would the real gypo please stand up

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Why you politically incorrect bustard!!!!!

They look just like the guys at the front of Walmart, and they do
sprechen espanol.
I do not need a lesson in Spanish from a rich Yankee named
Doug. The "Native Americans" up your way were wiped out
a long time ago.
Mexicans are pretty much "Injuns" too, but they have much
better recipes.
Hablos' is used by the masculine gender, hablas is used by
effeminate "Gringos"!
But I digress........
No Fish, hablas is the first person personal (tu) form of the verb hablar (to speak). It has nothing to do with gender. Of course theres always hablarse, but that's another lesson.
John, that guy looks like some people I have met but I can't quite place the locale. Where's your dad in law from?
After I had just about ad it with my Indians, I decided to hit the road, and make it on my own.
It wasnt really a Forest Fire, it was just the filtre I used in 1981.
It was a good effect though.
Originally posted by dbabcock
Why would Gypo send you or Beavergirl erotic email? I know him well enough to tell you that he certainly isn't gay.

What?!? :confused:

The question "why don't I get erotic email?" was directed at beavergirl, not Gypo...................that's just nasty.
who's got the software?

The freako michael jackson hsa been on all week after his interview, and they took his face, and morphed it into what it changed to step by step over the years. I think one of these computer geniuses we have around here should gather all of the gypo pics and do the same thing for us here.

I think you will need the face changer software, and the hair eraser one too.

I am still waiting for more pics of what OTHERS think he actually looks like, not the ones he likes to pass off.
Hey Hermann, Doug`s reply to you could be read to say that both he and Gypo know the true identity of Beavergirl and that she aint no girl!:eek: Russ