Bad neighbor!!!

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Nothin like the sound of a Stihl screamin in the hood.

Ya know it's kinda quiet with the stock muffler. After I get 7 more tanks thru it, it should be time for the muffler mod ;)
There must be some reason that the guy is so angry and unhappy. Probably not anything to do with you.

Just be glad you're not him! If the guy remains aggressive, etc, continue to be happy you are not him. Don't be manipulated by the guy to be as unhappy as he is.

I don't know what his problem is. All I know he's russian with 3 korean kids and a korean wife.
And used to live on the 2nd floor of his house as a tenant until the owner who lived on the 1st floor moved to FL when her husband died.
She was good friends with my grandmother who lived in my house before she died.

My father also took down a few of the sumacs when they were about 5" diameter by a hand saw at first then with his best friend who had 2 chainsaws (black and yellow and a silver one) and she never complained about, she was for it as she likes to garden...this was back in the 80's.

So I finished the rest on the 4th. Mission accomplished....with a STIHL!
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The one you made a cup out of?

The sumac is wet now, how long for it to dry before it can be used for burning?

When I cut the stump, wood chips was piling up to my ankles!

This piece air dried for a year. I need to borrow my brothers meter to check moisture content, but it seemed pretty dry.
There must be some reason that the guy is so angry and unhappy. Probably not anything to do with you.

Just be glad you're not him!

If it were me, rather than poison his animals, crap on his lawn, spray round-up on it ( I actually had to do a consultation that was about a neighbor doing this, the lady was pretty crazy, had being in an abusive relationship, ex husband is now in prison as a result. ), I might go for an other approach.

"Say neighbor, I see that you're really upset right now, seemingly with me, but it really seems that it can't really be about me. I'm sorry you feel like I'm the bad guy, but I'm just really minding my own business. People suggested that I smoke you out with a fire, crap on or poison your lawn, poison your animals, etc. What you did made me angry, too. But those would not really be good neighborly options. We're going to have to live next to each other for the foreseeable future. We don't have to be friends, but we could at least be civil. Neither of us wants to get upset every single time we see each other. What do you say?"

My best friend when I was a kid had a dad that was at odds with the neighbor over stupid sh*t. Ended up escalating from always being pissed whenever the saw each other, to the neighbor trying to assault my friend's dad. Doesn't seem like a relaxed homelife to me.

If the guy remains aggressive, etc, continue to be happy you are not him. Don't be manipulated by the guy to be as unhappy as he is.

Reminds me of the story about the Wind and the Sun trying to get a man to remove his coat. The Wind blew as hard as it could but the man just wrapped the coat more tightly around him. The Sun brightened up and sent a few beams at the man. In no time the coat came off. A little warmth can do wonders.

Not to imply that you weren't cordial 777er - I just remembered this story.
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neighbor's wife is a korean with 3 kids :rolleyes:

and the bad neighbor in question looks russian to me.

Last month I got a mail in my mailbox from DirectTV addressed to the next door neighbor...looked at the address and it's his house #, looked at his roof and there's a direcTV dish...busted...already got his full name.

Then I take my sweet time to put the mail in the blue USPS mailbox for re-delivery to the correct address ;)
Looks like a DirecTV will slap him with a late payment fee :)

Around here its being invaded with asians... not to be racist but its a fact. And they coem in here and try to change things, me riding my quads bikes ext. My closest nabor is 1/4 mile away and its my uncle and the next one is ower good freinds. We live on ower farm on the river, far away from any a holes. But i cant stand peopel moving in and trying to screw with the peopel who have lived here their whole lives.
I don't know what his problem is. All I know he's russian with 3 korean kids and a korean wife.
And used to live on the 2nd floor of his house as a tenant until the owner who lived on the 1st floor moved to FL when her husband died.
She was good friends with my grandmother who lived in my house before she died.

My father also took down a few of the sumacs when they were about 5" diameter by a hand saw at first then with his best friend who had 2 chainsaws (black and yellow and a silver one) and she never complained about, she was for it as she likes to garden...this was back in the 80's.

So I finished the rest on the 4th. Mission accomplished....with a STIHL!

