BIG KNOTTY rounds by hand

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Jul 2, 2007
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North East USA
Splitting for > 40 years , still by hand, not as fast as 1990, but still a chopper

How do you do it?


Small stuff ( straight grain some 16-20") an axe with chopping block.

Bigger/knots , a big traditional maul, 2nd maul backup and a wedge.

Big and/or NASTY, two mauls , 3 wedges, and a 20 lb sledge ( try to find one, it's a BEAST)

Nothing this has not busted up and some were greater than 50" rounds of hardwoods.

Tell us your stories!!!

P.S. Powered tools don't count, e.g making 1/4s via noodles
I don't have a power splitter, but I won't say that I never noodle or rip the ugly stuff.
4.5 lb splitting ax
6lb maul
8lb maul
I recently got the ax, I like it on most things because it doesn't wear me out as fast. I usually use the smaller maul with wedges, and I like the bigger one for medium stuff.
One tip I have for walnut rounds is to bust off the outside quarter of the round first, then work around busting off small triangles. Oak usually seems to bust across the middle easier, then to do pie pieces. -Morgan
Being a heavy equipment operator, my motto has always been: If it don't have a key, I can't start it! Pretty sure I have not split 2 pieces of wood by hand:msp_scared: in the last, oh, I dunnno, 30 years? :msp_biggrin:

If you learn to use the axe, if it gets stuck good, use your spilting block (NASTIUST POS, make your splitting block)

Flip the round and bring the AXE head down on the splitting block. Now the ROUNDS weight is doing the work. 90% will split..

BE CAREFUL, if axe is not tight in split, and OR/YOU are STRONG on down stroke, axe head will pull out, round will smack back of your head. OWCH!! Fall over.... recover....... continue on....

Hope we will get to biiguns.......
Being a heavy equipment operator, my motto has always been: If it don't have a key, I can't start it! Pretty sure I have not split 2 pieces of wood by hand:msp_scared: in the last, oh, I dunnno, 30 years? :msp_biggrin:


Gonna freeze without gas /diesel?

For a while I dropped trees with an axe/saw, then bucked them with a crosscut.

Still have those if needed.

Sharpening crosscuts is an ALMOST lost art.
Axes and mauls... MP what are all those 038's for? Shelf queens? :msp_w00t:
Another thing I do, for SMALL rounds, I use an axe on the ground , don't even pick it up:

Hit it hard enough for axe to stick, DON NOT MISS AND HIT YOUR FOOT/SHEN.

Flip stuck round, hit the round on NEXT round or CHOPPING block , it works

DISCLAIMER : THIS WORKS FOR ME BUT NOT IDIOTS, USE AT OWM RISK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!spliter splitters/Another thing I do, for SMALL rounds, I use an axe on the ground , don't even pick it up:

Hit it hard enough far axe to stick, DON NOT MISS AND HIT YOUR FOOT/SHEN.

Flip stuck round, hit the next round to be split, it works


Homeowners do not need a 2000$ splitter, unless they aRe LAZY

P.S. been a LONG day , will check this Fri/Sat best to all , MP
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Axes and mauls... MP what are all those 038's for? Shelf queens? :msp_w00t:

Well they cut the 038 $#!t out of wood. EVER used one?

I've ran wood since since about, 1970, so JUST personal use ca. 8 cords a year. Hit that by 40 cords for JUST me. I've sold wood, when it was $35, a cord/hardwood , DELIVERED .


Also have a wood lot and mill. Milled at a circle mill to get through college, I learned grading and was the person who broke down raw flickes into boards/beams.

Know how to mill , and grade lumber? I DO.

Be a POSER, we LUV them :hmm3grin2orange:
Axes and mauls... MP what are all those 038's for? Shelf queens? :msp_w00t:

I forgot, ever fell and/or bucked wood by HAND? Hewn and beam from a log? I have and can layout a house just the way they did in 1650.

Could you?

I have the tools and Knowledge? RIGHT NOW

Do YOU??

NO, tapes, no squares, , .........

Go on ........ but you might be called " SMALL"

Best MP
i'm splitting by hand. so far the worst stuff is some really thick cherry. for that i have to use the sledge side of my maul and get a wedge into. 1 maul and 1 wedge has been enough for me so far...
My favorite is the wedges and sledges. I have couple big wedges and small ones, a 10lb sledge and a 4lb sledge. The axe comes in every now and then until I get stuck a couple times then it's back to the wedges. I feel as if I'm wasting time if wood isn't getting split and with the wedges it is gonna split no questions. Hit it with your purse ladies ,lift that skirt up. :msp_w00t:
Axes and mauls... MP what are all those 038's for? Shelf queens? :msp_w00t:

Want to run your super , against one of my conversions?

I am in where Vermont, Ny, and mASS converge.

I'll poprose a 20" 8 pin 3/8 in hardwood. RSC chain

Mine will pull 25" fine too if that is Your desire?

16" is a weak sister/but fast.
Well they cut the 038 $#!t out of wood. EVER used one?


Know how to mill , and grade lumber? I DO.

Be a POSER, we LUV them :hmm3grin2orange:

Go on ........ but you might be called " SMALL"

can we get to subject ASHOLE !!!


1) Sorry for "venom" , ever worked hard? I think never, ever. Farm ? Lumber mill? Landing?

Want to run your super , against one of my conversions?

I am in where Vermont, Ny, and mASS converge.

I'll poprose a 20" 8 pin 3/8 in hardwood. RSC chain

Mine will pull 25" fine too if that is Your desire?

16" is a weak sister/but fast.

Wow, MP, my first comment was a JOKE. EVER heard of one? Hence the smiley face thingamajig at the end.

I asked about the 038, because I have one, that I referenced your posts for to modifying into a Mag. I learned, hacked at it, took a few tries, and now I hope its ready to run. Waiting for the fall to fire it up and see what it can do. Of course, I do that because I enjoy it, not to showboat, gloat, and shoot personal attacks on others who haven't.

Splitting 8 cords by hand doesn't make you a man. I bought a splitter because it saves me time over splitting those nasty rounds by hand, saves my back, and in turn I get to enjoy life more and spend time with my family. I guess I'm not a man in your book, but then again, I couldn't care less after your tirade.

I also find it quite humorous that you have a narrow definition of hard work. You have to be a blue collar laborer in order to qualify? Sorry, but my paycheck suggests I am working hard enough for someone's liking.
Want to run your super , against one of my conversions?

I am in where Vermont, Ny, and mASS converge.

I'll poprose a 20" 8 pin 3/8 in hardwood. RSC chain

Mine will pull 25" fine too if that is Your desire?

16" is a weak sister/but fast.

Oh, and I just want my new to me Mag to run, period. Then, I want it to cut firewood.

But I'm a poser, not a cookie cutter, so disregard.
I think I work hard. 50+ hrs a week in the trades, cut down, chunked, brought home and hand split with the fiskers, almost 40 cord this past calender yr. Along with all the homeowner, husband, fatherly duties. Yes I do farm, pigs, goats, chickens, rabbits.
I do believe the 038 is in fine working order, Just not as good as the 362 or the 6401 not evan close.
I have been called many,many things(and most are true) but I have never been called lazy.

I would think a lazy person would just buy propane?

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