would the real gypo please stand up

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Gypo Logger was my father, and I miss him a lot. He taught me everything I know about chainsaws. He was a very safety conscious guy. Wouldn't let me use the 3120KD until I had cut my first 200 cords of firewood. Man, I'll tell you, when I finnally earned the right to use the 3120KD I was the happiest 8 year old you'd ever see. Scared the crap out of the kids at the show and tell at my school when I drop started the thing though........
I have hesitated to bring up subjects of extreme personal nature about Gypo before, but could you then be the illegitimate child that he conceived with the lesbian eskimo woman up in the Yukon? That timeframe, when coupled with the fact that Gypo didn't get his first 3120KD from Ken until just before his untimely demise in the latter part of 2001, would put you in 4th grade right about now. If this is the case, I must commend you on maturity beyond your years. Your spelling and grammar is also light years ahead of a couple of 21ish year old dubs that we all put up with here on AS. Well done and welcome to the crew!
Thanks, dbabcock. It's still painful for me to talk about it.

It all started when Mom, who was living at the North Pole at the time got up one morning to gather her firewood. She was very surprised to discover that there were no trees to be found anywhere. So she got out her sled hooked up her Huskies (Nipper and Pinky) and followed the line of stumps where someone had been logging. Eventually she got to the end of the trail and found this rugged unkempt guy slouched up against the tire of a massive skidder, sleeping and surrounded by empty beer and whisky bottles.

She started yelling and swearing and the dogs started barking, but the guy wouldn't wake up. So she started poking him with a stick and he still wouldn't wake up. So she then snuck over and ever so gently touched the 3210KD that he had tucked under his arm like a baby. Gypo woke up suddenly..........................and anyway, (Mom and Dad would never tell me the X rated details)...............to make a long story short I was born exactly 9 months later.

Another interesting fact.............the "Arctic Tree line" (the line that divides how far north trees grow) has only existed for about a decade. Before that it was all hardwood forest up North. Dad got a lot of logging done around that time. I should tell about the time Dad took the family to North Africa, in the old growth bush now known as the Sahara desert, but that's another story for another time.
ya'll keep laying the bull down like this and i'm gonna have to bring in my front end loader and clean up after you!!:laugh:
Gypo Jr.,

Your statement about the Sahara triggered a recollection of a couple of "fortunes" which have greeted me in the past while logging in to the computer (I'm sorry that this is getting off topic [it's a different kind of logging] and mean no disrespect to your late father, may he rest in peace).

<font face="fixed" size="+1">$ fortune -m AMAZING
%% (fortunes)
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; AMAZING BUT TRUE ...

If all the salmon caught in Canada in one year were laid end to end
across the Sahara Desert, the smell would be absolutely awful.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; AMAZING BUT TRUE ...

There is so much sand in Northern Africa that if it were spread out it
would completely cover the Sahara Desert.</font>

Perhaps he'll look down on this and get as much of a smile out of them as I do.

Hi there, I am really Gypo the third. John Lambert also had a half brother that was a timber tramp. His real name was Egbert.
Egbert started a logging business in 1981, called Loggins & Loggins Logging in the Northern Interior of British Columbia, 150 miles NW of Williams Lake B.C., affectionately known as Willys Puddle.
Egbert was always a "one day millionaire", and after making a fortune in the logging industry as a timber baron, he attempted a journey in a river boat from Stewart Lake B.C. to Middle River, but was drowned on Trembleur Lake when the boat capsized in high winds. Egbert's body was found the next spring by the RCMP., with over 35,000 $ CDN cash and 5 ounces of gold nuggets.
Here is the last known picture of Egbert alive.
Gypo the 2nd, Wendel Douglas Lambert was also a chainsaw fanatic and loved the Husky 266. Here is a picture of him milling up some beach combing stock for a cabin he built on the shores of Babine Lake B.C. in 1981 when the Apthabaskan Indians took him under their wing and gave him 1000 hectares to trap and log.
All this is very interesting but I wouldn't mind discovering who then among the 3 or 4 of you depending on the spin on this thread has been the one exchanging erotic email with me? Or was it a pipelined efforted compilation? In any event, it was an eye opener, who knew it could be so lofty.

I suppose all good things must come to an end. Regardless of whom the author/s were, on the grand scheme of things it's not really that important. I had fun, and Gypo, your maple in the foggy field will always bring a smile to these eyes. It was nice to find a soul out there somewhere albiet for a short time who also understood the essence of knowing and living for that, extra something.

Good times

Hi Candice, I cant vouch for who may be corresponding with you in this fashion, but I too have had a few strange things happen as well. When I got back from Wash., I recieved no less than 3500 emails, all repeats of 3 different ones, not practicularly malicious or anything, just annoying that I have to delete them all.
I guess someone out there doesnt like me, or it may be just a technical problem.
I'm glad you like the picture, so I took another yesterday on the way back from the airport.
Why didn't I get any erotic emails Bevergirl? :confused:

By the way Gypo, you know everyone (besides you and beavergirl) that see that picture are just looking at the tree and thinking about falling it. :blob2:
Why would Gypo send you or Beavergirl erotic email? I know him well enough to tell you that he certainly isn't gay.
Before GL made his disappearance, he was last seen running thru Devils Club to Ruby Rock Lake up a steap slope with 2 Indians who beat him there by 5 minutes. Check out you map.
Cunningham Lake B.C.
It's "Hablas" Fish, but that's pending eyolf's blessing. No matter, I think you'll find that they're injuns.
Egbert's got him one nice little peace pipe there.&nbsp; And that headdress ain't to shabby either.
A bong and a bagel or a loggie and a doggie or a hooka and a hodad. Egbert looks like he was a real burner. Post a picture of your fazah.