029 super vs 361/362

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....... I don't believe the 353 is a clamshell saw.

It surely isn't - just a less effective engine! :msp_smile:

Regarding hp specs, those are just a "snapshot" of the highest point of the power curve, and tells nothing about how the saws perform at higher (important) and lower (mostly less important) rpm. Bad high rpm performance is a well known weakness with the 029-series saws - to the point where many think the hp specs are fake (they aren't - it is the power-band that isn't effective in practical use).
OK, time to contribute some actual facts here. Before I do that, I would offer to the O.P. that buying the 361 to improve upon his running 029 Super is a waste of money. The 361 may be SLIGHTLY smoother, and make a tad more power. Neither one is anywhere near knocking on the door of a decent 70cc saw. For a substantial increase he needs to step into the 70cc or 80cc ring. Really no homeowner saws in that league, so not alot to discuss there (though I am sure the guys here will offer discussion anyway....)

Now for the facts. If you have not run all three saws well broken in for at least several tanks, please don't bother arguing with me. These pics have been posted before. First up is a picture of some cylinders. the one on the left is the 029 Super, and the next one is the MS-290. The 029Super jug is like a Rolex, and the 290 is like a Timex. Both work fine, but the 029 Super is a work of art. Notice how the top fin is cast in the area of the spark plug. Now notice the outside area of the transfer, and how the Super jug is "fingered" and of a little smaller volume (I suspect higher velocity inside.) The third from the left is the 310 jug, and 390 all the way over. Having run all of the saws here, the 310 and 029 Super run almost identical in performance, despite the smaller displacement of the Super. Muffler modding either makes about the same difference as well.

Next up we have some closer pics. Notice the quality of the Super jug compared to the 290 one. The mold marks on the halves of the jug are much smaller, and cleaner. The intake and exhaust flanges are much nicer. These cylinders may come into my shop from time to time, but they are almost always held in the "private stash." Wish a had a few more right now.

My point here is to keep you guys from lumping the 029 Super and 290 in the same category. The 029 Super was probably worthy of wearing the Super name plate. Those saws are very similar, but the Super is a notch above. I'm looking for some pics of tree service 290's right now to show you guys just how un-reliable those things are.....:bang:
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My owners manual for my 576xp states that it makes 5.7 hp at 9600 rpm. I was just trying to point out the difference between the two and the reason for the higher price. Actually it kind of makes me wonder about manufacturing cost. Does the "More efficient" engine really cost that much more to produce?
My dad had a 29 super for 8 years and I ran it often... Also worked on it from time to time.. I generally used my 034 which is the same displacement when we cut together.. There is no comparison between the 2.. The 34 was always so far ahead it isn't funny. You keep your 29s stockpile high hope it turns to gold for ya. I bought him a 365 special a few years back. Now he's a diehard husky fan. I'm not saying the 29s's are junk but lets face it they are as bulky and weigh as much as most 70+cc pro saws. 84cc if you compare it to a dolmar.. Who really cares if its the best of a crumby series of saw.. I would rather run an old pioneer or homelite than that saw.. Even a mac 10-10 or 610 would be better... :buttkick:
OK, time to contribute some actual facts here......... If you have not run all three saws well broken in for at least several tanks......... Having run all of the saws here, the 310 and 029 Super run almost identical in performance, despite the smaller displacement of the Super. Muffler modding either makes about the same difference as well.........My point here is to keep you guys from lumping the 029 Super and 290 in the same category. The 029 Super was probably worthy of wearing the Super name plate......:bang:

Thanks Tim!! Now you have heard it. He knows of which he speaks. He is not given to hyperbole and he has the experience to back it up.
My dad had a 29 super for 8 years and I ran it often... Also worked on it from time to time.. I generally used my 034 which is the same displacement when we cut together.. There is no comparison between the 2.. The 34 was always so far ahead it isn't funny...... they are as bulky and weigh as much as most 70+cc pro saws. 84cc if you compare it to a dolmar..

The actual weight, and I have both a 310 and multiple 79/84cc dolmars, and have weighed both, is almost exactly 1lb.

