my piles. Over half of the wood is used in my mom's inside wood furnace and the balance I transport to my home and put in my Woodstock Soapstone stove.


I'm guestimating there is about 11 cord of wood all together in my piles. Over half of the wood is used in my mom's inside wood furnace and the balance I transport to my home and put in my Woodstock Soapstone stove.

Okay, that is just downright purdy....like dominoes. :clap:
Okay, that is just downright purdy....like dominoes. :clap:

Thats about what they'd end up being here! I stack multiple rows together so they can lean against each other. I dont have that kind of talent to make singles stand straight and true like wistattman does!
In the amount of time it takes to get out there with camera in hand, take the shot, go back inside, load to the computer, post to photo site and to copy paste here.....you could pile another whole row!

Photos of my woodpile tomorrow.
Nothing fancy..........

4-5 cords for this years burning go in the shed..


Everything else sits outside either waiting to be split, or drying.....

About 6 years worth (70 face cord). The lean-2 is full end to end it measures 21' across and about 20 foot out.