He's probably a control freak - hence the Korean wife. I've worked for those type people before and listened to this one guy brag about how servile his Philipino wife is. He was showing off her skills to us - get them some towels, cook some lunch etc. What a dork! His ex amercan wife was long gone banging someone else, lol.
dog poop

About the dog poop, I had a nieghbor walk her dog past my house and for the longest time the little thing would do it's duty on my lawn. Well I then followed her home and proceded to squat right on her front lawn and do my duty. Well don't you know the hubby comes over and says I'll make sure the dog stays off your lawn. Done
About the dog poop, I had a nieghbor walk her dog past my house and for the longest time the little thing would do it's duty on my lawn. Well I then followed her home and proceded to squat right on her front lawn and do my duty. Well don't you know the hubby comes over and says I'll make sure the dog stays off your lawn. Done

See, I sort of lose you past the first sentence there... lol
I agree that good fences make good neighbors. I have three strands of barbed wire around my shop property. It is posted with metal signs every 100 feet. If a sign disappears I nail it back with 6" nails and hang a string of empty 45 ACP or 357 Mag cases around it. If the fence gets cut I fix it then hang a string of empties on it. It will never be touched again. It helps to do a little target practice out back on a monthly or weekly basis. I had problems but since employing these solutions I have had no vandalism or trespassing in 10 years.

Now in town where my house is I can't do all that. I did put up a nice split rail fence covered with vinyl coated chain link. These keeps the neighbors on three sides from raking their leaves into my yard. I tried polite requests for five years not to do this and they were ignored. The fence cost two grand but that was cheaper than hiring a lawyer to plea bargain a felonious assault charge down to a misdemeanor.

The meat head across the street started blowing his leaves into the street. This is a pet peeve of mine since I have five motorbikes I ride often. Wet leaves are like an icy road on a bike. I asked him nicely to refrain. He laughed at me. So that night at about 11PM after his lights went out I fired a full box of 22 shotshells out my front door into the ground. They will not penetrate a pop can beyond 10 feet but they are loud as hell in town. No more leaves in the street!

I would suggest running your saw to check it around 11PM every night until your bad neighbor becomes good. I start up my five bikes at once and rev them if a neighbor is being bad. After a couple times they mind their own business.

I have also gotten a sheriff's restraining order against trespass with one moron neighbor at our local gun club where I serve on the Board. It was easy to do.

My philosphy is to convince your crazy bad neighbor that you are more crazy, simply insane. Fear crazy people, they are unpredictable. I fear them but they fear me more. Do not get me wrong, I have a wonderful relationship with most all my neighbors at four properties. I give them firewood and they give me cookies and beer.

I will try this if I must someday-

Take a moonlight walk with strong mix Round Up in a milk, water or cider jug. When you pass the bad neighbors lawn, write F--- You in big letters on their perfect grass. A week or two later they will get the message.
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I will try this if I must someday-

Take a moonlight walk with strong mix Round Up in a milk, water or cider jug. When you pass the bad neighbors lawn, write F--- You in big letters on their perfect grass. A week or two later they will get the message.

I think that has worked a few times.........
and a 22? they go a mile and will go rite threw someones scull? Or were they blanks like spacegoat shoots?
Shotshells, as I wrote, the shot is the size of fly turds. And I wrote that I shot into the ground.

I have never hurt a person physically since 8th. grade. And that was just a bloody ear.
Pet rattlesnake and boa constrictor works every time.

Tree MDS- See, I sort of lose you past the first sentence there... lol Dog would **** on my lawn, I **** on her lawn dog stops chittih on my lawn.
Shotshells, as I wrote, the shot is the size of fly turds. And I wrote that I shot into the ground.

I have never hurt a person physically since 8th. grade. And that was just a bloody ear.

ohh lol i was just confused. 8th grade your on a roll i think its been 2 weeks since i last punched someone.....
I'd hit that thing up so quick with the spaded shovel it wouldnt even know sorry! lol.


Ill have to agree a don't do snakes...... if i see them their dead sorry they do no good to me just bite me. And scare the #### out of me.
That's the whole point. Annoying person at door or neighbor, just get out one of the snakes. Works every time.:laugh:

They make halloween fun to when I answer the door with the boa. The kids love it... most of them.

If that was on my step id get the 12 and some buck shot and their would be bloody meat everywhere, works every time. Sorry i know you like snakes.