I just started into an 034 that I got last week. I hope to have it ready for the woods this weekend. I do know it is lighter than the 361 by about .5lbs.
My dad had a 29 super for 8 years and I ran it often... Also worked on it from time to time.. I generally used my 034 which is the same displacement when we cut together.. There is no comparison between the 2.. The 34 was always so far ahead it isn't funny. You keep your 29s stockpile high hope it turns to gold for ya. I bought him a 365 special a few years back. Now he's a diehard husky fan. I'm not saying the 29s's are junk but lets face it they are as bulky and weigh as much as most 70+cc pro saws. 84cc if you compare it to a dolmar.. Who really cares if its the best of a crumby series of saw.. I would rather run an old pioneer or homelite than that saw.. Even a mac 10-10 or 610 would be better... :buttkick:

To each his own. I happen to have a few 10-10's and 610's, and they cut wood just fine too. He likes a 365 better than an 029 Super? I think anyone would.
Not to mention the spring anti-vibe. That alone would sell me.

I must be sadistic, though. I even like running ones with NO anti-vibe. :msp_ohmy:
I would offer to the O.P. that buying the 361 to improve upon his running 029 Super is a waste of money. The 361 may be SLIGHTLY smoother, and make a tad more power. Neither one is anywhere near knocking on the door of a decent 70cc saw. For a substantial increase he needs to step into the 70cc or 80cc ring.

Good information. As stated before, I might be looking to add a similiar 60cc class saw AND a 70-80cc saw BOTH to the mix. From what you said, the 361 wouldn't be a good saw to go with. Noted. Thank you.
Good information. As stated before, I might be looking to add a similiar 60cc class saw AND a 70-80cc saw BOTH to the mix. From what you said, the 361 wouldn't be a good saw to go with. Noted. Thank you.

I think the 361 is a fine saw. I just don't see it being enough of an improvement to replace your existing 029 Super. If you are purchasing an additional 60cc saw, then a 361 is a very good choice as is the 362. 359 Husky is quite a capable 60cc saw for the money, and very smooth. There have been several good reviews of pre-production Husqvarna 562's also.
how close is an 039 to a 362?

In power?

I'm thinking about an upgrade, but my 039 does just about what I need it to do. But there are times that 20" bar just wants a little more power. Would I even notice a difference if I went to the 362? I think for the weight gain, I'd better notice extra grunt!

But I'm holding out for an 046 that I know of.
Keep holding out for the 46... You won't gain enough to justify getting another 60cc saw.. 261 and 46 would be what you want :)
lambs ~Would I even notice a difference if I went to the 362?
Don't know how much the 039 weighs, but the newer 390 is 13 lbs. , and the 361 is 12.3 lbs. I hear the newer saws are a little heavier, so it could be with the 362.
I think a 390 weighs a tad more than a 362. They run about the same as a 361. A 362 runs a little better than a 390, but not a whole lot.

I like the 361 better than anything Stihl offers around the 60cc mark. It's lighter and faster than a 290. A muff modded 361 is a real saw! Never ran any other 362 besides stock. Same with a 390, only ran stockers.
If you want a good running saw thats a bit faster than your 290 or 029 super, find a good 044/440. You cannot feel the weight difference in a 362 and 440. Heck, they're prolly not even a lb different.
If you just want another 60cc saw, get a 361. While not alot of improvment over a 290, it is quite a bit. And it's alot lighter.

Only ran an 029 super a couple times, and it's been too long ago to remember how well it ran.
In power?

I'm thinking about an upgrade, but my 039 does just about what I need it to do. But there are times that 20" bar just wants a little more power. Would I even notice a difference if I went to the 362? I think for the weight gain, I'd better notice extra grunt!

But I'm holding out for an 046 that I know of.

Is your 039 muffler modded? If not, open that sucker up. I don't want to ruffle any more feathers but if you reread Saw Doc and nmurph's posts, it's quite clear you want to hold out for the 046.
my 039 is not MM'd

Is your 039 muffler modded? If not, open that sucker up. I don't want to ruffle any more feathers but if you reread Saw Doc and nmurph's posts, it's quite clear you want to hold out for the 046.

I am unlikely to MM it. I guess I'm a little leary of doing it until I have read more on the topic. I sort of wonder if the bearings will hold up... but again, I'm a novice on that topic.

I do have a lead on a good 046, and I think it's a DP as well. The guy told me when he's ready to sell, it's mine. I just don't know the price yet. I do have access to an 066 mag, so I'm in no hurry. When I need extra power, I've got it.